幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:中國國際扶貧中心//中央財經大學|責編:肖楊
  • 出版社:中國農業
  • ISBN:9787109301641
  • 出版日期:2022/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:188
人民幣:RMB 88 元      售價:



Chapter Ⅰ Temporal and Spatial Changes of the Global Poor Population
  Ⅰ.Temporal and spatial changes of the global poor population
    (Ⅰ)A year-on-year decline of the global poor population
    (Ⅱ)Relatively concentrated spatial distribution of the global poor population
  Ⅱ.Temporal and spatial changes of the global incidence of poverty
    (Ⅰ)A year-on-year decline of the global incidence of poverty
    (Ⅱ)Significant differences of the incidence of poverty in different regions
  Ⅲ.Poverty reduction effects in different countries
    (Ⅰ)Large differences in the poverty reduction effect in different countries
    (Ⅱ)Obvious effect of poverty reduction in low-income countries
Chapter Ⅱ Poverty Reduction Progress in Major Regions of the World
    (Ⅰ)Socio-cconomic status in Asia
    (Ⅱ)Poverty situation in Asia
    (Ⅲ)Poverty reduction progress in Asia
    (Ⅳ)Experience and challenges in Asia's poverty reduction
    (Ⅰ)Socio-economic status in Africa
    (Ⅱ)Poverty situation in Africa
    (Ⅲ)Poverty reduction progress in Africa
    (Ⅳ)Experience and challenges in Africa's poverty reduction
  Ⅲ.Latin America and the Caribbean
    (Ⅰ)Socio-economic status in Latin America and the Caribbean
    (Ⅱ)Poverty situation in Latin America and the Caribbean
    (Ⅲ)Poverty reduction progress in Latin America and the Caribbean
    (Ⅳ)Experience and challenges in poverty reduction of Latin America and the Caribbean
  Ⅳ.North America
    (Ⅰ)Socio-economic status in North America
    (Ⅱ)Poverty situation in North America
    (Ⅲ)Poverty reduction progress in North America
    (Ⅳ)Experience and challenges in North America's poverty reduction
    (Ⅰ)Socio-economic status in Oceania
    (Ⅱ)Poverty situation in Oceania
    (Ⅲ)Poverty reduction progress in Oceania
    (Ⅳ)Experience and challenges in Oceania's poverty reduction
    (Ⅰ)Socio-economic status in Europe
    (Ⅱ)Poverty situation in Europe
    (Ⅲ)Poverty reduction progress in Europe
    (Ⅳ)Experience and challenges in Europe's poverty reduction
Chapter Ⅲ Implementation of Key Global Poverty Reduction Issues
  Ⅰ.Nutrition and health
    (Ⅰ)Global nutrition and health and medical services have been improving, but difference is still significant
    (IH)Poverty has a serious impact on health
  Ⅱ.Educational development
    (1)The imbalance of educational development between countries and regions still exists
    (Ⅱ)Poverty has a significant negative impact on children's educational outcomes
  Ⅲ.Infrastructure facility

    (Ⅰ)The higher the incidence of poverty, the less complete the infrastructure facilities
    (Ⅱ)Infrastructure investment improves poverty reduction
  Ⅳ.Climate change
    (Ⅰ)The increase in carbon emissions possibly creates new poverty
    (Ⅰ)Measures such as improving energy efficiency, redistribution of carbon tax can reduce the incidence of poverty
Chapter Ⅳ China's Poverty Reduction Efforts Offer China's Approach to the World
  Ⅰ.Implementing the strategy of targeted poverty reduction
    (Ⅰ)Identifying people in need
    (Ⅱ)Strengthening leadership and team-building
    (Ⅲ)Apply targeted measures for different groups
    (Ⅳ)Adopting strict criteria to deregister those who have emerged from poverty
    (Ⅴ)Conducting follow-up monitoring to help people stay out of poverty
  Ⅱ.Offering China's approach to global poverty reduction
  Ⅲ.Consolidating and expanding China's achievements in poverty reduction to revitalizing the countryside
Chapter Ⅴ Global Poverty Reduction Progress under the COVID-19 Pandemic
  Ⅰ.Change of the global poor under the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (Ⅰ)The global spread of COVID-19 Pandemic
    (Ⅱ)Global poverty reduction under the COVID-19 Pandemic
  Ⅱ.Conduction path of COVID-19's impact in poverty reduction
    (Ⅰ)COVID-19 severely affected the global job market
    (Ⅱ)Global food risks increase
    (Ⅲ)Increased global education risks
    (Ⅳ)Survival crisis intensifies for poor children
  Ⅲ.China's poverty reduction measures under the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (Ⅰ)Implement pro-employment policies
    (Ⅱ)Attach great importance to grain production
    (Ⅲ)Effectively safeguard education continuity
    (Ⅳ)Make every effort to ensure people's livelihood
Chapter Ⅵ Prospects of Global Poverty Reduction
  Ⅰ.Facing the risks and challenges
    (Ⅰ)The global poverty reduction process slows down
    (Ⅱ)Imbalance of recovery after the epidemic
    (Ⅲ)Ecological and environmental restriction
    (Ⅳ)Ongoing regional conflicts
    (Ⅴ)Prominent food crisis
  Ⅱ.Keeping pushing forward the poverty reduction process
    (Ⅰ)Continuously improving the medical system
    (Ⅱ)Improving educational guarantee
    (Ⅲ)Strengthening infrastructure development
    (Ⅳ)Making coordinated efforts in responding to climate change and ecosystem degradation
    (Ⅴ)Formulating short-term and long-term economic policies
    (Ⅵ)Deepening multilateral cooperation

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