幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:江風|責編:趙婷//崔靈琳
  • 出版社:中國人民大學
  • ISBN:9787300314754
  • 出版日期:2023/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:230
人民幣:RMB 40 元      售價:



PART 1  Ancient China
  Chapter 1  Social economy in the pre-Qin period
    1.1  The economy in ancient times
    1.2  Social economy of the slavery regime in the Xia, Shang, and Western Zhou dynasties
    1.3  Social economy in the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period
  Chapter 2  Social economies of the Qin and Han dynasties
    2.1  Establishment of the economy of the unified feudal country
    2.2  Economic policy of emphasizing agriculture and restraining commerce
    2.3  Taxation and corvee systems
    2.4  Development of trade and the Silk Road
  Chapter 3  The economies of the Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern dynasties
    3.1  Evolution of the land system
    3.2  Characteristics of economic development
    3.3  Development of commerce and foreign trade
  Chapter 4  Social economies of the Sui and Tang dynasties
    4.1  Land, taxation, and servitude systems
    4.2  Development of agriculture and handicraft industries
    4.3  Commerce and foreign trade
  Chapter 5  Social economies of the Song and Yuan dynasties
    5.1  Land ownership and tenancy relationship
    5.2  Wang Anshi's reform
    5.3  Development of agriculture and handicraft industries
    5.4  Commerce and foreign trade
  Chapter 6  Social economies of the Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty
    6.1  Land and tax policies
    6.2  Agriculture and handicraft industry
    6.3  Commerce and the emergence of capitalist sprouts
    6.4  Foreign trade and the "Closed Door"policy
PART 2  China In Transition
  Chapter 7  Social economy of the late Qing Dynasty
    7.1  Disintegration of the natural economy and the Western economic invasion
    7.2  Impact of unequal treaties on China's economy
    7.3  Westernization Movement
    7.4  National capitalism and commerce
  Chapter 8  Social economy of the Republic of China
    8.1  Social economy in the Northern Warlords government period
    8.2  Social economy during the Kuomintang regime
PART 3  Contemporary China
  Chapter 9  Social economy in the transitional period towards socialism
    9.1  Domestic and international environment and the new democratic economy
    9.2  General line for the transitional period and socialist transformation
    9.3  Industrialization strategy and the first Five-Year Plan
  Chapter 10  Agriculture in the period of planned economy
    10.1  People's commune system
    10.2  Preliminary establishment of the rural social welfare system
    10.3  Development and limitations of rural economy
  Chapter 11  Industry in the period of planned economy
    11.1  The leading position
  Chapter 12  Agriculture in the period of reform and opening up
    12.1  Household contract responsibility system
    12.2  The development of township enterprises
    12.3  Beautiful countryside construction and Rural Revitalization Strategy
  Chapter 13  Industry in the period of reform and opening up
    13.1  The reform of state-owned enterprises
    13.2  The development of the non-public economy and the change of industrial structure
    13.3  Special economic zones, state-level new areas, and industrial parks
  Chapter 14  The tertiary industry in the period of reform and opening up
    14.1  The development of commerce
    14.2  Great changes in the financial industry
    14.3  The transportation and communications industry
  Chapter 15  Foreign trade in the period of reform and opening up
    15.1  The growth of foreign trade
    15.2  Foreign investment in China
    15.3  China』s foreign direct investment
    15.4  Trade with countries along the "Belt and Road"
    15.5  Trade friction
  Chapter 16  Science, technology, and education in the period of reform and opening up
    16.1  Technological progress in different fields
    16.2  The emergence of high-tech enterprises
    16.3  Progress in Education
  Chapter 17  The future of China's economy
    17.1  From "made in China" to "created in China"
    17.2  Environmental protection
    17.3  Urbanization
    17.4  Population
    17.5  Summary

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