幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:古玉芳|責編:孫怡虹//劉博
  • 出版社:經濟科學
  • ISBN:9787521849264
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:257
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:


    古玉芳,1978年生,山西省侯馬市人。Baliuag University工商管理博士,現為湖北工程學院外國語學院講師,湖北省翻譯工作者協會會員,湖北小微企業發展研究中心成員,湖北工程學院跨文化研究中心成員,主要研究方向為跨文化管理。在SCI期刊及國內核心期刊發表專業學術論文多篇,主持及參與湖北省省廳級科研及教改課題多項。

Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  The Problem and Its Background
  1.2  Objectives of the Study
  1.3  Significance of the Study
    1.3.1  For the Management of Fuyao Group
    1.3.2  For the Workforce of FGA and Fuyao Group
    1.3.3  For Dayton Authorities and Other Local Governments of America
    1.3.4  For Other Chinese Multinational Enterprises
    1.3.5  For Investors or Companies which Intend to Expand Their Business to China
    1.3.6  For Researchers Who are Interested in Chinese Culture
    1.3.7  For Scholars Interested in Cross-Cultural Study
    1.3.8  For Researchers Who are Engaged in Cross-Cultural Management (CCM)
  1.4  Review of Related Literature
    1.4.1  Culture
    1.4.2  Culture Distance
    1.4.3  Conflict, Workplace Conflict and Cultural Conflict
    1.4.4  Conflict Management and Conflict Management Strategies
    1.4.5  Cross-Cultural Management (CCM)
    1.4.6  Cross-Cultural Management (CCM) Models
    1.4.7  Cross-Cultural Conflict Management Strategies
    1.4.8  Study on the Cross-Cultural Conflict of FGA
    1.4.9  Lived Experience
  1.5  Frameworks
    1.5.1  Theoretical Framework
    1.5.2  Conceptual Framework
  1.6  Statement of the Problem
  1.7  Definition of Terms
    1.7.1  Conflict
    1.7.2  Cross-Cultural Conflict
    1.7.3  Cross-Cultural Management (CCM)
    1.7.4  Culture
    1.7.5  Culture Distance
    1.7.6  Fuyao Glass America Inc. (FGA)
    1.7.7  Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd. (Fuyao Group)
    1.7.8  Globalization
    1.7.9  Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
    1.7.10  Lived Experience
    1.7.11  Thomas and Kilmann's Conflict Model
  1.8  Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Chapter 2  Methodology
  2.1  Study Design
  2.2  Participants and Sampling Procedures
  2.3  Instrument of the Study
  2.4  Data Gathering Procedure
  2.5  Data Analysis
    2.5.1  Get Familiarized with the Primary Data
    2.5.2  Divide the Data into Meaning Units
    2.5.3  Formulate Codes
    2.5.4  Develop Categories
    2.5.5  Develop Themes

    2.5.6  Verify Results through In-Depth Interview
  2.6  Ethical Considerations
  2.7  Validation of the Film
Chapter 3  Qualitative Study and In-Depth Interview
  3.1  Cross-Cultural Conflict Issues in FGA
    3.1.1  Main Conflict Issues Generated from the Qualitative Study
    3.1.2  Main Issues Collected from the In-Depth Interview
    3.1.3  Analysis and Conclusion of Main Conflict Issues in FGA
  3.2  Dimensions of FGA's Cross-Cultural Conflict
    3.2.1  Dimensions of the Conflict Generated from the Qualitative Study
    3.2.2  Dimensions of the Conflict Collected from the In-Depth Interview
    3.2.3  Analysis and Conclusion of Dimensions of FGA's Cross-Cultural Conflict
  3.3  Conflict Management Strategies FGAAdopted
    3.3.1  Conflict Management Strategies Generated from the Qualitative Research
    3.3.2  Conflict Management Strategies Collected from the In-Depth Interview
    3.3.3  Analysis and Conclusion of Conflict Management Strategies FGA Adopted
  3.4  Recommendations on Strategies to be Used by FGA
    3.4.1  Recommendations on Strategies Generated from the Qualitative Study
    3.4.2  Recommendations on Strategies Collected from the In-Depth Interview
    3.4.3  Analysis and Conclusion of Recommendations on Strategies
Chapter 4 Study Findings and Suggestions
  4.1  Cross-Cultural Conflict Strategic Model
  4.2  Breakthrough Points of Cross-Cultural Conflict Management
    4.2.1  Four Categories of the Conflict Issues in FGA
    4.2.2  The Core Issue of Cross-Cultural Conflict Management in FGA
    4.2.3  The Breakthrough Point of Cross-Cultural Conflict Management in FGA
  4.3  Cross-Cultural Conflict Management Plan
    4.3.1  Cultural Communication and Training Platform
    4.3.2  Multipartite Supervision and Coordination Committee
    4.3.3  Layered Co-Management Scheme
    4.4.4  Suggestions on Cross-Cultural Conflict Management Concept
Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
  5.1  Summary of Findings
  5.2  Conclusions, Limitations and Recommendations
Appendix A: In-Depth Interview Questions
Appendix B: Respondent Validation

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