幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:邵怡|責編:唐敏|總主編:孫勇彬//張家瑞//朱計峰
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309160611
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:216
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Sharing EconomY
  Learning Objectives
    TEXT A
  New Words
    I. Understanding the Text
    II. Building Your Language
    III. Expressing Your Ideas
    IV. Comprehensive Practice
    TEXT B
  New Words
    I. Comprehension Check for Reading
    II. Translation
    III. Integrated Skills Practicing
  Topic-related Vocabulary
Chapter 2 Supply Chain
  Learning Qbjectives
    TEXT A
  New Words
     I. Understanding the Text
    III Building Your Language
    III. Expressing Your Ideas
    IV. Comprehensive Practice
    TEXT B
  New Words
     I. Comprehension Check for Reading
    II. Translation
    III. Integrated Skills Practicing
  Topic-related Vocabulary
Chapter 3 Blockchain Technology
  Learning Objectives
      TEXT A
  New Words
    I. Understanding the Text
    II. Building Your Language
    III. Expressing Your Ideas
    IV. Comprehensive Practice
    TEXT B O
  New Words
    I. Comprehension Check for Reading
    II. Translation
    III. Integrated Skills Practicing
  Topic-related Vocabulary
Chapter 4 Big Data  078
  Learning Objectives

    TEXT A
  New Words
    I. Understanding the Text
    II. Building Your Language
    III. Expressing Your Ideas
    IV. Comprehensive Practice
    TEXT B
  New Words
     I. Comprehension Check for Reading
     II. Translation
     III. Integrated Skills Practicihg
  Topic-related Vocabulary
Chapter 5 Economic Decision-making
  Learning Objectives
    TEXT A
  New Words
    I. Understanding the Text
    II. Building Your Language
    IlI. Expressing Your Ideas
    IV. Comprehensive Practice
  New Words
    I. Comprehension Check for Reading
    II. Translation
    III. Integrated Skills Practicing
  Topic-related Vocabulary
Chapter 6 Social Media Marketing
  Learning Objectives
    TEXT A
  New Words
     I. Understanding the Text
     II. Building :Your Language
     III. Expressing Your Ideas
     IV. Comprehensive Practice
     TEXT B
  New Words
     I. Comprehension Check for Reading
     II. Translation
     III. Integrated Skills Practicing
  Topic-related Vocabulary
Chapter 7 Corporate Culture
  Learning Objectives
     TEXT A

  New Words
    I. Understanding the Text
    II. Building Your Language
    III. Expressing Your Ideas
    IV. Comprehensive Practice
    TEXT B
  New Words
    I. Comprehension Check for Reading
    II. Translation
    III. Integrated Skills Practicing
  Topic-related Vocabulary
Chapter 8 The Belt and Road Initiative
  Learning Objectives
    TEXT A
  New Words
    I. Understanding the Text
    II. Building Your Language
    III. Expressing Your Ideas
    IV. Comprehensive Practice
    TEXT B
  New Words
    I. Comprehension Check for Reading
    II. Translation
    III. Integrated Skills Practicing
  Topic-related Vocabulary

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