幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:趙白鴿//黃奇帆|責編:姜莉//王西琨
  • 出版社:中國經濟
  • ISBN:9787513677486
  • 出版日期:2024/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:394
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:



Part 1  An Analysis of Global and China』s Economic and Trade Development States
  Chapter 1  Adhering to the Right Course—The Chinese Path to Modernization
    1.1  How Could China Promote the High?Quality National Economic Development Under the New Development Pattern
    1.2  Embrace Transmutation of Global Political and Economic Landscape Amidst Major Changes Unseen in a Century,Stride Resolutely for Progressive Growth with a Tranquil Mindset
    1.3  A Stronger International Cooperation Is Imperative for Addressing Global Challenges
    1.4  Enhance the Capacity and Level of Financial Services for the Real Economy
    1.5  Seizing the Opportunity of RCEP and Promoting a Higher Level of Opening?up While Serving the Overall Situation and Staying on Top of the General TrendChapter 2Exploring the Opportunities of Global Economic and Trade
  Chapter 2  Exploring the Opportunities of Global Economic and Trade Integration
    2.1  France:China?French Relations,a Resilient Friendship Sailing Through Challenges with Stronger Cooperation
    2.2  Egypt:The BRI Is Becoming a 「New Engine」 to Promote China?Arab Relations
    2.3  Germany:Germany?China Cooperation for a Better Future
    2.4  Japan:Overcoming Differences in Values and Promoting Bilateral Economic and Trade Cooperation
    2.5  Pakistan:Consolidate China?Pakistan Friendship to Enhance People to-people Bonds
    2.6  Hong Kong SAR of China:Under the Framework of 「One Country,Two Systems」,Hong Kong Should Leverage Its Strengths to Serve Our Country
    2.7  Macao SAR of China:Creating New Prospects for the Practice of 「One Country,Two Systems」 with Macao Characteristics
  Chapter 3  Cultivating and Subdividing the Industrial Chain,and Creating and Excavating Industrial Value
    3.1  Digital Economy Industry:Metaverse,as the Battlefield of Excellent Technology,Will Bring the Sci-Tech Revolution to a New Stage
    3.2  Electronic Information Industry:Leader of a New Round of Sci-Tech Revolution
    3.3  Sustainable Development Industry:Striving to Build a Technology Support System to Achieve the Goal of Carbon Neutrality
    3.4  Advanced Manufacturing:The Main Front of Global Sci-Tech Innovation
    3.5  Pharmaceutical and Big Health Industry:Helping to Achieve the Strategic Goal of Healthy China
    3.6  Cultural Tourism Industry:Opening?up Accelerating the Development of Cultural Tourism Industry
    3.7  Media Industry:Showing China in a Real,Three?dimensional and Comprehensive Manner
    3.8  Education Industry:Vigorously Develop Vocational Education to Meet the Needs of New Technologies and Industrial Changes
Part 2  Model of Integrating Superior Resources and Empowering Economic Development by RDI Platform
  Chapter 4  Building a New?type Application?oriented Think Tank with Chinese Characteristics
    4.1  Conduct Double Promotion by Government and Enterprises to Effectively Eliminate Pain Points of the Industry
    4.2  Overcome Key Bottlenecks of 「Domestic and International Circulations」 to Realize Precise Connection of Domestic and International Resource Networks
    4.3  「Exploration
      6.1.9  Far East Holding Group Co.,Ltd.
      6.1.10  Yangshengtang Co.,Ltd.
    6.2  Specialized and Sophisticated Enterprises That Produce New and Unique Products
      6.2.1  Glodon Company Limited
      6.2.2  PERA Global Technology Co.,Ltd.
      6.2.3  Shanghai Iluvatar CoreX Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.
      6.2.4  Wuhan Landing Medical High?Tech Co.,Ltd.
      6.2.5  Bric(Suzhou)Agricultural Internet Co.,Ltd.
      6.2.6  Shandong Tianzhuang Eco?Benign Plastics Technology Co.,Ltd.
      6.2.7  Yingchuang Building Technique(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.
      6.2.8  Guangdong He?one Material Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
      6.2.97  20 Health(Beijing)iTech Co.,Ltd.
      6.2.10  TELD New Energy Co.,Ltd.
    6.3  Innovation?Oriented Enterprises
      6.3.1  Zhejiang BrainCo Technology Co.,Ltd.
      6.3.2  Jianzhen Defence Technology(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.
      6.3.3  Shenzhen CloudToGo Technology Co.,Ltd.
      6.3.4  Shanghai Longyang Marine Technology Co.,Ltd.
      6.3.5  Feinuomen Array(Beijing)Technology Co.,Ltd.
      6.3.6  Beijing Shangqi Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.
      6.3.7  GaNext(Zhuhai)Technology Co.,Ltd.
      6.3.8  Amicro Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.
      6.3.9  XAG Co.,Ltd.
      6.3.10  Bluepha Co.,Ltd.
Part 4  Key Partner Cities of RDI
  Chapter 7  Key Partner Cities
    7.1  Zhuhai:Promoting Diversified Industrial Development Through the Cooperation with the Guangdong?Macao In?Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin
    7.2  Qingdao:Leveraging 「Intelligent Manufacturing」 as a New Growth
  Driver,Opening Up Without Stopping
    7.3  Suzhou:A Powerful Industrial City Where Innovation Never Stops
    7.4  Ningbo:Accelerating Forging a 「Strong Engine」 for Sci?Tech Innovation
    7.5  Qinghai:The First 「Zero?carbon Industrial Park」 Was Established on the Qinghai?Tibet Plateau

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