幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:劉婕//符敏明//馮靜|責編:黃文科//張馨予
  • 出版社:暨南大學
  • ISBN:9787566835550
  • 出版日期:2023/02/01
  • 裝幀:活頁
  • 頁數:130
人民幣:RMB 35 元      售價:



Unit 1 What Kind of Hotel and Room Would You Like to Reserve
Background Information of Hotel
   1 Listening
   2 Reporting
   3 Typing Training
   4 Quiz
   5 Supplementary Study
Unit 2 What Kind of Flight Do You Prefer
Background Information about Plane Taking
   1 Listening
   2 Reporting
   3 Typing Training
   4  Quiz
   5 Supplementary Study
Unit 3 How Often Do You Go to the Beauty Center
Background Information about Beauty Care Service
   1 Listening
   2 Reporting
   3 Typing Training
   4 Quiz
   5 Supplementary Study
Unit 4 What Direction of the House Do You Prefer
Background Information of Real Estate Agents
   1 Listening
   2 Reporting
   3 TypingTraining
   4 Quiz
   5 Supplementary Study
Unit 5 Could You Spare Me a Minute to Do a Survey
Background Information of Doing a Survey
   1 Listening
   2 Reporting
   3 Typing Training
   4 Quiz
   5 Supplementary Study
Unit 6 Would You Please Tell Me Your Phone Number
Background Information about Complaint
   1 Listening
   2 Reporting
   3 TypingTraining
   4 Quiz
   5 Supplementary Study
Unit 7 Would You Give Me Your Policy Number Please
Background Information of Insurance Policy
   1 Listening
   2 Reporting
   3 Typing Training
   4 Quiz
   5 Supplementary Study

Unit 8 Would You Please Tell Me Your Account Number
Background Information of the Call Center of Banking Services
   1 Listening
   2 Reporting
   3 Typing Training
   4 Quiz
   5 Supplementary Study

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