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  • 作者:編者:陝西省土地工程建設集團百篇優秀論文集編委會|責編:景澤龍//馮俊娜
  • 出版社:黃河水利
  • ISBN:9787550937505
  • 出版日期:2023/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:1168
人民幣:RMB 335 元      售價:



1  土地整治工程
  Adsorption of Toxic Tetracycline,Thiamphenicol and Sulfamethoxazole by a Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)under Different Conditions
  Soil Wind Erosion Resistance Analysis for Soft Rock and Sand Compound Soil:A Case Study forthe Us Sandy Land,China
  Soil Nutrient Content Analysis of Newly-Increased Farmland in the Process of Land Consolidationin Shaanxi Province,China
  Effects of Alternating Drying and Wetting on Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loss in Root Zone of Dominant Plants in Phosphorus Rich Mountainous Areas
  Impact of Co-contamination by PAHs and Heavy Metals on Micro-ecosystem in Bioretention Systems with Soil,Sand,and Water Treatment Residuals
  Advance in Remediated of Heavy Metals by Soil Microbial Fuel Cells:Mechanism and application
  Maltose-functionalized HILIC Stationary Phase Silica Gel Based on Self-assembled Oligopeptides and its Application for the Separation of Polar Compounds
  Effects of Several Organic Fertilizers on Heavy Metal Passivation in Cd-Contaminated Gray-Purple Soil
  The Response of Cd Chemical Fractions to Moisture Conditions and Incubation Time in Arable Land Soil
  Variation Characteristics of Particle Surface Electrochemical Properties during the Improvement of Reclaimed Soil from Hollow Village in Loess Area
  Stabilization of Soil Co-Contaminated with Mercury and Arsenic by Different Types of Biochar
  Experimental Study of Al-Modified Zeolite with Oxygen Nanobubbles in Repairing Black Odorous Sediments in River Channels
  Effects of Soft Rock on Soil Properties and Bacterial Community in us Sandy Land,China
  Effects of Biochar on Soil Microbial Diversity and Community Structure in Clay Soil
  Human Health Risk Assessment and Distribution of VOCs in a Chemical Site, Weinan, China
  Study of Solidification and Stabilization of Heavy Metals by Passivators in Heavy Metals
  Vertical Distribution of STN and STP in Watershed of Loess Hilly Region
  Effect of Brackish Water Iigation on the Movement of Water and Salt in Salinized Soil
  Efflect of Soil Layer Thickness on Organic Carbon Mineralization in Improved Sandy Land
  Effects of Organic Fertilizers on Growth Characteristics and Fruit Quality in Pear-jujube in
  Novel Fabrication of Hydrophobic/O0leophilic Human Hair Fiber for Eficient Oil/Water Separation
  Dynamic Changes of Soil Moisture in Hilly and Gully Regions of Loess Plateau
2  土地利用與保護
  Assessment of the Vertical Characteristics and Contamination Levels of Toxic Metals in Sediment
  Cores from Typical Chinese Intertidal Zones
  Contamination and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals form a Typical Pb-Zn Smelter in
  Northwest China
  Utilizing the G0A-RF Hybrid Model, Predicting the CPT-based Pile Set-up Parameters
  Characteristics of Rural Sewage Discharge and a Case Study on Optimal Operation of Rural SewageTreat
  Heavy Metal Pollution and Environmental Risks in the Water of Rongna River Caused by Natural
  AMD around Tiegelongnan Copper Deposit, Northem Tibet, Ching
  Effects of Oil Pollution on Soil Microbial Diversity in the Loess Hilly Areas, China
  Effect of Plant Waste Addition as Exogenous Nutrients on Microbia Remediation of Petroleum
  Contaminaled Soil
  Spatial and Temporal Variations of Vegetation Coverage and Their Driving Factors Following GullControl and Land Consolidation in Loess Plateau, China
  Research on Remediation of Soil Petroleum Pollution by Fenton-like Catalyst Carried by Permutite
  不同施氦水平下AM 真菌對高粱生物量及氨磷吸收的交互效應
  MulTiple Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis of Yield of Summer Maize Varieties in Shaanxi Province, China
  A Study of the Differences in Heavy Metal Distributions in Different Types of Farmland in a Mining Area
  The Influence of Cognitive Level on the Guaranteed Behavioral Response of Landless Farmers inthe Context of Rural Revitalization-An Empirical Study Based on PLS-SEM
  Novel Analytical Expressions for Determining van der Waals Interaction Between a Particle and
  Air-water Interface; Unexpected Stronger van der Waals Force than Capillary Force
3  土地資源與土地信息
  Understanding Farmers』Eco-friendly Fertilization Technology Adoption Behavior Using an Integrated
  S-0-R model;The Case of Soil Testing and Formulated Fertilization Technology in Shaanxi, China
  Analysis of Spatio-lemporal Changes and Driving Forces of Cultivated Land in China from 1996 to
  Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting Based on Variational Mode Decomposition and Long Short Term
  MemoryEvaluation of Diferent Machine Learning Models and Novel Deep Learning-based Algorithm for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
  Monitoring and Assessing Land Use/ Cover Change and Ecosystem Service Value Using Multi-Resolution
  Remote Sensing Data at Urban Ecological Zone
  Daily Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation of Different Land Use Types Based on SEBAL Model in the Agro-pastoral Ecotone of Northwest China
  Modeling Landslide Susceptibility Using Data Mining Techniques of Kernel Logistic Regression
  Fuzzy Unordered Rule Induction Algorithm, SysFor and Random Forest
  Effects of Biochar on Soil Chemical Properties: a Global Meta-analysis of Agricultural Soil
  Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Novel Hybrid Model Based on Different Mapping Units
  Quantification of Soil Erosion in Small Watersheds on the Loess Plateau Based on a Modified Soil Loss Model
  Spatiotemporal Evolution of Ecological Environment Quality in Arid Areas Based on the Remote
  Sensing Ecological Distance Index; a Case Study of Yuyang District in Yulin City, China
  Study on the Spatiotemporal Variability of Soil Nutrients and the Factors Affecting Them:Ecologically Fragile Areas of the Loess Plateau, China
  Ecological Risk Assessment Management Methods of Heavy Metal Polluted Urban Green Lands
  Study on Vegetation Growth Characteristics and Soil Physical and Chemical Properties i
  Based on the CT Image Rebuilding the Micromechanics Hierarchical Model of Concrete
  Measurement Method of Civil Engineering Complexity Structure Based on Logical Equivalent Model
  Deformation, Strength and Water Variation Characteristics of Unsaturated Compacted Loess
  Influence of Constructed Rapid Infiltration System on Groundwater Recharge and Quality
  Nonlinear Stability Characteristics of Porous Graded Composite Microplates Including Various
  Microstructural-Dependent Strain Gradient Tensors
5  綜合管理

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