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  • 作者:編者:胡鑒明//蔣理//趙真|責編:張高平
  • 出版社:中國商務
  • ISBN:9787510352294
  • 出版日期:2024/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:268
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:



Introduction (導論)
Chapter One  Business Letter Writing (商務信函寫作)
  Section 1  Introduction
  Section 2  Language Style of Business letters
  Section 3  Format of Business Letters
  Section 4  Layout of the Common Blocked Lines for Business Letters
  Section 5  Addressing Envelopes
  Section 6  Exercises
Chapter Two  Establishment of Business Relations & Credit Status Enquiries(建立業務關係和資信調查)
  Section 1  Establishment of Business Relations
  Section 2  Credit Status Enquiries
  Section 3  Useful Expressions
  Section 4  Exercises
Chapter Three  Enquiry and Offer (詢價和報盤)
  Section 1  Enquiry
  Section 2  Cuidelines for Writing Enquiries
  Section 3  Reply to Enquiries: Quotations and Offers
  Section 4  Important Notes on an Offer
  Section 5  Guidelines for Replying to Enquiries
  Section 6  Specimen Letters
  Section 7  Useful Expressions
  Section 8  Exercises
Chapter Four  Response to Offers (回應報價)
  Section 1  Declining an Offer
  Section 2  Guidelines for Declining an Offer
  Section 3  Conditional Acceptance: Counter-offer
  Section 4  Guidelines for Writing Counter-offer Lettens
  Section 5  Reply to Counter-offer
  Section 6  Entire Acceptance
  Section 7  Guidelines for Writing Acceptanee Letters
  Section 8  Specimen Letters
  Section 9  Useful Expressions
  Section 10  Exercises
Chapter Five  Order Placing & Replies to Orders (下訂單及對訂單的回應)
  Section 1  Introduction
  Section 2  Types of Orders
  Section 3  Confirmation of an Order
  Section 4  Useful Expressions
  Section 5  Exercises
Chapter Six  International Business Contract (國際商務合同)
  Section 1  Introduction
  Section 2  The Contract Heading
  Section 3  The Recitals
  Section 4  The Main Body of a Contract
  Section 5  The Validation of a Contract
  Section 6  Specimens of Contract
  Section 7  Useful Expressions
  Section 8  Exercises
Chapter Seven  Terms of Payment(支付條款)
  Section 1  Payment Instruments

  Section 2  Terms of Payment
  Section 3  Specimen Letters
  Section 4  Useful Expressions
  Section 5  Exercises
Chapter Eight  Letter of Credit (信用證)
  Section 1  Introduction
  Section 2  Parties in a Letter of Credit
  Section 3  Contents of a Letter of Credit
  Section 4  Categories of Letters of Credit
  Section 5  Basic Documentary Procedure of L/C
  Section 6  Payment Terms in the Contract
  Section 7  Specimens of L/C
  Section 8  Specimen Letters Concerming LC
  Section 9  Useful Expressions
  Section 10  Exercises
Chapter Nine  Shipment and Ocean Bill of Lading (B/L) (裝運及海運提單)
  Section 1  Ocean Transport
  Section 2  Terms of Shipment in the Contract and the Covering LC
  Section 3  Types of Ocean Bill of Lading
  Section 4  Contents of Ocean B/L and Its Making
  Section 5  Specimen Letters
  Section 6  Useful Expressions
  Section 7  Exercises
Chapter Ten  Packing(包裝)
  Section 1  The Importance of Packing in Foreign Trade
  Section 2  Packing Terms in Foreign Trade
  Section 3  Different Kinds of Transportation Packing and Their Packaging Containers
  Section 4  Packing Marks
  Section 5  Packing List & Weight List
  Section 6  Specimen Letters
  Section 7  Useful Expressions
  Section 8  Exercises
Chapter Eleven  Insurance (保險)
  Section 1  Insurance in Foreign Trade
  Section 2  Marine Insurance
  Section 3  Types of Coverage
  Section 4  Effecting Insurance
  Section 5  Specimen Letters
  Section 6  Useful Expressions
  Section 7  Exercises
Chapter Twelve  Complaints, Disputes and Claims (投訴、爭議與索賠)
  Section 1  Definition of Complaints, Disputes and Claims
  Section 2  Different Types of Complaints, Disputes and Claims
  Section 3  Specimen Letters
  Section 4  Useful Expressions
  Section 5  Exercises
Chapter Thirteen  Agency (代理)
  Section 1  Introduction
  Section 2  Relations between Principal and Agent
  Section 3  What to Be Covered in Agency Agreement

  Section 4  Specimen Letters
  Section 5  Useful Expressions
  Section 6  Exercises
Chapter Fourteen  Business Fax and Email Writing (商務傳真和電子郵件寫作)
  Section 1  Introduction
  Section 2  Fax
  Section 3  Email
  Section 4  Useful Expressions
Chapter Fifteen  Documentation in International Trade (外貿單證)
  Section 1  Introduction
  Section 2  Kinds of International Trading Documents
  Section 3  Issues Concerning Documents
  Section 4  Specimens
  Section 5  Useful Expressions
Enclosure:International Commercial Terms

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