幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:中國國際扶貧中心|責編:肖楊
  • 出版社:中國農業
  • ISBN:9787109314566
  • 出版日期:2023/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:183
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Chapter Ⅰ  Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Poverty Reduction
  1  The pandemic has significantly hindered global poverty reduction
  2  Progress in global poverty reduction
    2.1  Extreme poverty
    2.2  Multidimensional poverty
  3  Predictions on poverty occurrence and returning-to-poverty
    3.1  Predictions on global poverty occurrence and returning-to poverty
    3.2  Predictions on regional poverty occurrence and returning-to poverty
Chapter Ⅱ  Impacts of the Pandemic on the Major Poverty Reduction Issues
  1  Global economic growth has slowed down and the unemployment rate has risen
    1.1  The GDP growth rate has slowed down
    1.2  The unemployment rate has risen
    1.3  Multiple industries have been affected
  2  The world is facing an unprecedented food crisis
    2.1  Global agricultural production had improved before the outbreak of the pandemic
    2.2  The global food crisis was worsened after the outbreak of the pandemic
    2.3  Families are facing increased food security crises
  3  Families are facing greater unemployment crises and sharp declines in incomes
    3.1  Decline in national income and consumption expenditure
    3.2  The employment crisis deepens
    3.3  Household income and commodity consumption has declined
  4  Significant differences in medical resources and vaccination rates in response to the pandemic
    4.1  n The coverage rate of COVID-19 vaccine is unevenly distributed, and the coverage rate of other vaccines decreases
    4.2  The distribution of COVID 19 medical resources is uneven
    4.3  Provision of medical and other assistance to families has been insufficient
  5  The education crisis brought about by the pandemic
    5.1  Temporary closure of schools due to pandemic leaving children out of Pan school and educational crisis
    5.2  The pandemic has changed teaching methods
    5.3  Countries are actively preparing to reopen schools
Chapter Ⅲ  Measures and Effects of Dealing with the Pandemic and Promoting Poverty Reduction
  1  Key measures for major regions and countries to deal with the epidemic and promote poverty reduction
    1.1  Asia: sector- wide pro-poor growth. industrial employment promotion, and sustained welfare distribution
    1.2  Africa: focusing on grassroots security, exploring financing potential, and striving for foreign aid and debt reduction
    1.3  Latin America and the Caribbean: innovate transfer payments, narrow the income gap, and invigorate the industry
    1.4  North America promote the implementation ol inclusive welfareregiona development and community govermance projects
    1.5  Ocennia: strengthen tax reuction and exemption. technology optimization and regional development efforts
    1.6  Europe: give full play to the advantages of financial expansion, financing innovation and education support
  2  Key measures of internation
    1.1  The epidemic has posed various obstacles to China's fight against poverty
    1.2  Poverty alleviation with Chinese characteristics under the background of the epidemic
  2  Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link up with rural revitalization
    2.1  Hold the bottom line of preventing large scale poverty return
    2.2  The achievements of poverty alleviation have been consolidated and expanded
    2.3  Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and achieve effective connection with rural revitalization
  3  Comprehensively promote the construction of rural revitalization
    3.1  Focusing on industries to promote rural development
    3.2  Steadily and steadily promote rural construction
    3.3  Strengthen and improve rural governancen/167 Vnl
    3.4  Comprehensively promote the five major revitalizations
Chapter Ⅴ  Prospects of Global Poverty Reduction
  1  Confronting multiple risks and challenges
  2  Work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind without poverty and common development

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