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  • 作者:閆坤|責編:郭曼曼//曲迪|譯者:Haixia WANG//Xiao HUANG//Rufei MA
  • 出版社:中國社科
  • ISBN:9787522726502
  • 出版日期:2023/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:163
人民幣:RMB 65 元      售價:


閆坤|責編:郭曼曼//曲迪|譯者:Haixia WANG//Xiao HUANG//Rufei MA

Chapter 1  Africa's Digital Economy in the Global Landscape
  1.1  Trends in the Development of the Global Digital Economy
  1.2  The Development of the Digital Economy in the World's Major Economies
  1.3  The Position of Africa's Digital Economy in the Global Landscape
  1.4  The New Characteristics of Digital Development Economy in Europe, the United States and Japan and New Trends of Cooperation with Africa
Chapter 2  A Survey of the Current State of the Digital Economy in Africa
  2.1  Overall Situation of Mrica
  2.2  Eastern Africa Development
  2.3  Southern Africa Development
  2.4  Western Mrica Development: The Case of Nigeria
  2.5  Northern Africa Development: The Case of Egypt
Chapter 3  Potential and Pathways for the Development of Africa's Digital Economy
  3.1  Population and Economic Growth Expand the Potential of the Digital Economy
  3.2  Problems
  3.3  Analysis of the Overtaking Path
  3.4  Analysis of the Difficulties and Shortcomings of Mrica's Cooperation with Europe and the United States and China's Influence in Africa
Chapter 4  China-Africa Digital Economy Cooperation
  4.1  Status of China-Mrica Digital Economy Cooperation
  4.2  Digital Economy Cooperation in the Belt and Road
  4.3  Construction of African Free Trade Area and China-Africa Digital Economy Cooperation
Chapter 5  Policy Recommendations for Deepening China-Africa Digital Economy Cooperation
  5.1  Accelerate the Implementation of Digital Infrastructure Cooperation under the Belt and Road framework
  5.2  Expanding Application Scenario Cooperation
  5.3  Strengthening Technical Cooperation
  5.4  Developing "Third-party Cooperation" with European and American countries
  5.5  Upgrading International Standards of Cooperation
  5.6  Dealing with Debt and Geopolitical Risks
About the Author

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