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  • 作者:編者:徐亮//郭炫|責編:羅亞|總主編:董洪川
  • 出版社:重慶大學
  • ISBN:9787568939690
  • 出版日期:2023/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:300
人民幣:RMB 59 元      售價:



Chapter 1  An Overview of International Marketing
  l.1  An Introduction to International Marketing
  1.2  The Motivation and Process of International Marketing Involvement
Chapter 2  Environmental Analysis and Eeonomie Environment of International Marketing
  2.1  An Introduction to the International Marketing Environment
  2.2  Economic Environment of International Marketing
Chapter 3  Political and Legal Environment of International Marketing
  3.1  Political Environment of International Marketing
  3.2  Legal Environment of International Marketing
Chapter 4  Cultural Environment of International Marketing
  4.1  Understanding Culture
  4.2  Elements of Culture
  4.3  Cross-cultural Communication
  4.4  Cultural Adaptation in International Marketing
Chapter 5  International Marketing Researeh
  5.1  The Introduction of International Marketing Research
  5.2  The Process of International Marketing Research
  5.3  Primary Data and Secondary Data
  5.4  International Marketing Information System
Chapter 6  International Marketing Strategies
  6.1  International Market Segmentation
  6.2  International Target Market Selection
  6.3  International Target Market Positioning
  6.4  Entry Modes of the International Market
Chapter 7  Product Strategy of International Marketing
  7.1  Products and Whole Product Concept
  7.2  Product Life Cycle in the International Market
  7.3  New Product Development in the International Market
  7.4  Products Standardization and Differentiation Strategy in the International Market
  7.5  Brand, Packaging and Service Strategies of International Products
Chapter 8  Pricing Strategy in the International Market
  8.1  Pricing Basis and Pricing Objectives in the International Market
  8.2  International Market Pricing Methods
  8.3  International Market Pricing Strategy
  8.4  Management and Control of International Market Pricing
  8.5  Issues to Be Aware of in International Market Pricing
Chapter 9  Distribution Strategy in the International Market
  9.1  An Overview of International Market Distribution Strategy
  9.2  International Marketing Channel Members
  9.3  International Marketing Channel Strategy
  9.4  International Marketing Channel Management
Chapter 10  Promotion Strategy in the International Market
  10.1  International Market Promotion and the Promotion Mix Strategy
  10.2  Personal Selling Strategies in International Marketing
  10.3  Advertising Strategy in the International Market
  10.4  Sales Promotion Strategy in the International Market
  10.5  International Public Relation Strategy

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