幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:柯倩//陳娃|責編:盧小雷
  • 出版社:電子工業
  • ISBN:9787121443411
  • 出版日期:2022/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:213
人民幣:RMB 54 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction of Business Letters
  1.1  The Importance and Principles of Business Letters
    1.1.1  The Importance of Business Letters
    1.1.2  Principles of Business Letters
  1.2  Layout of Envelopes
    1.2.1  Blocked Style
    1.2.2  Indented Style
  1.3  Parts of Business Letters
    1.3.1  Standard Parts
    1.3.2  Optional Parts
  1.4  Layout of Business Letters
    1.4.1  Full Block Style
    1.4.2  Indented Style
    1.4.3  Modified Block Style
  1.5  Useful Expressions
  1.6  Exercises
Chapter 2  Establishing Business Relations
  2.1  Introduction
    2.1.1  Source of Customer Channels
    2.1.2  Content of These Letters
  2.2  Specimen Letters
    2.2.1  Letters to Different Organizations for Referral Retention
    2.2.2  Letters Seeking Cooperation
    2.2.3  Replies to Letters Seeking Cooperation
  2.3  Useful Expressions
  2.4  Exercises
Chapter 3  Inquiries, Offers and Counter-offers
  3.1  Introduction
    3.1.1  Inquiries
    3.1.2  Offers
    3.1.3  Counter-offers
  3.2  Specimen Letters
    3.2.1  General Inquiries
    3.2.2  Specific Inquiries
    3.2.3  Replies to Inquiries
    3.2.4  Firm Offers
    3.2.5  Non-Firm Offers
    3.2.6  Acceptance of Counter-offers
    3.2.7  Rejection of Counter-offers
  3.3  Useful Expressions
  3.4  Exercises
Chapter 4  Samples
  4.1  Introduction
    4.1.1  Advertising Samples
    4.1.2  Sale by Samples
  4.2  Specimen Letters
    4.2.1  Asking for the Sample
    4.2.2  Sending the Sample
    4.2.3  Receiving the Sample
    4.2.4  Modifying the Sample

    4.2.5  Sale by Seller's Sample
    4.2.6  Sale by Buyer's Sample
  4.3  Useful Expressions
  4.4  Exercises
Chapter 5  Orders and Contracts
  5.1  Introduction
    5.1.1  Order Acknowledgement
    5.1.2  Purchase and Sales Confirmations
    5.1.3  Purchase and Sales Contracts
  5.2  Specimen Letters
    5.2.1  Placing a Purchase Order
    5.2.2  Acknowledgement of the Purchase Order
    5.2.3  Rejecting an Order
    5.2.4  Accepting an Order
    5.2.5  Purchase Confirmations
    5.2.6  Sales Confirmations
    5.2.7  Purchase Contracts
    5.2.8  Sales Contracts
  5.3  Useful Expressions
  5.4  Exercises
Chapter 6  Payment
  6.1  Introduction
    6.1.1  Remittance
    6.1.2  Collection
    6.1.3  Letter of Credit
  6.2  Specimen Letters
    6.2.1  Proposing to Pay by L/C
    6.2.2  Urging the L/C
    6.2.3  Proposing L/C Amendment
    6.2.4  Extending L/C
    6.2.5  Telegraphic Transfer(T/T)
    6.2.6  Documents against Acceptance(D/A)
    6.2.7  Documents against Payment(D/P)
  6.3  Useful Expressions
  6.4  Exercises
Chapter 7  Packing and Shipment
  7.1  Introduction
    7.1.1  Types of Packing
    7.1.2  Shipping Marks
    7.1.3  Shipping Methods
    7.1.4  Terms of Shipment
  7.2  Specimen Letters
    7.2.1  Negotiations on Packing Requirements
    7.2.2  Shipping Instructions
    7.2.3  Shipping Advice
    7.2.4  Urging Shipment
    7.2.5  Partial Shipment
  7.3  Useful Expressions
  7.4  Exercises
Chapter 8  Insurance

  8.1  Introduction
    8.1.1  Types of Coverage
    8.1.2  CIF and CFR
    8.1.3  Effecting Insurance and Insurance Claims
  8.2  Specimen Letters
    8.2.1  Asking the Seller to Effect Insurance
    8.2.2  Asking the Buyer to Effect Insurance
    8.2.3  Consulting an Insurance Company
    8.2.4  Insurance Company Quotation
    8.2.5  Applying for Insurance
    8.2.6  Asking the Buyer for Insurance Claims
    8.2.7  Claims Against Insurance Company
  8.3  Useful Expressions
  8.4  Exercises
Chapter 9  Complaints, Claims and Settlement
  9.1  Introduction
    9.1.1  Types of Complaints and Claims
    9.1.2  Principles of Handling Claims
  9.2  Specimen Letters
    9.2.1  Complaints and Claims about Wrong Goods Delivery
    9.2.2  Complaints and Claims for Non-conformity Quality
    9.2.3  Claims for Short Delivery
    9.2.4  Claims for Poor Packing
    9.2.5  Claims for Short Weight
    9.2.6  Acceptance of a Claim
    9.2.7  Rejection of a Claim
    9.2.8  Compensation Negotiations
    9.2.9  Application for Compensation Installment
    9.2.10  Application for Deferred Compensation
    9.2.11  Compensation Alternatives
  9.3  Useful Expressions
  9.4  Exercises
Chapter 10  Agencies
  10.1  Introduction
    10.1.1  Types of Agents
    10.1.2  Qualifications of Prospective Agents
    10.1.3  Agency Agreement
  10.2  Specimen Letters
    10.2.1  Application for Agency
    10.2.2  Seeking an Agent
    10.2.3  Appointing an Agent
    10.2.4  Rejecting an Application for Agency
    10.2.5  Confirmation of Agency Terms
    10.2.6  Market Reports
    10.2.7  Sole or Exclusive Agency Agreement
  10.3  Useful Expressions
  10.4  Exercises
Chapter 11  Other Forms of Letters
  11.1  Emails
    11.1.1  Format of Emails

    11.1.2  Specimen Emails
  11.2  Invitation
    11.2.1  Types of Invitation Letters
    11.2.2  Content of Invitation Letters
    11.2.3  Invitation Cards
    11.2.4  Specimen Letters
  11.3  Job Application
    11.3.1  Resumes
    11.3.2  Specimen Resumes
    11.3.3  Cover Letters
    11.3.4  Specimen Letters
  11.4  Useful Expressions
  11.5  Exercises

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