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  • 作者:編者:謝桂梅|責編:梁雲慈
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302652007
  • 出版日期:2024/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:219
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Ecommerce and Cross-border Ecommerce 電商和跨境電商
  1.1  Definition of Ecommerce電商的定義
  1.2  Cross-border Ecommerce 跨境電商
  1.3  Difference with Traditional Commerce 與傳統商務的區別
  1.4  Trends of Cross-border Ecommerce 跨境電商的趨勢
  1.5  Development of Ecommerce 電商的發展
  1.6  Advantages of Cross-border Ecommerce 跨境電商的優勢
  1.7  Challenges of Cross-border Ecommerce 跨境電商的挑戰
  1.8  Ecommerce, Ebusiness and Digital Commerce 電子商務、電商(企業)和數字商務
  Words and Phrases 辭彙和短語
  Exercise 練習
Chapter 2  Business Models of Cross-border Ecommerce 跨境電商商業模式
  2.1  Classifications of Cross-border Ecommerce 跨境電商分類
  2.2  Business to Consumer (B2C) Model B2C模式
  2.3  Business to Business (B2B) Model B2B模式
  2.4  Consumer to Consumer (C2C) Model C2C模式
  2.5  Mobile Ecommerce 移動電商
  2.6  Social Ecommerce 社交電商
  2.7  Local Ecommerce 本地電商
  2.8  The Situation of Cross-border Ecommerce 跨境電商現狀
  Words and Phrases  辭彙和短語
  Exercise 練習
Chapter 3  Cross-border Ecommerce Marketing 跨境電商營銷
  3.1  Consumer Behaviour and Customer Retention 消費者行為和顧客留存
  3.2  Classifications of Marketing 營銷分類
  3.3  Main Channels of Marketing 主要營銷渠道
  3.4  Theories in CBEC Marketing 跨境電商營銷理論
  3.5  New Practice in Marketing 營銷實踐
  3.6  Pricing Strategies in Marketing 營銷定價策略
  Words and Phrases  辭彙和短語
  Exercise 練習
Chapter 4 Logistics and Supply Chain in Cross-border Ecommerce 跨境電商物流和供應鏈
  4.1  Logistics and Supply Chain 物流和供應鏈
  4.2  Factors Influencing Logistics Freight 物流運費的影響因素
  4.3  Logistics Modes in Cross-border Ecommerce 跨境電商物流模式
  4.43  PL,4PLand Logistics Alliance 第三方物流、第四方物流和物流聯盟
  Words and Phrases 辭彙和短語
  Exercise 練習
Chapter 5  Cross-border Ecommerce Payment 跨境電商支付
  5.1  Types of Electronic Payment 電子支付類型
  5.2  Popular Practice in CBEC Payment 跨境電商主要支付實踐
  5.3  Electronic Payment in China 中國的電子支付
  5.4  International E-payment Business Operation 國際電商支付業務運作
  5.5  New Fin-tech新金融科技
  Words and Phrases 辭彙和短語
  Exercise 練習
Chapter 6  China』s Cross-border Ecommerce Platforms 中國的跨境電商平台
  6.1  China's Cross-border Ecommerce 中國跨境電商
  6.2  Alibaba』s Cross-border Ecommerce 阿里巴巴跨境電商
  6.3  B2B Exporting Platforms B2B出口平台

  6.4  B2C Exporting Platforms B2C出口平台
  6.5  B2C Importing Platforms B2C進口平台
  6.6  Mixed B2C/C2C Im/exporting Apps 混合 B2C/C2C 進/出口應用程序
  Words and Phrases 辭彙和短語
  Exercise 練習
Chapter 7  Policy, Practice and Innovation of China's Cross-border Ecommerce 中國跨境電商政策、實踐和創新
  7.1  Policy in China 中國的政策
  7.2  China's CBEC Practice 中國跨境電商的實踐
  7.3  China's Cross-border Ecommerce Innovation 中國跨境電商的創新
  7.4  Overseas Warehouse海外倉
  Words and Phrases 辭彙和短語
  Exercise 練習
Chapter 8  Supervision and Future of Cross-border Ecommerce
  8.1  Modes of Supervision in CBEC 跨境電商監管模式
  8.2  Achievements of China's CBEC 中國跨境電商的成就
  8.3  Trends of Cross-border Ecommerce 跨境電商的未來
  8.4  Challenges in CBEC 跨境電商的挑戰
  Words and Phrases  辭彙和短語
  Exercise 練習

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