幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:張靜曉//徐琳|責編:李笑然//牛松
  • 出版社:中國建築工業
  • ISBN:9787112297313
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:412
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Process Engineering Management
  1.1  Process Oriented Analysis
  1.2  Lean Production
  1.3  Smart Manufacturing
  1.4  Reading Material
Chapter 2  Engineering or Industrial Optimization Methods
  2.1  System Engineering Theory and Method
  2.2  Operations Research
  2.3  System Simulation
  2.4  Game Theory
  2.5  Decision Analysis
  2.6  Reading Material
Chapter 3  Construction Project Management
  3.1  Construction Project
  3.2  Bidding Design Procurement and Site Construction Managemen
  3.3  Time and Cost Management
  3.4  Planning and Scheduling
  3.5  Reading Material
Chapter 4  Modern Evaluation Technique of Project Management
  4.1  Project Management and Evaluation
  4.2  Resource Management
  4.3  Risk Management
  4.4  Market and Business Process Management
  4.5  Investment Decision and Economic Evaluation
  4.6  Finance and Internet Plus
  4.7  Reading Material
Chapter 5  Information Technology and Management Information System
  5.1  Management Information System
  5.2  Big Data
  5.3  Data Mining
  5.4  Artificial Intelligence
  5.5  BIM
  5.6  Database Management Systems
  5.7  ERP Systems
  5.8  Reading Material
Chapter 6  Service System Operation and Management
  6.1  Service Innovation and Management
  6.2  Service Finance
  6.3  Service System
  6.4  Service Operations
  6.5  Reading Material
Chapter 7  Logistics System Design, Optimization and Supply Chain Management
  7.1  Logistics System Design
  7.2  Logistics System Optimization
  7.3  Supply Chain
  7.4  Reading Material
Chapter 8  Safety Engineering and Management
  8.1  Human Factors Engineering
  8.2  Safety Engineering
  8.3  Safety in Design

  8.4  Reading Material
Chapter 9  Reliability and Quality Engineering
  9.1  Reliability
  9.2  Quality Engineering
  9.3  Risk Analysis
  9.4  Reading Material
Chapter 10  Software Engineering and Applications
  10.1  Software Engineering
  10.2  Requirement Analysis
  10.3  Internet Application and Internet of Things
  10.4  Application of Digital Twin in Manufacturing and Construction
  10.5  Reading Material
Chapter 11  Standardized Engineering
  11.1  Standardization
  11.2  Corporate Standardization
  11.3  Engineering Standards
  11.4  Reading Material
Chapter 12  Business Process Management
  12.1  Business Decision
  12.2  Process Control
  12.3  Process Management
  12.4  Reading Material
Chapter 13  Innovation and R&D Management
  13.1  New Product Development
  13.2  Innovation
  13.3  Technological Innovation
  13.4  Engineering Innovation
  13.5  R&D Management
  13.6  Reading Material
Chapter 14  Investment Decision and Economic Evaluation
  14.1  Economic Evaluation
  14.2  Engineering Cost
  14.3  Investment Feasibility
  14.4  Reading Material
Chapter 15  Management of Public Utilities and Government Departments
  15.1  Project Decisions for Public Utilities and Government Departments
  15.2  Proiect Management in Public Utilities and Government Department
  15.3  Risk Management in Publie Utilities and Govermment Department
  15.4  Solution Implementation
  15.5  Reading Material
Appendix Research Methodology

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