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  • 作者: |編者:上海市住房和城鄉建設管理委員會//上海世界城市日事務協調中心//上海市住房和城鄉建設管理委員會科學技術委員會事務中心
  • 出版社:上海科技
  • ISBN:9787547859391
  • 出版日期:2022/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:149
人民幣:RMB 128 元      售價:



Preface Ⅰ (Ant?nio Guterres)
Preface Ⅱ (Jiang Wanrong)
Preface Ⅲ (Maimunah Mohd Sharif)
Chapter 01 Urban Renewal and People's Urban Construction
  Promoting High-quality Urban Construction to Empower People's High-quality Life /Yao Kai
  Urban Organic Renewal and Community Integration /Feng Jingming
  Significance and Content of Building Child-Friendly Cities / Liu Zhi
  Sharing for a Better Life / Li Zhenyu
Chapter 02 Cultural Inheritance and Urban Soft Power Improvement
  Cultural Soft Power from the Perspective of Global Cities /Fang Shizhong
  Cultural Shaping of New City in Shanghai - Design of Longmen Pavilion in Fengxian District /Chang Qing
  Shikumen and Its Revolutionary Secret / He Jianming
  Using Media to Spread Positive Values and Enhance Shanghai's Soft Power /Song Jiongrming
  Exploration and Innovation of Rural Revitalization in the Yangtze River Delta /Sun Feng
Chapter 03 Digital Governance and People-oriented Urban Practice
  A Methodological Study on Al in the New Social Governance and Public Security /Ma Lizhuang
  High-quality Development of Smart Cultural Tourism Empowered by Al /Yin Zhi
  Practices of Governance in Digital Transformation in Jing'an District /Wang Hua
  Practical Case of Intelligent Management of Large-scale Visitor Flow at 10th Flower Expo /Wang Yongkun
Chapter 04 Ecological Resilience and Sustainable Development
  Resilient Cities and Sustainable Development / Zheng Shiling
  Pilots of Building Climate Change-resilient Cities in China / Cao Ying
  New Path of Urban Ecological Security - Resilient City Planning and Construction Measures /Wang Xiangrong
  Bottom Line in Urban Landscaping for Resilience Building / Wang Panyan
  Exploration and Practice of Ecogeological Survey, Protection and Restoration / Xiao Chunlei
Chapter 05 Development and Utilization of Urban Space under the Background of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality
  City Building and Vertical Cities in the New Era of Achieving Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality / Qian Qihu
  Urban Renewal and Community Construction under the Background of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality /Wang Kai
  Contributing to the "Dual Carbon" Goals of the Construction Industry / Sun Ying
  Thoughts on Development and Utilization of Underground Space in Urban Renewal / Liu Qianwei
  Ecological Conservation and Restoration of Metropolitan Territorial Space for aProsperous, Beautiful China and a Better Life of the People - Envisioning the Next Journey of China's Urbanization / Yun Wenju
Chapter 06 Infrastructure Construction under the Pattern of Innovation
  Discussion on Preliminary Study on Long and Large Vacuum Tunnel in Strait / Sun Jun
  Strategy and Practice of Decarbonization in Underground Space Construction /Chen Xiangsheng
  Research on the Design of Urban Comprehensive Transportation at Binhai Avenue of Super Headquarters Base in Shenzhen Bay /Ye Rong
  Accelerating Capital Circulation and Quality Development in Infrastructure Development / Yang Jianqiang
Appendix: Theme Activities and Series Activities of World Cities Day 2021

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