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  • 作者:編者:林揚//餘明洋|責編:李紅麗
  • 出版社:旅遊教育
  • ISBN:9787563745272
  • 出版日期:2023/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:190
人民幣:RMB 39 元      售價:



Contents of the Teaching Resources
Unit 1  Flight Crew機組人員
  Section 1-1  Warm-up
    Ⅰ.Word Master
    Ⅱ.Word Application
  Section 1-2  Micro-Listening
    Ⅰ.Word Listening
    Ⅱ.Sentence Listening
  Section 1-3  Macro-Listening
    Ⅰ.Short Conversations
    Ⅱ.Long Conversations
    Dialogue 1  After the Training Seminar/培訓會後
    Dialogue 2  Job Requirement/工作要求
    Ⅲ.Passage Listening
    KLM Royal Dutch Airlines/荷蘭皇家航空公司
  Section 1-4  Movie Gallery
    Ⅰ.Fill in the Blanks
  Section 1-5  Break Time
    A Song  I Believe I Can Fly/我相信我能飛翔
    Visual Exploration  A Day in the Life of a Jetairfl y Cabin Crew Member/捷特飛航空公司乘務員的一天
  Section 1-6  Language Practice
Unit 2  Flight Types  航班類型
  Section 2-1  Warm-up
    Ⅰ.Word Master
    Ⅱ.Word Application
  Section 2-2  Micro-Listening
    Ⅰ.Word Listening
    Ⅱ.Sentence Listening
  Section 2-3  Macro-Listening
    Ⅰ.Short Conversations
    Ⅱ.Long Conversations
    Dialogue 1  Inquiring about Flights/詢問航班
    Dialogue 2  Inquiring about Flight Connections/詢問航班中轉
    Ⅲ.Passage Listening
    Information about Flight Types/航班類型信息
  Section 2-4  Movie Gallery
    Ⅰ.Fill in the Blanks
  Section 2-5  Break Time
    A Song  She/她
    Visual Exploration  The World』s Shortest Flight/全球最短航班
  Section 2-6  Language Practice
Unit 3  Flight Booking  航班預訂
  Section 3-1  Warm-up
    Ⅰ.Word Master
    Ⅱ.Word Application
  Section 3-2  Micro-Listening
    Ⅰ.Word Listening

    Ⅱ.Sentence Listening
  Section 3-3  Macro-Listening
    Ⅰ.Short Conversations
    Ⅱ.Long Conversations
    Dialogue 1  Inquiring about Charter Flights/咨詢包機
    Dialogue 2  Booking a Ticket for an International Flight/預訂國際航班機票
    Ⅲ.Passage Listening
    How to Book an Airline Ticket/如何預訂機票
  Section 3-4  Movie Gallery
    Ⅰ.Fill in the Blanks
  Section 3-5  Break Time
    A Song  You Raise Me Up/你鼓舞了我
  Section 3-6  Language Practice
Unit 4  Special Traveling Requirements  特殊旅行需求
Unit 5 Ticket Change and Endorsement  客票改簽
Unit 6 Checking in at the Airport  辦理登機手
Unit 7 Security Chec  安全檢查
Unit 8 Welcome Aboard  歡迎登機
Unit 9 Announcements 廣播通告
Unit 10 Cabin Service(Ⅰ)  客艙服務(一)
Unit 11 Cabin Service(Ⅱ)  客艙服務(二)
Unit 12 Ready to Land  準備降落
Unit 13 Arrival at the Airportt  抵達機場
Unit 14 Going Through Customs and Immigrations  通關入境
Unit 15 Emergency Handling  緊急狀況處理

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