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  • 作者:編者:黃瀟婷|責編:王雅琪//王乾|總主編:史達
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787568096089
  • 出版日期:2023/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:191
人民幣:RMB 59.8 元      售價:


    黃瀟婷,山東大學管理學院旅遊管理系教授、博士生導師、系主任,山東大學歷史文化學院文化產業基地博士后,TBL旅遊行為實驗室創始人。北京大學旅遊研究與規劃中心特邀研究員,世界交通大會旅遊交通技術委員會主席,山東省康養旅遊協會副會長。研究方向包括旅遊學基礎理論、旅遊者時空行為、旅遊規劃理論與方法、旅遊移動行為與健康等。主持國家自然基金「基於旅遊者時空行為規律的旅遊時間規劃方法研究」(青年項目)和「基於旅遊者時空行為規律的旅遊活動空間生產與構建研究」(面上項目)並參與多項國家級和省部級課題,在Tourism Management、Tourism Geographies(SSCI)和中文核心期刊《旅遊學刊》《人文地理》等發表學術論文多篇。

Chapter 1 Basic Concept and Theory of Tourism Resources
  1.1  Tourism Resources and New Tourism Resources View
    1.1.1  The Study of Tourism Resources Concept
    1.1.2  The Attributes of Tourism Resources
    1.1.3  New Tourism Resources View
  1.2  Tourism System and Tourism Products
    1.2.1  Tourism System and Tourism Resources
    1.2.2  Tourism Products
    1.2.3  Tourism Product Life Cycle
  1.3  Characteristics of Tourism Resources
    1.3.1  Diversity
    1.3.2  Territoriality
    1.3.3  Comprehensiveness
    1.3.4  Oriented Attractiveness
    1.3.5  Ornamental Value
    1.3.6  Cultural Value
    1.3.7  Sustainability
    1.3.8  Non?renewability
Chapter 2 Content and Method of Tourism Resource Investigation and Evaluation
  2.1  Content of Tourism Resources Investigation
    2.1.1  Classification of Tourism Resources
    2.1.2  Content
  2.2  Models, Procedures and Methods of Tourism Resources Investigation
    2.2.1  Models of Investigation
    2.2.2  Procedures of Investigation
    2.2.3  Methods of Investigation
  2.3  Evaluation of Tourism Resources
    2.3.1  Purpose and Content of the Evaluation
    2.3.2  Evaluation Criteria and Principles
    2.2.3  Evaluation Methods
Chapter 3 Development and Protection of Tourism Resources
  3.1  Tourism Resources Development
    3.1.1  Overview of Tourism Resources Development
    3.1.2  Theoretical Basis of Tourism Resources Development
    3.1.3  Tourism Resources Development Process
  3.2  Protection of Tourism Resources
    3.2.1  Destructive Factors of Tourism Resources
    3.2.2  Tourism Resource Management
    3.2.3  Protection Measures for Tourism Resources
  3.3  Sustainable Development of Tourism Resources
    3.3.1  Sustainable Development Concept of Tourism Resources
    3.3.2  Barriers to Sustainable Development of Tourism Resources
    3.3.3  Sustainable Development Path of Tourism Resources
Chapter 4 Geological Landscape
  4.1  Overview of Geological Landscape
    4.1.1  The Definition of Geological Landscape
    4.1.2  The Features of Geological Landscape
    4.1.3  The Implications of the Geological Landscape
  4.2  The Typology of Geological Landscape
    4.2.1  Natural Landscape Complex

    4.2.2  Geological and Tectonic Traces
    4.2.3  Surface Morphology
    4.2.4  Natural Markers and Natural Phenomena
  4.3  The Development and Utilization of Geological Landscape
    4.3.1  Tourism Function of Geological Landscape
    4.3.2  Geological Landscape Development
Chapter 5 Water Tourism?Ocean Tourism
  5.1  Water Tourism?Ocean Tourism
    5.1.1  The Definition of Water Tourism?Ocean Tourism
    5.1.2  The Major Activities of Water Tourism?Ocean Tourism
    5.1.3  Typical Issues and Concerns of Water Tourism?Ocean Tourism
  5.2  Water Tourism?Seaside Tourism
    5.2.1  The Definition of Water Tourism?Seaside Tourism
    5.2.2  The Activities of Water Tourism?Seaside Tourism
    5.2.3  Typical Issues and Concerns of Water Tourism? Seaside Tourism
  5.3  Water Tourism?Lake Tourism
    5.3.1  The Definition of Water Tourism?Lake Tourism
    5.3.2  The Activities of Water Tourism?Lake Tourism
    5.3.3  Typical Issues and Concerns
  5.4  Water Tourism?Wetland Tourism
    5.4.1  The Definition of Water Tourism?Wetland Tourism
    5.4.2  The Activities of Water Tourism?Wetland Tourism
    5.4.3  Typical Issues and Concerns of Water Tourism?Wetland Tourism
Chapter 6 Biological and Climate Landscape
  6.1  Biological Landscape as Tourism Resources
    6.1.1  Definition of Biological Landscape
    6.1.2  Biological Resources and Tourism
    6.1.3  The Characteristics of Biological Resources
    6.1.4  Categorizing Biological Landscapes for Tourism
    6.1.5  Conservation Frameworks for Biological Resources
  6.2  Climate Landscape as Tourism Resources
    6.2.1  Defining Climate and Meteorology Tourism Resources
    6.2.2  Characteristics of Climate and Meteorology Tourism Resources
    6.2.3  Impact of Climate and Meteorology Elements on Tourism Activities
    6.2.4  Categories of Climate Landscape Resources
Chapter 7 Heritage Tourism Resources
  7.1  Overview of Heritage Resources
    7.1.1  The Definition of Heritage
    7.1.2  The Implications of Heritage Resources
  7.2  The Typology of Heritage Tourism Resources
    7.2.1  Natural Heritage
    7.2.2  Tangible Cultural Heritage
    7.2.3  Assessment of World Natural and Cultural Heritage
    7.2.4  Intangible Cultural Heritage
    7.2.5  Mixed Heritage
  7.3  The Development and Protection of Heritage Tourism Resources
    7.3.1  The Development of Heritage Tourism Resources
    7.3.2  The Protection of Heritage Tourism Resources
Chapter 8 Humanistic Activities
  8.1  The Concept of Humanistic Activities

  8.2  Personnel Records
  8.3  Art
  8.4  Folk Customs
  8.5  Modern Festivals
  8.6  Festivals and Events
  8.7  Hometown/Residence of Celebrities
    8.7.1  The Definitions of Hometown/Residence of Celebrities
    8.7.2  The Activities of Hometown/Residence of Celebrities
  8.8  Performance
    8.8.1  The Definitions of Performance
    8.8.2  The Activities of Performance
Chapter 9 Tourism Commodities
  9.1  The Definitions and Attributes of Tourism Commodities
    9.1.1  The Definitions of Tourism Commodities
    9.1.2  The Fundamental Types of Tourism Commodities
    9.1.3  The Attributes of Tourism Commodities
  9.2  Tourism Handicrafts
    9.2.1  The Definitions of Tourism Handicrafts
    9.2.2  The Fundamental Types of Tourism Handicrafts
    9.2.3  The Attributes of Tourism Handicrafts
  9.3  Souvenirs
    9.3.1  The Definitions of Souvenirs
    9.3.2  The Fundamental Types of Souvenirs
    9.3.3  The Attributes of the Souvenirs
  9.4  Specialties
    9.4.1  The Definitions of Specialties
    9.4.2  The Fundamental Types of Specialties
    9.4.3  The Attributes of Specialties
  9.5  Tourism Supplies and Consumables
    9.5.1  The Definitions of Tourism Supplies and Consumables
    9.5.2  The Fundamental Types of Tourism Supplies and Consumables
    9.5.3  The Attributes of Tourism Supplies and Consumables

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