幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:顧水彬|責編:孟媛
  • 出版社:西南交大
  • ISBN:9787564390532
  • 出版日期:2022/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:236
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction to Financial Management
  China's Story 1  Haier--Financial Managemet Aim to Create Value
  1-1  Forms of Organization
  1-2  Definition of Financial Management
  1-3  Structure of Financial Management
  1-4  Goal of Financial Management
  1-5  Agency Problem
  1-6  Procedures of Financial Management
  1-7  Principles of Financial Management
  Summary of This Chapter
  Multiple Choice
Chapter 2  The Time Value of Money
  China's Story 2  Chinese Pawnshops
  2-1  Definition of the Time Value of Money
  2-2  Applications of the Time Value of Money
  2-3  Multiple Compounding within a Year
  2-4  Interest Rate
  2-5  Stock Valuation
  2-6  Bond Valuation
  Summary of This Chapter
  Multiple Choice
Chapter 3  Financial Analysis
  China's Story 3  Huawei--Financial Analysis Integrates with Business ActiVities
  3-1  Definition and Roles of Financial Analysis
  3-2  Financial Statements
  3-3  Comparative Analysis
  3-4  Financial Ratio Analysis
  3-5  DuPont Analysis
  3-6  Business Model
  Summary of This Chapter
  Multiple Choice
Chapter 4  Market, Risk, and Return
  China's Story 4  The Development of China's Capital Market
  4-1  Financial, Market
  4-2  Financial Instruments
  4-3  Risks and Returns
  4-4  Measures to Manage Risks
  Summary of This Chapter
  Multiple Choice
Chapter 5  Raising Capital
  China's Story 5  Alibaba: Platform Lending Based on Users' Transaction Records
  5-1  Definition of Raising Capital
  5-2  Sources for Raising Capital
  5-3  Percentage of Sales Approach
  5-4  Equity Financing
  5-5  Debt Financing
  5-6  Hybrid Financing
  5-7  Cost of Capital
  5-8  Principle of Leverage
  5-9  EBIT-EPS Indifference Points

  Summary of This Chapter
  Multiple Choice
Chapter 6  Capital Budgeting
  China's Story 6  Jingdong: the More You Lose, the More,You Invest
  6-1  Definition and Categories
  6-2  Cash Flow Forecasting
  6-3  Methods for Capital Budgeting
  6-4  Capital Budgeting for Mutually Exclusive Investments
  6-5  Basic Concepts of Sensitivity Analysis
  Summary of This Chapter
  Multiple Choice
Chapter 7  Working Capital Management
  China's Story 7  Hisense: Working Capital Management Based on Channel and Supply Chain Finance
  7-1  Definition and Principles of Working Capital Management
  7-2  Strategies for Short-term Financing
  7-3  Cash and Marketable Securities Management
  7-4  Accounts Receivable Management
  7-5  Inventory Management
  Summary of This Chapter
  Multiple Choice
Chapter 8  Profit Distribution: China's Story 8  High Cash Dividends in the Epidemic
  8-1  Definitions and Principles
  8-2  Theory of Dividend Policy
  8-3  Factors Affecting Dividend Policy,
  8-4  Dividend Policies
  8-5  Dividend'DistributionProcedures
  Summary of This Chapter
  Multiple Choice
Chapter 9  Budgeting
  China's Story 9  Digital Intelligence Promotes Comprehensive Budgeting in China
  9-1  Concept and Roles of Budgeting
  9-2  Cash Budget
  9-3  Financial Statement Budget
  9-4  Categories of Financial Budget
  Summary of This Chapter
  Multiple Choice

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