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  • 作者:編者:張強華//司愛俠|責編:孫燕燕
  • 出版社:人民郵電
  • ISBN:9787115633125
  • 出版日期:2024/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:200
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Unit 1  Cross-Border E-commerce Basics
  Text A Cross-Border E-commerce Overview
  New Words
  Reference Translation  跨境電子商務概覽
  Text B Chinese Cross-Border E-commerce Overview
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  求職信
Unit 2  Cross-Border E-commerce Strategies and Essentials
  Text A How to Create a Successful Cross-Border E-commerce Strategy
  New Words
  Reference Translation  如何建立成功的跨境電商戰略
  Text B The Dos and Don』ts of Cross-Border E-commerce
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  個人簡歷
Unit 3  Cross-Border E-commerce Platforms
  Text A Comparison of the Top 5 Cross-Border E-commerce Platforms in China
  New Words
  Reference Translation  中國跨境電商五大平台比較
  Text B Online Marketplace Comparison: Amazon, Walmart & Alibaba
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  電子郵件
Unit 4  Selling Online and Selecting Goods
  Text A How to Select Goods on Cross-Border E-commerce
  New Words
  Reference Translation  跨境電商中如何選品?
  Text B 10 Things You Need to Start Selling Online
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  邀請函
Unit 5  Learning about Amazon
  Text A Selling on Amazon

  New Words
  Reference Translation  在亞馬遜上賣東西
  Text B Amazon Seller Central and Amazon Vendor Central
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  品牌故事文案
Unit 6  Writing Product Descriptions and Using ChatGPT
  Text A How to Write Product Descriptions
  New Words
  Reference Translation  如何撰寫產品描述
  Text B How to Use ChatGPT for E-commerce
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  怎樣寫亞馬遜產品文案
Unit 7 Pricing and Optimizing Online Reviews
  Text A Pricing Strategy
  New Words
  Reference Translation  定價策略
  Text B Key Steps to Get Better Online Reviews
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  怎樣給國外客戶發寫開發信
Unit 8  Electronic Payments and Regulations
  Text A How Electronic Payment Works
  New Words
  Reference Translation  電子支付是如何工作的
  Text B Chinese Cross-Border E-commerce Regulations
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  回復詢盤
Unit 9  Optimizing Sales Service and Customer Experience
  Text A 7 Types of After Sales Service to Keep Your Customer Satisfied
  New Words
  Reference Translation  七種確保客戶滿意的售后服務

  Text B Ways to Optimize Online Customer Experience
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  發盤與還盤
Unit 10  Product Feed and International Warehouses
  Text A How Sellers Can Leverage Their Product Feed for Amazon SEO
  New Words
  Reference Translation  賣家如何利用產品推送實現亞馬遜SEO
  Text B International Warehouses in Cross-Border E-commerce
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  訂單與合同
Unit 11  Logistics
  Text A Third Party Logistics
  New Words
  Reference Translation  第三方物流
  Text B Reverse Logistics
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  索賠和投訴答覆信
Unit 12  New Technology in E-commerce
  Text A Benefits of Big Data Analytics in E-commerce
  New Words
  Reference Translation  大數據分析在電子商務中的優勢
  Text B Artificial Intelligence in Cross-Border E-commerce
  New Words
  Writing Method Guide  常見售后郵件模板

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