幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:路平//周來//(菲)周純峰|責編:李敬
  • 出版社:中國礦大
  • ISBN:9787564652319
  • 出版日期:2021/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:275
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1  Environment
  1.2  Environmental problems
  1.3  Environmental issues of the mines
Chapter 2 Sustainable Development
  2.1  Definition and connotation of sustainable development
  2.2  Implementation of sustainable development strategy in China
Chapter 3 Recourses Utilization and Sustainability
  3.1  Sustainable utilization of natural resources
  3.2  Overview of China's natural resources
  3.3  Water resource
  3.4  Land resources
  3.5  Biological resources
  3.6  Energy resources
  3.7  Mineral resources
Chapter 4 Mineral Recourses Exploiting and Green Mines
  4.1  Regulations for exploiting and mining in China
  4.2  Constructions of green mines
  4.3  Indicator system for the green mines
  4.4  Assessing the construction of green mines
Chapter 5 Mining Environmental Protection and Sustainability
  5.1  Land reclamation
  5.2  Environment management of mines
  5.3  Ecological remediation of mining areas
Chapter 6 Practices of Green Mines
  6.1  Green mines in Baiyun Obo West Mine
  6.2  Green mines in Zhangdou Mining Area
  6.3  Green mines in Yadian Coal Mine
  6.4  Green mines in Tangshan Mine
  6.5  Green mines in Dongpang Mine of Jizhong Energy Group
  6.6  Green mines in Wuhai Baogang Mining Company
Chapter 7 Case Studies
  7.1  Pollution adjudication and mining in the Philippines
  7.2  Breaking down driving factors using LMDI decomposition analysis
Main References

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