幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:陳岩|責編:提文靜|譯者:盛穎妍//盧薪宇//湯仁彬//朱科//任斐婷
  • 出版社:上海交大
  • ISBN:9787313265968
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:210
人民幣:RMB 79 元      售價:


    陳岩,中國廣告協會副會長兼學術委員會副主任。     分眾傳媒首席戰略官、專業合夥人、分眾戰略研究院院長。     品牌戰略、市場營銷及媒介傳播策略資深專家,20多年專註于品牌發展、消費者洞察、媒介洞察、市場洞察的研究。     作為最早的國際4A高管,曾服務過寶潔、諾基亞、麥當勞、光明等國際和國內知名品牌,為品牌在中國市場的發展提供品牌建設和市場營銷的整體傳播思路。     曾兼任分眾傳媒首席信息官,運用物聯網及大數據技術,成功開創了以電梯媒體為代表的線下媒體數字化轉型的成功模式,為客戶提供歸因分析、品效協同的全鏈路營銷策略。

Part 1  An Overview of China's Advertising Market in 2019
  Chapter 1  The Overall Environment of the Advertising Industry
    1.1  The Economic Environment and Consumption
    1.2  The Policy Environment
    1.3  The Supervision of the Advertising Market
    1.4  Summary of the Work of China Advertising Association in 2019
  Chapter 2  The Status Quo of China's Advertising Industry in 2019
    2.1  The Main Data on the Development of China's Advertising Industry in 2019
    2.2  An Overview of China's Advertising Development in 2019
Part 2 The Advertising Development of China's Major Media in 2019
  Chapter 3  Analysis of TV Advertising Development
    3.1  The Environment of TV Advertising Development
    3.2  The TV Advertising Expenditure
    3.3  The Reach of Television
  Chapter 4  Analysis of Radio Advertising Development
    4.1  The Environment of Radio Advertising Development
    4.2  The Radio Advertising Expenditure
    4.3  The Reach of Radio
  Chapter 5  Analysis of Newspaper Advertising Development
    5.1  The Environment of Newspaper Advertising Development
    5.2  The Newspaper Advertising Expenditure
    5.3  The Reach of Newspapers
  Chapter 6  Analysis of Magazine Advertising Development
    6.1  The Environment of Magazine Advertising Development
    6.2  The Magazine Advertising Expenditure
    6.3  The Reach of Magazines
  Chapter 7  Analysis of Traditional Outdoor Advertising Development
    7.1  The Environment of Traditional Outdoor Advertising Development
    7.2  The Traditional Outdoor Advertising Expenditure
    7.3  The Reach of Traditional Outdoor Media
  Chapter 8  Analysis of Digital Outdoor Advertising Development
    8.1  The Environment of Digital Outdoor Advertising Development
    8.2  The Digital Outdoor Advertising Expenditure
    8.3  The Reach of Digital Outdoor Media
  Chapter 9  Analysis of Cinema Video Advertising Development
    9.1  The Environment of Cinema Video Advertising Development
    9.2  The Cinema Video Advertising Expenditure
    9.3  The Reach of Cinema Video
  Chapter 10  Analysis of Internet Advertising Development
    10.1  The Environment of Internet Advertising Development
    10.2  The Internet Advertising Expenditure
    10.3  Analysis of Internet Advertising Traffic
    10.4  The Reach of Internet
   Chapter 11  Analysis of oTr Advertising Development
    11.1  The Environment of OTT Advertising Development
    11.2  The OTT Advertising Expenditure
    11.3  The Reach of OTT
Part 3 The Trend of China Advertising Market
  Chapter 12  The Trend of Consumption

    12.2  The Trend of Consumer Market
  Chapter 13  The Trend of Marketing
    13.1  Technology Trends in Advertising and Marketing
    13.2  The Trend of Brand Communication
    13.3  The Digital Marketing in Full Swing
    13.4  The Upgrade of Offline Media Industry

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