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  • 作者:編者:崔新紅//徐贏光//鄒益民|責編:鄧婷
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302653110
  • 出版日期:2024/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:271
人民幣:RMB 59.8 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Overview of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電子商務概述
  Section 1.1  Overview of E-commerce電子商務概述
    1.1.1  The Concept and Characteristics of E-commerce電子商務的概念和特徵
    1.1.2  The Development History of E-commerce電子商務的發展
  Section 1.2  Overview of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電子商務概述
    1.2.1  The Definition of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電子商務的概念和特徵
    1.2.2  The Classification of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電子商務的分類
    1.2.3  The Development of Cross-border E-commerce in China中國跨境電子商務的發展形式
Chapter 2  Platform of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電子商務平台
  Section 2.1  The Main Platform of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電子商務主要平台
    2.1.1  Amazon Platform亞馬遜平台
    2.1.2  EBay Platform EBay平台
    2.1.3  Wish Wish平台
  Section 2.2  The China Main Platform of Cross-border E-commerce中國跨境電子商務主要平台
    2.2.1  AliExpress阿里巴巴速賣通
    2.2.2  Kaola考拉
    2.2.3  TMall Global天貓國際
    2.2.4  JD Worldwide京東國際
    2.2.5  YMatou洋碼頭
    2.2.6  VIP International VIP國際
    2.2.7  Little Red Book (RED)小紅書
Chapter 3  Establishment of Business Relations建立商務關係
  Section 3.1  Seeking Business Cooperation尋求商務合作
    3.1.1  Introduction簡介
    3.1.2  Writing Tips寫作技巧
    3.1.3  Sample E-mails電子郵件模板
  Section 3.2  Replying to E-mail Regarding Business Contacts回復商務往來的電子郵件
    3.2.1  Pre-sale E-mail售前郵件
    3.2.2  On-sale E-mail售中郵件
    3.2.3  After-sale E-mail售后郵件
  Section 3.3  Build Your Online Store 建立你的網上店鋪
    3.3.1  Introduction of Online Store線上商店簡介
    3.3.2  Tings You Need to Do While Selling Online網上賣貨需要做的事情
    3.3.3  Selling on Amazon在亞馬遜上賣貨
Chapter 4  Payment and Settlement of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電子商務支付與結算
  Section 4.1  Overview of Cross-border E-commerce Payment跨境電子商務支付概述
    4.1.1  Electronic Payment System電子支付系統
    4.1.2  Security of Electronic Payment System電子支付系統安全機制
  Section 4.2  Main Payment Platform of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電子商務支付主要平台
    4.2.1  PayPal貝寶支付
    4.2.2  Alipay阿里支付
    4.2.3  Western Union西聯匯款
  Section 4.3  Overview of International Settlement國際結算概述
    4.3.1  Concept of International Settlement國際結算的概念
    4.3.2  Three Key Elements Necessarily for International Settlement國際結算必須具備的三個關鍵要素
    4.3.3  Key Issues in International Settlements國際結算中的幾個關鍵問題
  Section 4.4  Methods of International Settlement國際電子結演算法
    4.4.1  Remittance 匯付結算
    4.4.2  Collection 托收結算
    4.4.3  Letter of Credit(L/C)信用證結算
    4.4.4  Negotiable Instruments 果擁結算
    4.4.5  Bank Guarantee and Standby Letter of Credit銀行保函及備用信用證E
Chapter 5  Cross-border E-commerce Logistics 跨境電子商務物流
  Section 5.1  A Brief Introduction to Cross-Border Logistics跨境物流簡介
    5.1.1  The Introduction of Logistics物流簡介
    5.1.2  Third-party Logistics第三方物流
    5.1.3  Fourth-party Logistics (4PL)第四方物流
    5.1.4  Overseas Warchouse海外倉
  Section 5.2  Main International Express主要的國際快遞
    5.2.1  DHL Express敦豪快遞
    5.2.2  United Parcel Service聯合包裹
    5.2.3  Express Mail Service特快專遞
    5.2.4  Special Line Logistics專線物流
  Section 5.3  The Selection of Cross-border Logistics Mode跨境物流模式的選擇
    5.3.1  Cross-border E-commerce Export Logistics Mode跨境電商出口物流模式
    5.3.2  Cross-border E-commerce Import Logistics Mode跨境電商進口物流模式
Chapter 6  Cross-border E-commerce Market Theory跨境電子商務市場理論
  Section 6.1  Overview of Cross-border E-commerce Marketing跨境電子商務市場營銷概述
    6.1.1  Introduction of Marketing市場營銷簡介
    6.1.2  Platform Marketing平台營銷
    6.1.3  SNS Marketing SNS營銷
    6.1.4  SEO & SEM Marketing搜索引擎優化與搜索引擎營銷
    6.1.5  Mobile Marketing移動營銷
  Section 6.2  Store & Product & Title Description商店、產品以及標題描述
    6.2.1  Store Description店鋪描述
    6.2.2  Product Description產品描述
    6.2.3  Title Description 標題描述
  Section 6.3  Product Selecting and Pricing of Cross- border E-commerce跨境電子商務選品與定價
    6.3.1  Product Selecting of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電商選品
    6.3.2  Product Pricing of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電子商務產品定價
Chapter 7  The Cross-border E-commerce Order Management跨境電子商務訂單管理
  Section 7.1  Order Processing訂單處理
    7.1.1  Introduction of Order Processing訂單處理簡介
    7.1.2  Steps of Order Processing訂單處理步驟
  Section 7.2  Electronic Order電子訂單
    7.2.1  Introduction of Electronic Order電子訂單簡介
    7.2.2  Steps of Electronic Order Processing電子訂單處理步驟
Chapter 8  The Services of Cross-border E-commerce跨境電子商務服務
  Section 8.1  Pre-sale Services售前服務
    8.1.1  Product Information Inquiry產品信息查詢
    8.1.2  Price Negotiation價格談判
  Section 8.2  On-sale Services售中服務
    8.2.1  Payment 支付

    8.2.2  Product Packaging產品包裝
  Section 8.3  After-sale Services售后服務
    8.3.1  Disputes and Settlement糾紛與解決
    8.3.2  Comments on Products產品評論
    8.3.3  Customer Maintenance客戶維護
    8.3.4  Consumer Habits and Characteristics of Major Countries主要國家的消費習慣和特點

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