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  • 作者:編者:中華人民共和國水利部|責編:張潔//王啟//覃薇
  • 出版社:中國水利水電
  • ISBN:9787522625560
  • 出版日期:2024/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:132
人民幣:RMB 398 元      售價:



Pushing Forward the High- quality Development of Water Sector
Major Victory in Preventing Floods and Droughts Achieved
Water Infrastructure Construction Accelerated with Full Force
Comprehensive Benefits from the Three Gorges Reservoir Continuously Delivered over the Past 20 Years
Phase I of the Eastern Route of the South- to- North Water Diversion Project Saw Remarkable Comprehensive Benefits from
Years Operation
Economical and Intensive Utilization of Water Resources Strengthened
Unified Dispatch of Water Resources Reinforced
All- round Efforts Made to Build Safe,Ecologically Healthy and Happy Rivers and Lakes
Coordinated Soil and Water Conservation Advanced
Building of Digital Twins System for Water Resources Management Expedited
High- quality Development of Water Supply in Rural Areas Promoted
Construction and Modernization of Irrigation Districts Accelerated
Green Development of Small Hydropower Stations Bolstered
Reform of Key Areas and Vital Parts Stepped Up
Breakthrough in Water Conservancy Legislation in Key Areas Made
Capacity for Ensuring Water Safety in River Basins Enhanced
Capacity of Scientific and Technological Innovation to Sustain and Boost Water Conservancy Improved
Engagement in Global Water Governance Deepened
Special Column 1 XVIII World Water Congress Successfully Held
Special Column 2 MWR Digital Twins Platform and National Water Management Map(2023 Edition)Released
Special Column 3 Four Chinese Irrigation Projects Designated as World Heritage Irrigation Structures
special Column 4 First Cross- Provincial Water Rights Trading in the Yellow River Basin Completed
Case 1 First Carbon Sink Trading for Soil and Water Conservation Project Conducted Successfully in Fujian
Case 2 A New Model of Water Abstraction Loan Inaugurated for Environmental Protection and Economic Growth in Zhejiang
Attached Table Main Indices of Water Development in 2022

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