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  • 作者:編者:羅靖//謝寶霞//徐玲|責編:任戰
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309167283
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:355
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



1  Culture and Intercultural Business Communication
  Passage A  An Introduction to Culture
  Passage B  Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory
  Passage C  Introduction to Intercultural Business Communication
2  Language and Culture
  Passage A  An Introduction to Language and Culture
  Passage B  Communication Styles
  Passage C  Language Barriers in Intercultural Communication
3  Business Writing in Intercultural Communication
  Passage A  Basics of Business Writing
  Passage B  Different Genres of Business Writing
  Passage C  Intercultural Awareness of Business Writing
4  Verbal Communication
  Passage A  Business Small Talk
  Passage B  Euphemism
  Passage C  Translation in Intercultural Communication
5  Nonverbal Communication
  Passage A  An Introduction to Nonverbal Communication
  Passage B  Body Language: Kinesics
  Passage C  Time and Proxemics
6  Business Etiquette
  Passage A An Introduction to Business Etiquette
  Passage B  Meeting Etiquette
  Passage C  Office Etiquette
7  International Business Negotiation
  Passage A  An Introduction to Business Negotiation
  Passage B  Negotiation and Culture
  Passage C  The Secret of Win-Win Negotiation
8  Corporate Culture
  Passage A  An Introduction to Corporate Culture
  Passage B  National Cultures and Corporate Cultures
  Passage C  Intercultural Conflicts among Multinational Corporations
9  International Marketing
  Passage A  An introduction to Marketing
  Passage B  International Marketing
  Passage C  Introduction to Advertising
10  Intercultural Team
  Passage A  An Introduction to Intercultural Team
  Passage B  Building an Intercultural Team
  Passage C  How to Develop a Successful Intercultural Team

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