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  • 作者:編者:尤宏兵//許立帆|責編:常愛艷//韓效傑
  • 出版社:機械工業
  • ISBN:9787111751311
  • 出版日期:2024/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:271
人民幣:RMB 59.8 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  01  Opening Case
    1.1  Concept of International Trade Practice
    1.2  Characteristics of International Trade
    1.3  General Procedure for International Trade
    1.4  Reading Materials
  End of Chapter Case
Chapter 2  Preparation for International Transaction
  02  Opening Case
    2.1  Doing Market Research
    2.2  Preparing the Goods
    2.3  Setting up Export Operation Plan
    2.4  Establishing the Negotiation Team
    2.5  Understanding Key Trade Terms in Contracts
    2.6  Promoting and Advertising the Goods in Importing Countries or Regions
    2.7  Establishing a Business Relationship
  End of Chapter Case
Chapter 3  International Business Negotiation
  03  Opening Case
    3.1  Business Negotiation Procedure
    3.2  Written Contract
Chapter 4  Subject Matter of the Contract
  04  Opening Case
    4.1  Name of Commodity
    4.2  Quality
    4.3  Quantity
    4.4  Packaging and Marking
  End of Chapter Case
Chapter 5 Price
  05  Opening Case
    5.1  Introduction to Price Terms
    5.2  Three Widely Used Price Terms for Any Transport Mode
    5.3  Three Popular Price Terms Used for Sea and Inland Waterway Transport Only
    5.4  Pricing Composition and Pricing Methods
    5.5  Price Clause
  End of Chapter Case
Chapter 6  International Cargo Transportation
  06  Opening Case
    6.1  Ocean Transportation
    6.2  Other Modes of Transportation
    6.3  Ocean Bill of Lading
    6.4  Other Shipping Documents
    6.5  Shipment Clause in the Contract of Sale
  End of Chapter Case

Chapter 7  International Cargo Transportation Insurance
  07  Opening Case
    7.1  Concept and Principles of Cargo Transportation Insurance
    7.2  Marine Risks and Losses
    7.3  Coverage of Marine Cargo Insurance of ??CIC
    7.4  Coverage of Marine Cargo Insurance of ??ICC
    7.5  Insurances for Cargoes Transported Except for Ocean Transportation
    7.6  Procedures of Cargo Insurance
    7.7  Insurance Clause in the Sales Contract
  End of Chapter Case
Chapter 8  International Payment
  08  Opening Case
    8.1  Negotiable Instruments
    8.2  Payment Method Remittance
    8.3  Payment Method Collection
    8.4  Payment Method Letter of Credit
    8.5  Payment Clause by L / C under Sales Contract
  End of Chapter Case
Chapter 9  Inspection Disputes and Claims Arbitration & Force Majeure
  09  Opening Case
    9.1  Commodity Inspection
    9.2  Disputes and Claims
    9.3  Arbitration
    9.4  Force Majeure
  End of Chapter Case
Chapter 10  Performance of Contract for International Sales of Goods
  10  Opening Case
    10.1  Introduction to Performance of Contract
    10.2  The Performance of Export Contract
    10.3  The Performance of Import Contract
  End of Chapter Case
Chapter 11  Cross?Border E?Commerce
  11  Opening Case
    11.1  Introduction to Cross?Border E?Commerce
    11.2  Cross?Border E?Commerce Transaction Platforms
    11.3  Cross?Border E?Commerce Payment Methods
    11.4  Cross?Border E?Commerce Logistics
    11.5  Procedure of Cross?Border E?Commerce
  End of Chapter Case

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