幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:趙彤//王聖元|責編:周媛媛
  • 出版社:武漢大學
  • ISBN:9787307237087
  • 出版日期:2023/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:218
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Part One Concepts: A Competitive Approach
  Chapter 1 Strategic Management
    Section 1 Concept
    Section 2 The Competitive Landscape
    Section 3 The I/O Model of Above-average Returns
    Section 4 The Resource-Based Model of Above-average Returns
    Section 5 Vision and Mission
    Section 6 Stakeholders
  Chapter 2 The External Environment Analysis
    Section 1 The General, Industry, and Competitor Environments
    Section 2 External Environmental Analysis
    Section 3 Segments of the General Environment
    Section 4 Environment Analysis
    Section 5 Interpreting Industry Analyses and Strategic Groups
  Chapter 3 The Internal Organization
    Section 1 Analyzing the Internal Organization
    Section 2 Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies
    Section 3 Core Competencies
    Section 40utsourcing
    Section 5 Strategic Decisions
  Chapter 4 Business-level Strategy
    Section 1 Business-level Strategy
    Section 2 Customers: Their Relationship with Business-level Strategies
    Section 3 The Purpose of a Business-level Strategy
    Section 4 Types of Business-level Strategies
  Chapter 5 Competitive Behavior
    Section 1 A Model of Competitive Rivalry
    Section 2 Competitor Analysis
    Section 3 Drivers of Competitive Actions
    Section 4 Competitive Rivalry
    Section 5 Likelihood of Attack
    Section 6 Likelihood of Response
    Section 7 Competitive Dynamics
  Chapter 6 Corporate-level Strategy
    Section 1 Levels of Diversification
    Section 2 Reasons for Diversification
    Section 3 Value-creating Diversification
    Section 4 Diversification
    Section 5 Unrelated Diversification
    Section 6 Value-neutral Diversification
    Section 7 Value-reducing Diversification: Managerial Motives to Diversify
Part Two Models: An Ecological Perspective
  Chapter 7 General Environmental System Modeling
    Section 1 Introduction
    Section 2 Materials and Methods
    Section 3 Results and Discussions
    Section 4 Conclusions
  Chapter 8 Intra Organizational Improvisational Behavior Modeling
    Section 1 Introduction
    Section 2 Materials and Methods

    Section 3 Results and Discussions
    Section 4 Conclusions
  Chapter 9 Competitive System: Symbiosis Model among Enterprises
    Section 1 Introduction
    Section 2 Methods and Materials
    Section 3 Results and Discussions
    Section 4 Conclusions
  Chapter I0 Enterprise Internal Business Competition System
    Section 1 Introduction
    Section 2 Materials and Methods
    Section 3 Results and Discussions
    Section 4 Conclusions

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