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  • 作者:編者:聯合國人居署//國際展覽局//上海市人民政府|責編:樓玲玲//汪茜
  • 出版社:上海科技
  • ISBN:9787547859407
  • 出版日期:2022/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:200
人民幣:RMB 228 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Society
  Case Studies
  Chengdu, China: Chengdu's Aiyouxi – Creating Connected Communities and Community Autonomy
  Beijing, China: Baiwan Jiayuan Social Housing
  Hanoi, Vietnam: Hanoi's Intergenerational Self-Help Clubs
  Odisha, India: Odisha Urban Wage Employment Initiative –Creating Sustainable Livelihood Opportunities
  Buenos Aires, Argentina: Transforming Barrio Mugica –Reintegrating a Socially Excluded Community
  Policy Suggestions
Chapter 3 Economy
  Case Studies
  Curitiba, Brazil: The Pinh?o Valley Innovation Ecosystem – Driving a Creative Economy
  Monterrey, Mexico: Sparking the Potential of Universities to Drive Innovation and Entrepreneurship via Industry and Community Partnerships
  Heidelberg, Germany. Modernizing Heidelberg through Industrial Upgrading and Diversification
  Shanghai, China: Inheritance and Innovation of Century-old Brands in Shanghar's Huangpu District
  Policy Suggestions
Chapter 4 Environment
  Case Studies
  Weihai, China; Building an Exquisite Green City
  Minawao, Cameroon: Creating an Environmentally Sustainable and Resilient Green Refugee Camp
  Yokohama, Japan: Blue Carbon Project
  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Community-driven Flood Resilience in Dar es Salaam's Informal Settlements
  Policy Suggestions
Chapter 5 Culture
  Case Studies
  Aden, Sana'a, Shibam and Zabid, Yemen: Cash for Work - Empowering Urban
  Youth through Cultural Heritage Rehabilitation in Yemen's Historic Cities
  Belo Horizonte, Brazil: Creative Horizon –Renewing Belo Horizonte's Historic Cultural
  Neighbourhood of Centro-Lagoinha
  Shanghai, China: Stories of Shanghai Architecture – Revealing Culture through
  Historical Buildings
  East Jerusalem, Occupied Palestinian Territories: The Rehabilitation of the Dar
  Al-Consul Complex – a Journey from Endangered Historical Buildings to a
  Liveable Cultural Hub
  Policy Suggestions
Chapter 6 Governance
  Case Studies
  Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Reconciliation with History to Move the
  Community Forward – a Path towards Sustainable Development in the
  Grandview-Woodland Community
  Yangtze River Delta, China: The Yangtze River Delta Eco-green Integrated
  Demonstration Zone – Building a World-class Model of Waterfront Human
  Settlement Civilization
  Tehran, Iran: Smart Tehran Programme – Promoting Inclusive, Integrated and
  Sustainable Urban Management with Smart City Functionality

  Los Angeles, United States of America: Leveraging Partnerships and Open-source
  Technology to Drive Local Action on the SDGs
  Policy Suggestions
Chapter 7 Global Programmes, Processes and Networks on SDG Localization
  Global Processes towards Localizing the SDGs
  Global Programmes, Platforms and Networks on SDG Localization
  Concluding Remarks

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