幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)J.保羅·彼得//詹姆斯·H.唐納利|責編:徐建嬌|改編:袁奇
  • 出版社:中國人民大學
  • ISBN:9787300328539
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:317
人民幣:RMB 65 元      售價:

    本書改編自J.Paul Peter和James H.Donnelly,Jr.合著的市場營銷學教材——A Preface to Marketing Management(Fifteenth Edition)。這本教材暢銷世界,曾多次再版。本書的最大特色在於,在簡單明了、由淺入深地向讀者介紹市場營銷知識的同時,還可以幫助讀者增加營銷專業的英語辭彙量,提高讀者的英語閱讀水平和表達能力。全書分為四個部分:第一部分是營銷管理的基本知識,第二部分是營銷活動中的實際問題和案例分析,第三部分是市場營銷決策的財務分析,第四部分是營銷計劃的制訂和撰寫。


Section Ⅰ  Essentials of Marketing Management
  Part A  Introduction
    Chapter 1  Strategic Planning and the Marketing Management Process
      The Marketing Concept
      What Is Marketing
      What Is Strategic Planning
      Strategic Planning and Marketing Management
      The Strategic Planning Process
      The Complete Strategic Plan
      The Marketing Management Process b
      Situation Analysis
      Marketing Planning
      Implementation and Control of the Marketing Plan
      Marketing Information Systems and Marketing Research
      The Strategic Plan,the Marketing Plan, and Other rie
      Functional Area Plans
      Marketing's Role in Cross-Functional Strategic Planning
  Part B  Marketing Informatun Research,and Understanding the Target Market
    Chapter 2  Marketing Research: Process and Systems for Decision Making
      The Role of Marketing Research
      The Marketing Research Process
      Purpose of the Research
      Plan of the Research 341 bae imnutTui
      Performance of the Research
      Processing of Research Data
      Preparation of the Research Report 42e
      Limitations of the Research Process
      Marketing Information Systems
    Chapter 3  Consumer Behavior
      Social Influences on Consumer Decision Making
      Culture and Subculture
      Social Class
      Reference Groups and Families
Section Ⅱ  Analyzing Marketing Problems and Cases
Section Ⅲ  Financial Analysis for Marketing Decisions
Section Ⅳ  Developing Marketing Plans

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