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  • 作者:編者:楊霓//劉娟//余有群|責編:吳禎娥
  • 出版社:西安電子科大
  • ISBN:9787560672144
  • 出版日期:2024/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:111
人民幣:RMB 25 元      售價:



Unit 1 Project Management
  Lead-in 1
  Section A Dialogue
    Dialogue 1
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Dialogue 2
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
  Section B Project Management
    New Words
    Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
Unit 2 Architecture Classification and Building Materials
  Section A Dialogue
    Dialogue 1
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Dialogue 2
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
  Section B Building Materials Commonly Used in Construction
    New Words
    Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
Unit 3 Cost Management
  Section A Dialogue
    Dialogue 1
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Dialogue 2
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1

    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
  Section B What Is Cost Management?
    New Words
    Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
Unit 4 Construction Planning
  Section A Dialogue
    Dialogue 1
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Dialogue 2
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
  Section B Construction Planning
    New Words
    Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
Unit 5 Quality Management
  Section A Dialogue
    Dialogue 1
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Dialogue 2
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
  Section B Quality Management
    New Words
    Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3

Unit 6 Construction Contract
  Section A Dialogue
    Dialogue 1
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Dialogue 2
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
  Section B Types and Forms of Contract
    New Words
    Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
Unit 7 Construction Site Management
  Section A Dialogue
    Dialogue 1
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Dialogue 2
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
  Section B Working Safely with Concrete
    New Words
    Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
Unit 8 Engineering Project Evaluation
  Section A Dialogue
    Dialogue 1
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Dialogue 2
      New Words
      Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1

    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3
  Section B Construction Project Evaluation
    New Words
    Phrases and Expressions
    Exercise 1
    Exercise 2
    Exercise 3

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