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  • 作者:編者:王軼英//顧書華|責編:吳亞軍//施琳琳
  • 出版社:機械工業
  • ISBN:9787111730132
  • 出版日期:2023/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:261
人民幣:RMB 55 元      售價:



Part 1 Introduction
  Chapter 1 An Overview of Accounting
    Learning Objectives
    1.1  Basic Accounting Process
    1.2  Main Types of Accounting Entities
    1.3  The Users of Accounting Information
    1.4  The Two Branches of Accounting
    1.5  Corporate Governance
    1.6  The Main Financial Statements
  Chapter 2 Accounting Laws and Regulation System
    Learning Objectives
    2.1  An Overview of Levels of Regulatory Framework
    2.2  The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
    2.3  The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs)
  Chapter 3 IASB Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
    Learning Objectives
    3.1  The Objective of General Purpose Financial Reporting
    3.2  Qualitative Characteristics of Useful Financial Information
    3.3  Financial Statements and the Reporting Entity
    3.4  The Elements of Financial Statements
Part 2 Basic Principle of Bookkeeping
  Chapter 4 Source Documents and Books of Prime Entry
    Learning Objectives
    4.1  Source Documents
    4.2  Books of Prime Entry
  Chapter 5 Double Entry and the Ledgers
    Learning Objectives
    5.1  Double Entry Accounting
    5.2  Writing-up Journal
    5.3  Books of Prime Entry and Ledgers
  Chapter 6 Balancing off Accounts and Preparing a Trial Balance
    Learning Objectives
    6.1  Purpose of Balancing off Accounts
    6.2  Methods of Balancing off Accounts
    6.3  Preparing a Trial Balance
    6.4  Preparing Basic Financial Statements
Part 3 Preparing for Basic Financial Statements

  Chapter 7 Sales Tax
    Learning Objectives
    7.1  What is Sales Tax
    7.2  How Does the Sales Tax System Work
    7.3  Accounting for Sales Tax
  Chapter 8 Control Accounts
    Learning Objectives
    8.1  Principle of Control Accounts
    8.2  More Information for Entries in Control Accounts
    8.3  Reconciling the Difference Between Control Accounts and Personal Ledgers
    8.4  Advantages of Control Accounts
    8.5  Reconciliation of Suppliers' Statements
  Chapter 9 Bank Reconciliation Statement
    Learning Objectives
    9.1  Bank Statement and Cash Book
    9.2  Reasons for Differences in Balances
    9.3  Bank Reconciliation Procedure
    9.4  Tips for Problem Solving
  Chapter 10 Correction of Errors
    Learning Objectives
    10.1  Types of Errors
    10.2  The Correction of Errors
    10.3  Advantages of Journal and Suspense Account
  Chapter 11 Incomplete Records
    Learning Objectives
    11.1  What Are Incomplete Records
    11.2  Using the Accounting and Business Equation
    11.3  Using the Control Accounts
    11.4  Establishing the Cost of Goods Sold
Part 4 Financial Statements for Different Types of Businesses
  Chapter 12 Manufacturing Account
    Learning Objectives
    12.1  Costs of Production
    12.2  Format of Manufacturing Account
    12.3  _ Financial Statements for Manufacturing Companies
    12.4  Apportionment of Costs
  Chapter 13 Accounting for Sole Traders
    Learning Objectives

    13.1  Accounting Period
    13.2  Adjusting Accounts
    13.3  Financial Statements for Sole Traders
  Chapter 14 Accounting for Partnership
    Learning Objectives
    14.1  Characteristics of Partnership
    14.2  Limited Partnership vs. Limited Liability Partnership
    14.3  Basic Accounting for Partnership
    14.4  Fixed Capital Account and Current Account
    14.5  Nonexistence of Partnership Agreement
  Chapter 15 Professional Ethics of Accountants
    Learning Objectives
    15.1  Professionalism
    15.2  Ethics
    15.3  Professional Ethics
Glossary of English and Chinese Terms

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