幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:佟昀|責編:孟媛
  • 出版社:西南交大
  • ISBN:9787564397746
  • 出版日期:2024/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:281
人民幣:RMB 56 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Textile Fibers 紡織纖維篇
  Task 1 Common Textile Fiber Classification 常見纖維分類
  Task 2 Natural Cellulosic Fibers 天然纖維素纖維
    Unit 1 Cotton 棉
    Unit 2 Flax 麻
  Task 3 Natural Protein Fibers 天然蛋白質纖維
    Unit 1 Wool 羊毛
    Unit 2 Specialty Fur Fibers 特種毛
    Unit 3 Silk 蠶絲
  Task 4 Man-made Fibers Process 人造纖維生產
  Task 5 Regenerate Fibers 再生纖維
    Unit 1 Viscose Fiber 黏膠纖維
    Unit 2 Acetate 醋酯纖維
    Unit 3 Rayon 人造絲
    Unit 4 Lyocell (Tencel)萊賽爾(天絲)
    Unit 5 Modal 莫代爾
  Task 6 Synthetic Fibers 合成纖維
    Unit 1 Polyester 聚酯纖維
    Unit 2 Nylon 錦綸
    Unit 3 Acrylic 月青綸
    Unit 4 Spandex 氨綸
    Unit 5 New Fibers 新纖維
    Unit 6 Specialty Fibers 特種纖維
Chapter 2 Spinning 紡紗篇
  Task 1 Cotton Ring Spinning Process 棉環錠紡紗
  Task 2 Woolen & Worsted Spinning Process 毛精紡和粗紡過程
  Task 3 Rotor Yarn 轉杯紡
  Task 4 Compact Yarn Spinning 緊密紡
  Task 5 Fancy Yarn 花式紗
  Task 6 Textured Yarns 變形紗
Chapter 3 Weaving 機織篇
  Task 1 To Describe the Elements of Woven Fabric Constitution 描述機織物結構要素
  Task 2 To Describe the Woven Fabric Specification 描述機織物規格
  Task 3 Introduce Weaving Preparation in Brief 織造準備介紹
    Unit 1 Winding 絡筒
    Unit 2 Warping 整經
    Unit 3 Sizing 漿紗
    Unit 4 Drawing in 穿經
  Task 4 To Describe Weaving Process 描述織造過程
    Unit 1 Shedding 開口
    Unit 2 Picking Mode—Shuttleless Looms 引緯方式——無梭織機
    Unit 3 Beating-up ?丁緯
    Unit 4 Let-off & Take-up 送經和卷取
Chapter 4 Weaves & Fabrics 組織和面料篇
  Task 1 Basic Weaves 基本組織
    Unit 1 Plain Weave 平紋
    Unit 2 Twill Weave 余斗紋
    Unit 3 Satin and Sateen Weave經面緞紋和緯面緞紋
  Task 2 Derivatives of Basic Weaves and Fabrics 基礎組織的衍生(變化)組織
    Unit 1 Derivative Weaves 變化組織

  Task 3 Combined Weaves and Fabrics 聯合組織和織物
    Unit 1 Stripe and Check Weaves 條格組織
    Unit 2 Crepe Fabrics 起皺組織
    Unit 3 Mock Leno Weaves and Huckaback Weaves 假紗羅和透孔組織
    Unit 4 Honeycomb Weaves 蜂巢組織
    Unit 5 Novel Appearance Fabric 新穎外觀織物
  Task 4 Compound Weaves and Fabrics 複雜組織
    Unit 1 Backed Weaves 重組織
    Unit 2 Double Fabrics 雙層織物
    Unit 3 Cut Pile and Terry Fabrics 割絨和毛圈織物
  Task 5 Fabric Introduction in Brief 織物簡要介紹
    Unit 1 Dyed Yarn Fabrics 色織物
    Unit 2 Filament Yarn Fabric 長絲織物
    Unit 3 Woolen and Worsted Fabrics 粗紡和精紡毛織物
    Unit 4 Stripe & Check Fabrics 條格織物
    Unit 5 Finished Fabrics 后整理面料
  Task 6 Nonwoven Fabric 非織造布
  Task 7 Practical Fabric Vocabulary 實用面料辭彙
Chapter 5 Knitting 針織篇
  Task 1 To Describe the Terms & General Principles of Knitting Technology 描述針織技術的術語和一般原理
  Task 2 To Describe the Weft Knitting Structure and Fabrics 描述緯編結構和織物
  Task 3 To Describe the Warp Knitting and Fabrics 描述經編結構和織物
Chapter 6 Dyeing and Finishing 染整篇
  Task 1 To Describe the Dyeing and Finishing Technological Process 描述染整工藝過程
    Unit 1 Introduction of Pretreatment for Dyeing and Finishing 染整前處理介紹
    Unit 2 Pretreatment 預處理
    Unit 3 Dyeing 染色
    Unit 4 Printing 印花
    Unit 5 Finishing 后整理
  Task 2 To Describe the Dyeing and Finishing Machines 描述染整機械
    Unit 1 Gas Singer 氣體燒毛機
    Unit 2 Dyeing Machinery 染色機械
    Unit 3 Transfer Printing Machines 轉移印花機
Chapter 7 Textile Testing 紡織檢測篇
  Task 1 Fiber Identification 纖維鑒別
  Task 2 Fiber & Fabric Properties 纖維和織物性質
    Unit 1 Mechanical Properties 機械性質
    Unit 2 Chemical Characteristics 化學特徵
    Unit 3 Fabric Tensile Properties 織物拉伸性質
    Unit 4 Breaking Strength and Tearing Strength 斷裂和撕裂強度
  Task 3 Fabric Abrasion and Pilling 織物磨損性和起球性
    Unit 1 Abrasion 摩擦
    Unit 2 Pilling 起球
  Task 4 Flammability 阻燃性
  Task 5 Fabric Hand and Drape 織物手感和懸垂性
  Task 6 Colorfastness 色牢度
  Task 7 Comfort of Textiles 紡織品舒適性
  Task 8 Practical Example & Exercise 實例與練習
Chapter 8 Textile International Trade 紡織外貿篇
  Task 1 Introducing Our Company 介紹我們的公司

    Unit 1 About Us 關於我們
    Unit 2 Company Profile 公司簡介
    Unit 3 Enterprise Culture 企業文化
    Unit 4 Enterprise Organization Structure 企業組織架構
  Task 2 Business Mails for International Trade 外貿函電
    Unit 1 Invitation for Business 約請洽談生意
    Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations 建立業務關係
    Unit 3 Opening up New Sources of Goods 尋求新貨源
    Unit 4 Asking for Samples 索要樣品
    Unit 5 Inquiry 詢盤
    Unit 6 Quotation 報價
    Unit 7 Offer 虛盤
    Unit 8 Firm Offer 實盤
    Unit 9 Counter Offer 還盤
    Unit 10 Refusal of the Offer 拒絕還盤
    Unit 11 Order 訂貨
    Unit 12 Request to Cancel the Order 要求撤銷訂貨
    Unit 13 Refuse to Accept the Cancellation 拒絕撤銷訂貨
    Unit 14 Remind 催貨
    Unit 15 Asking for Opening a L/C 催開信用證
    Unit 16 Asking for Amendment of a L/C 要求修改信用證
    Unit 17 Shipping Advice 裝船通知
    Unit 18 Claim 索賠
    Unit 19 Business Mails for Home Textile 家紡貿易往來函電(實例)
  Task 3 Business Contract ( Practical Example )商業合同(實例)
    Unit 1 Contract ( Example)合同(案例)
  Task 4 Certificate & Documents for International Trade 外貿單證
    Unit 1 Sales Confirmation 銷售確認書(實例)
    Unit 2 Import & Export Declaration 進出口報關
    Unit 3 Import & Export License 進出 口 許可證
    Unit 4 Commodities Quality Inspection 商品檢驗
    Unit 5 Customs Invoice and Consular Invoice 海關和領事發票
    Unit 6 Commercial Invoice 商業發票
    Unit 7 Bill of Exchange 商業匯票
    Unit 8 Insurance 保險
    Unit 9 Shipping Order 裝貨單(實例)
    Unit 10 Letter of Credit 信用證
Chapter 9 Cross-Border E-Commerce 跨境電子商務
  Task 1 To Introduce Cross-Border E-Commerce 跨境電子商務
    Unit 1 Features of Cross-Border E-Commerce 跨境電子商務的特徵
    Unit 2 Classification 跨境電商分類
  Task 2 Cross-Border E-Commerce Operation Mode 跨境電子商務營運方式
    Unit 1 Platform Trade Mode of Cross-Border E-Commerce 跨境電子商務平台交易模式
    Unit 2 Advantages of Cross-Border E-Commerce Operation Mode 跨境電子商務運營模式的優勢
    Unit 3 Current Drawbacks and Limitations of Cross-Border
    E-Commerce Operation Mode 當前跨境電子商務運行模式的缺陷與局限性
    Unit 4 Current Representative Operation Mode of Cross-Border E-Commerce目前跨境電子商務具有代表性的營運模式
  Task 3 An Overview of Third-Party Cross-Border E-Commerce Platform 第三方跨境電子商務平台概述
    Unit 1 Features of Third-Party Cross-Border E-Commerce Platform 第三方跨境電子商務平台的特點
    Unit 2 Profit Mode of Third-Party Cross-Border E-Commerce Platform 第三方跨境電子商務平台的盈利模式

    Unit 3 Classification and Brief Introduction to Third-Party Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms跨境電子商務平台分類與簡介
Chapter 10 Terminology & Oral Communication for Foreign Trade of Textiles 外貿術語與紡織外貿口語實踐
  Task 1 Terms of Foreign Trade 外貿術語
    Unit 1 Declaration 報關
    Unit 2 Price Terms 價格術語
    Unit 3 Terms of Delivery 交貨條件
    Unit 4 Claim 索賠
    Unit 5 Sale 銷售
    Unit 6 Commission 傭金
    Unit 7 Insurance 保險
    Unit 8 Quality 品質
  Task 2 Communication and Conversation for International Trade 夕卜貿交流與又寸話
    Unit 1 Foreign Trade Policy 外貿政策
    Unit 2 Establishment of Business Relation 建立貿易聯繫
    Unit 3 Inquiries 詢價
    Unit 4 Offer 報價
    Unit 5 Disagreement on Price 價格爭議
    Unit 6 Order 訂貨
    Unit 7 Discount 折扣
    Unit 8 Commission 傭金
    Unit 9 Signing a Contract 簽訂合同
    Unit 10 Terms of Payment 付款方式
    Unit 11 Packing 包裝
    Unit 12 Terms of Shipping 裝運條件
    Unit 13 Quality 品質
    Unit 14 Commodity Inspection 商檢
    Unit 15 Claim 索賠
    Unit 16 Situational Dialogue 情景對話
    Bibliography 參考文獻

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