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  • 作者:編者:蔣涌//陳健銘|責編:丁忠華
  • 出版社:鄭州大學
  • ISBN:9787564592202
  • 出版日期:2023/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:264
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:

    本書對《國際財務報告準則》(IFRS)的內容進行了深入淺出的剖析和詳解。IFRS為企業的財務人員提供了實務的工作參考,同時也規範了企業人員的實務工作。通過學習本書,您可以快速且高效地收穫財務知識和財務技能;參照本書,您能迅速地積累財務理論知識,並結合工作實務,將理論用於實踐。本書同時也為相關財務背景的學員提供了便捷的學習機會,本書詳細且周密地對每一條準則做出了註解,並給出案例,最終做到讓大眾更方便地理解每一條準則的意義和用途,更有利地促進會計財務人員通過各項會計專業資格考試(ACCA、CGMA)等。本書覆蓋的IAS、IFRS包括:IAS 2、IAS 8、IAS 10、IAS 12、IAS 16、IAS 20、IAS 21、IAS 23、IAS 32、IAS 33、IAS 36、IAS 37、IAS 38、IAS 40、IAS 41、IFRS 5、IFRS 7、IFRS 9、IFRS 15、IFRS 16。


Chapter 1  Inventories
  1.1  Definition of Inventories
  1.2  Initial Measurement
  1.3  Subsequent Measurement
  1.4  Reasons Why Costs Are Higher Than NRV
  1.5  Reversal of Write-Down of Inventories
  1.6  Cost Formulae Example
  1.7  Consistency Requirement--Different Cost Formulas for Inventories
Chapter 2  Tangible Non-Current Assets
  2.1  IAS 16 PP & E Cost Accounting
  2.2  IAS 16 PP & E Depreciation Accounting
  2.3  IAS 40 Investment Property
  2.4  IAS 23 Borrowing Costs
Chapter 3  Intangible Assets
  3.1  Recognition and Amortisation
  3.2  Goodwill : IFRS 3 Business Combinations
Chapter 4  Impairment of Assets
  4.1  Different Standards Dealing with Impairment
  4.2  Definitions
  4.3  Identifying a Potentially Impaired Asset
  4.4  Common Impairment Indicators in Different Industries
  4.5  Accounting Entries
  4.6  Cash-Generating Units (CGUs)
  4.7  Examples of CGUs
  4.8  Considerations to Determine a CGU
  4.9  Practical Examples to Determine a CGU
  4.10  Impairment Test for CGU
  4.11  Allocated Goodwill
  4.12  "Consistency" Rule
  4.13  Impairment Reversal for an Individual Asset
Chapter 5  Revenue
  5.1  Scope
  5.2  Key Definitions
  5.3  Five-Step Model [COPAR]
  5.4  IFRS 15 Five Steps in Detail
  5.5  Incremental Costs of Obtaining a Contract (Contract Costs)
  5.6  Common Types of Transactions
  5.7  Presentation
  5.8  Disclosure
  5.9  Contract in Progress
Chapter 6  Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
  6.1  Objective
  6.2  Scope
  6.3  Definitions
  6.4  Classification of Non-current Assets (or Disposal Groups) as Held for Sale
  6.5  Non-Current Assets to Be Abandoned
  6.6  Initial Measurement of Non-Current Assets Held for Sale
  6.7  Subsequent Measurement
  6.8  Impairment Reversal
  6.9  Ceases to Be Held for Sale

  6.10  Accounting Treatment When the Sale Is Expected to Be Beyond One Year
  6.11  Presentation of a Non-Current Asset or Disposal Group Classified as Held for Sale
  6.12  Additional Disclosures
  6.13  Presenting Discontinued Operations
Chapter 7  IFRS 16 Leases
  7.1  Definitions and Scope of a Lease
  7.2  Lessee's Accounting
  7.3  Lessee's Accounting in Detail:Right-of-Use Assets
  7.4  Lease ldentifcation
  7.5  Recognition Exemptions
  7.6  Sale and Leaseback Transactions
Chapter 8  IAS 37 & IAS 10
  8.1  Provisions
  8.2  Contingent Liabilities
  8.3  Contingent Assets
  8.4  Adjusting Event
  8.5  Non-Adjusting Event
Chapter 9  IAS 33 Earnings Per Share (EPS)
  9.1  Objective
  9.2  Scope
  9.3  Definitions
  9.4  Basic Earnings Per Share ( EPS )
  9.5  Treatment of Preference Dividends
  9.6  Practical Steps to Calculate the Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding
  9.7  Effects on EPS of Changes in Capital Structure
  9.8  Diluted EPS
  9.9  Alternative EPS Figures
  9.10  Significance of Earnings Per Share
Chapter 10  IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
  10.1  Key Definitions
  10.2  Selection and Application of Accounting Policies
  10.3  Consistency of Accounting Policies
  10.4  Change in Accounting Policy
  10.5  Retrospective Application
  10.6  Disclosures
  10.7  Comparability
  10.8  Changes in Accounting Estimates
  10.9  Prospective Adjustments
  10.10  Consistency and Comparability
  10.11  Disclosure
  10.12  Correction of Accounting Errors
  10.13  Disclosure
Chapter 11  Taxation
  11.1  Key Definitions
  11.2  Accounting Treatment for Corporation Tax
  11.3  Underpayment of Corporation Tax
  11.4  Over Payment of Corporation Tax
  11.5  Payment to the Tax Authority
  11.6  Tax Rates or Tax Laws Which Are Enacted or Substantively Enacted
  11.7  Trading Losses Carried Back

  11.8  Trial Balance Where the Under or Over Provision of Corporation Tax Is Shown
  11.9  Tax Directly in Equity
  11.10  Deferred Tax
  11.11  Deferred Tax Liabilities
  11.12  Deferred Tax Assets
  11.13  Difference Between Temporary/Timing Difference and Permanent Differences
  11.14  Deferred Tax Implications for Specific Items
  11.15  Components in Deferred Tax
  11.16  Changes in the Tax Rate in the Deferred Tax Calculation
  11.17  Discounting for Deferred Tax
  11.18  Presentation in P/L
  11.19  The Reason to Calculate the Deferred Tax
  11.20  Presentation of Current Tax and Deferred Tax

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