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  • 作者:編者:錢學鋒//曹亮|責編:張偉
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302639473
  • 出版日期:2023/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:363
人民幣:RMB 69 元      售價:



第1章  導論
  Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  國際貿易學研究什麼(What Does International Trade Study)
  1.2  國際貿易為什麼重要(Why Is International Trade Important)
  1.3  當代國際貿易是什麼樣的(What Is Contemporary International Trade)
第2章  古典貿易理論
  Chapter 2  Classical Trade Theory
  2.1  絕對優勢理論(Absolute Advantage Theory)
  2.2  標準的李嘉圖模型(Standard Ricardian Model)
  2.3  拓展的李嘉圖模型(Extended Ricardian Model)
  2.4  比較優勢的度量(The Measurements of Comparative Advantage)
  2.5  李嘉圖模型驗證及啟示(Validation and Implications of Ricardian Model)
第3章  新古典貿易理論
  Chapter 3  Neoclassical Trade Theory
  3.1  基本概念(Basic Concepts)
  3.2  要素稟賦理論(Factor Endowments Theory)
  3.3  要素價格均等化定理(Factor-Price Equalization Theorem)
  3.4  斯托爾帕-薩繆爾森定理(Stolper-Samuelson Theorem)
  3.5  里昂惕夫之謎及其解釋(Leontief Paradox and Its Explanation)
第4章  新貿易理論
  Chapter 4  The New Trade Theory
  4.1  新的貿易模式:產業內貿易(The New Trade Pattern:Intra-Industry Trade)
  4.2  新的貿易基礎:規模經濟(The New Basis of Trade: Economies of Scale)
  4.3  外部規模經濟與國際貿易(External Economies of Scale and International Trade)
  4.4  內部規模經濟與國際貿易(Internal Economies of Scale and International Trade)
第5章  企業層面貿易理論
  Chapter 5  Firm-Level Trade Theory
  5.1  企業異質性與出口狀態:經驗事實(Firm Heterogeneity and Export Status: Empirical Facts)
  5.2  企業異質性與貿易的基礎(Firm Heterogeneity and the Basis of Trade)
  5.3  企業異質性與貿易利益(Firm Heterogeneity and the Gains from Trade)
  5.4  中國企業「出口-生產率悖論」(The「Export-Productivity Paradox」of Chinese Firms)
  5.5  企業異質性與出口增長的二元邊際(Firm Heterogeneity and Dual Margin of Export Growth)
  5.6  企業層面貿易理論的新進展(New Developments in Firm-Level Trade Theory)

第6章  經濟增長與貿易
  Chapter 6  Economic Growth and Trade
  6.1  經濟增長的含義與分類(Concept and Classification of Economic Growth)
  6.2  要素增長對貿易的影響(The Impact of Factor Growth on Trade)
  6.3  技術進步對貿易的影響(The Impact of Technical Progress on Trade)
  6.4  貿易對發展中國家經濟增長的影響(The Impact of Trade on Economic Growth in Developing Country)
第7章  貿易壁壘:關稅
  Chapter 7  Trade Barrier: Tariff
  7.1  關稅的種類(Types of Tariff)
  7.2  關稅的局部均衡分析(Partial Equilibrium Analysis of Tariff)
  7.3  關稅的一般均衡分析(General Equilibrium Analysis of Tariff)
  7.4  關稅結構理論(Tariff Structure Theory)
  7.5  最優關稅(Optimum Tariff)
第8章  非關稅壁壘
  Chapter 8  Non-Tariff Barriers
  8.1  非關稅壁壘的特點(Characteristics of Non-Tariff Barriers)
  8.2  非關稅壁壘的種類(Types of Non-Tariff Barriers)
  8.3  非關稅壁壘的影響(Impact of Non-Tariff Barriers)
第9章  經濟全球化與區域經濟一體化
  Chapter 9  Economic Globalization and Regional Economic Integration
  9.1  經濟全球化(Economic Globalization)
  9.2  世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization)
  9.3  區域經濟一體化的基本組織形式(Types of Regional Economic Integration)
  9.4  區域經濟一體化的經濟效應(Effects of Regional Economic Integration)
  9.5  世界主要區域的經濟一體化進程(The Process of Regional Economic Integration in Major Areas)
第10章  貿易政策與經濟發展
  Chapter 10  Trade Policy and Economic Development
  10.1  貿易政策的含義與類型(Definition and Type of Trade Policy)
  10.2  進口替代政策與經濟發展(Import-Substitution Policy and Economic Development)
  10.3  出口導向政策與經濟發展(Export-Oriented Policy and Economic Development)
  10.4  新結構經濟學與經濟發展(New Structural Economics and Economic Development)

第11章  國際貿易新發展
  Chapter 11  New Developments in International Trade
  11.1  全球價值鏈及全球生產網路(Global Value Chains and Global Production Networks)
  11.2  貿易與環境(Trade and Environment)
  11.3  貿易與創新(Trade and Innovation)
  11.4  數字經濟與數字貿易(Digital Economy and Digital Trade)

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