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  • 作者:錢加榮|責編:孫鳴鳳//鄧琳琳
  • 出版社:中國農業
  • ISBN:9787109322417
  • 出版日期:2024/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:185
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:


    錢加榮,研究員,博士,中國農業科學院農業經濟與發展研究所技術經濟研究室副主任,中國技術經濟學會農業技術經濟分會理事,長期從事農業科技進步、農業生產率、油料產業經濟等研究。主持各類研究課題30余項,其中國家社會科學基金項目2項、省部級課題3項(農業農村部、人力資源和社會保障部、教育部);在Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics、AgriculturalEconomics、《農業經濟問題》《農業技術經濟》及日本主流農業經濟類期刊,以第一作者或通訊作者發表論文20余篇,相關文章被中國人民大學複印報刊資料全文轉載;出版學術專著2部;應邀參加國際農經大會、世界銀行學術會議、亞洲農經大會等重要國際會議並作主旨報告10余次。

Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Background
  1.2  Literature review
    1.2.1  Studies on grain price support policies
    1.2.2  Studies on grain production costs
    1.2.3  Studies on reform of grain price support policy
  1.3  Justification
  1.4  Objective
  1.5  Research significance
  1.6  Innovation
Chapter 2  Evolution of grain price policies in China
  2.1  Market liberalization (1949-1952)
  2.2  State monopoly (1953-1984)
  2.3  Dual-track pricing system (1985-1992)
  2.4  Protection price policy (1993-2003)
  2.5  Minimum purchasing price policy (2004-present)
  2.6  Summary
Chapter 3  Implementation of current price support policy and changes in grain market
  3.1  Implementation of price support policy
    3.1.1  Current grain price support policy in China
    3.1.2  Policy implementing areas
    3.1.3  Announce of grain support prices
    3.1.4  Changes in grain support prices
  3.2  Grain marketing changes after policy implementation
    3.2.1  Grain price changes
    3.2.2  Grain production costs increase
    3.2.3  Grain production increases
    3.2.4  Grain ending stocks increase
    3.2.5  Grain imports increase
  3.3  Summary
Chapter 4  Effect of price support policy on grain prices
  4.1  Grain price changes
    4.1.1  Changes in rice prices
    4.1.2  Changes in wheat prices
  4.2  Impact mechanism of price support policy
  4.3  Empirical analysis on the effect of price support policy on grain prices
    4.3.1  Model specification
    4.3.2  Data
    4.3.3  Estimated results
  4.4  Summary
Chapter 5  Effect of price support policy on grain production costs
  5.1  Grain price support policy and production costs in China
  5.2  Methodology
    5.2.1  Panel unit root test
    5.2.2  Panel cointegration test
    5.2.3  Panel long-run Granger causality
  5.3  Data
  5.4  Empirical Results
    5.4.1  Unit root test

    5.4.2  Panel Cointegration
    5.4.3  Panel Causality test
  5.5  Summary
Chapter 6  Grain supply and demand model for price policy simulation
  6.1  Studies on partial equilibrium mode
  6.2  Model structure
    6.2.1  Production sector
    6.2.2  Consumption sector
    6.2.3  Trade sector
    6.2.4  Price and cost linkages
    6.2.5  Market clearance
  6.3  Model estimation
    6.3.1  Data
    6.3.2  Estimated results
  6.4  Summary
Chapter 7  Simulations on impact of price support policy
  7.1  Simulation scenarios
  7.2  Simulation results
    7.2.1  Changes in grain marketing
    7.2.2  Food security indicators
    7.2.3  Grain production revenue
  7.3  Summary
Chapter 8  Conclusions and Policy Recommendations
  8.1  Conclusions
    8.1.1  Main problems with the price support policy
    8.1.2  Grain price support policy determines grain market price
    8.1.3  Grain price support policy increases grain production costs
    8.1.4  Effect of price support policy adjustment on grain supply and demand
    8.1.5  Effect of price support policy adjustment on food security
    8.1.6  Effect of price support policy adjustment on farmers' grain income
  8.2  Policy Recommendations
    8.2.1  Maintain an appropriate level of grain price support to firmly guard the absolute food security
    8.2.2  Implement producer subsidies to ensure the grain income is not reduced
    8.2.3  Remove the mechanism of setting price support referringto production costs
    8.2.4  Implement price controls on agricultural input factors
    8.2.5  Implement differentiated grain price support policies to promote agricultural supply-side structural reform

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