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  • 作者:編者:顧學華|責編:郭國璽
  • 出版社:中國經濟
  • ISBN:9787513678551
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:246
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:


    顧學華,男,1978年出生,先後畢業於英國諾森比亞大學、法國皮埃爾蒙代斯大學、法國格勒諾布爾大學,先後獲得國際金融與會計文學學士學位、財務管理碩士學位、理學碩士學位、管理科學博士學位,現為北京第二外國語學院商學院副教授,長期從事國際教育教學、科學研究以及來華留學生教育教學工作,先後獲得上海財經大學優秀教師獎、法國外交部埃菲爾獎學金(Eiffel Scholarship)、法國伊澤爾省羅阿大區管理科學研究獎學金,曾擔任2010年上海世博會英語培訓咨詢專家;講授的本科、碩士研究生課程有公司金融、國際營銷、統計學、管理會計、管理學研究方法、SAS金融編程導論等。

Chapter I  An Overview of Finance
  1.0  Introduction
  1.1  Capital Market
    1.1.1  What is a Capital Market
    1.1.2  The Role of a Capital Market
    1.1.3  Primary Market VS Secondary Market
  1.2  Participants in a Capital Market
    1.2.1  Financial Intermediaries
    1.2.2  Financial Institutions
    1.2.3  Broker-dealer
  1.3  Business Organisations and Physical Assets Market
  1.4  Chinese Capital Market: An Introduction
    1.4.1  Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)
    1.4.2  The STAR Market
    1.4.3  Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE)
    1.4.4  Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE)
  1.5  Share Classes and Securities in China
  1.6  Capital Market Analyst Approach
Chapter 2  Money and Money Market
  2.0  Introduction
    2.0.1  Checks/Cheques
    2.0.2  Legal Tender
    2.0.3  Barter
  2.1  Historical Development of Money
    2.1.1  Origins of Money
    2.1.2  Token Money
    2.1.3  A Brief History of Money in China
  2.2  The Essential Qualities of Money
  2.3  The Functions of Money
  2.4  Defining Money in a Broader Sense
    2.4.1  Money Convertibility
    2.4.2  Money Defined in Theory
    2.4.3  Money Defined in Macroeconomics
    2.4.4  Money Defined by Money Supply
  2.5  Money Market
    2.5.1  The Bill Market
    2.5.2  Inter-bank (Lending) Market
    2.5.3  Certificates of Deposit Market
Chapter 3  Basic Concepts and Theories in Finance
  3.0  Introduction
  3.1  Theory of Managerial Self-Interest
  3.2  The Concept of Agency
  3.3  The Concept of "Time Value of Money
    3.3.1  Single Interest Rate
    3.3.2  Compound Interest Rate
  3.4  The Concept of Maximising Shareholders' Wealth

  3.5  Risk Diversification and Risk Aversion
    3.5.1  Systemic Risk or Market Risk
    3.5.2  Risk-Aversion Theory
  3.6  Information Asymmetry and Financial Signalling
    3.6.1  Information Asymmetry
    3.6.2  The Financial Signalling Theory
  3.7  The Capital Market Efficiency Theory
Chapter 4  Business Source of Finance
  4.0  Introduction
  4.1  Business Structure
    4.1.1  Sole Proprietorship
    4.1.2  Partnership
    4.1.3  Unincorporated VS Incorporated Business
  4.2  Equity Finance
    4.2.1  Ordinary Shares
    4.2.2  Preference Shares
  4.3  Debt Finance
    4.3.1  Types of Corporate Debt
    4.3.2  Interest Coupon Rate
  4.4  Convertible Securities and Warrants
  4.5  International Sources of Finance
  4.6  Alternative Sources of Finance
Chapter 5  Time Value of Money
  5.0  Introduction
  5.1  Future Value
    5.1.1  Future Value Table
    5.1.2  The Use of Future Value
  5.2  Present Value
  5.3  Annuities
  5.4  Perpetuity
  5.5  Real Rates of Interest and Nominal Rates of Interest
Chapter 6  Fixed-Interest Securities and Valuations
  6.0  Introduction
  6.1  What is Value
    6.1.1  Book Value
    6.1.2  Market Value
    6.1.3  Forced-Sale Value
  6.2  Government Bond Valuation
    6.2.1  Risks Associated with Government Bonds
    6.2.2  Calculating Market Value after an Unexpected Change in Interest Rates
  6.3  Bond Yields
    6.3.1  Interest (Current) Yield
    6.3.2  Yield to Maturity (YTM)
    6.3.3  The Valuation of Undated Government Bonds

  6.4  Corporate Bond
    6.4.1  Risks Associated with Debentures and Loan Stock
    6.4.2  Further Explanation of Default Risk Premium
    6.4.3  China Government Bond Index
  6.5  The Yield Curves
    6.5.1  An Introduction to Yield Curves
    6.5.2  Positive Yield Curve
    6.5.3  Inverted Yield Curve
    6.5.4  Flat Yield Curve
Chapter 7  Ordinary Share Valuation
  7.0  Introduction
  7.1  Information and Equity Value
  7.2  Valuing Ordinary Shares
    7.2.1  Absolute Valuation
    7.2.2  Relative Valuation
    7.2.3  Factors Affecting the Value of Ordinary Shares
  7.3  Equity Valuation Models
    7.3.1  Asset-based Valuation
    7.3.2  Income-based Valuation Model
    7.3.3  Discounted Cash Flow-based Valuation (DCFV)
Chapter 8  Stock Market Investment Indicators
  8.0  Introduction
  8.1  Measuring Risks and Returns
    8.1.1  Expected Return
    8.1.2  Variance and Standard Deviation
    8.1.3  Introduction to Some Technical Indicators
  8.2  Financial Ratio Analysis
    8.2.1  Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio
    8.2.2  Earnings Yield
    8.2.3  Earnings Yield VS P/E Ratio
    8.2.4  Dividend Yield
    8.2.5  Dividend Coverage Ratio (DCR)
    8.2.6  Solvency Ratio (Gearing)
    8.2.7  Profitability Ratios
    8.2.8  Working Capital Management Ratios
    8.2.9  Liquidity Ratio
  8.3  Comprehensive Examples
    8.3.1  Stock Market Performance Analysis
    8.3.2  Financial Ratios Analysis and a Comparison of Two Companies in the Same Industry
    8.3.3  FRA in Action
Chapter 9  Strategic Financial Management
  9.0  Introduction
  9.1  Business Finance
  9.2  Finance in Non-profit Organisations (NPOs)

  9.3  The Concept of Value, Revisited
  9.4  Strategic Financial Management
  9.5  Investment Decisions
  9.6  Financing Decisions
Appendix I  Keys to Exercises
Appendix II  Present Value and Future Value Table of I yuan
Appendix III  Glossary of Finance
Appendix IV  World Currency Code and Symbol

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