幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:張家瑞|責編:鄭梅俠|總主編:孫勇彬//張家瑞//朱計峰
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309160666
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:221
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Human Resources Management
  Learning Objectives
  Part 1
    TEXT A
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Understanding the Text
        Ⅱ.Building Your Language
        Ⅲ.Expressing Your Ideas
        Ⅳ.Comprehensive Practice
  Part 2
    TEXT B
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Comprehension Check for Reading
        Ⅲ.Integrated Skills Practicing
Chapter 2  Business Ethics
  Learning Objectives
  Part 1
    TEXT A
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Understanding the Text
        Ⅱ.Building Your Language
        Ⅲ.Expressing Your Ideas
        Ⅳ.Comprehensive Practice
  Part 2
    TEXT B
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Comprehension Check for Reading
        Ⅲ.Integrated Skills Practicing
Chapter 3  Crisis Management
  Learning Objectives
  Part 1
    TEXT A
      New Words

        Ⅰ.Understanding the Text
        Ⅱ.Building Your Language
        Ⅲ.Expressing Your Ideas
        Ⅳ.Comprehensive Practice
  Part 2
    TEXT B
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Comprehension Check for Reading
        Ⅲ.Integrated Skills Practicing
Chapter 4  Fintech
  Learning Objectives
  Part 1
    TEXT A
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Understanding the Text
        Ⅱ.Building Your Language
        Ⅲ.Expressing Your Ideas
        Ⅳ.Comprehensive Practice
  Part 2
    TEXT B
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Comprehension Check for Reading
        Ⅲ.Integrated Skills Practicing
Chapter 5  Surfing on the Waves of Cultures
  Learning Objectives
  Part 1
    TEXT A
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Understanding the Text
        Ⅱ.Building Your Language
        Ⅲ.Expressing Your Ideas
        Ⅳ.Comprehensive Practice
  Part 2
    TEXT B
      New Words

        Ⅰ.Comprehension Check for Reading
        Ⅲ.Integrated Skills Practicing
Chapter 6  The Fourth Industrial Revolution
  Learning Objectives
  Part 1
    TEXT A
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Understanding the Text
        Ⅱ.Building Your Language
        Ⅲ.Expressing Your Ideas
        Ⅳ.Comprehensive Practice
  Part 2
    TEXT B
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Comprehension Check for Reading
        Ⅲ.Integrated Skills Practicing
Chapter 7  China's Economic Miracle
  Learning Objectives
  Part 1
    TEXT A
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Understanding the Text
        Ⅱ.Building Your Language
        Ⅲ.Expressing Your Ideas
        Ⅳ.Comprehensive Practice
  Part 2
    TEXT B
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Comprehension Check for Reading
        Ⅲ.Integrated Skills Practicing
Chapter 8  A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
  Learning Objectives
  Part 1

    TEXT A
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Understanding the Text
        Ⅱ.Building Your Language
        Ⅲ.Expressing Your Ideas
        Ⅳ.Comprehensive Practice
  Part 2
    TEXT B
      New Words
        Ⅰ.Comprehension Check for Reading
        Ⅲ.Integrated Skills Practicing

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