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  • 作者:(美)凱西·施瓦爾貝|責編:曲熠
  • 出版社:機械工業
  • ISBN:9787111711353
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:540
人民幣:RMB 149 元      售價:

    強調軟體工具的使用,提供Microsoft Project 2016使用指南,還包括使用MindView和蒙特卡羅模擬軟體協助項目管理的實例。

    凱西·施瓦爾貝(Kathy Schwalbe),明尼蘇達奧格斯堡學院商務管理系教授。主講項目管理、商業問題求解、系統分析與設計、信息系統項目和電子商務等課程。作為明尼蘇達大學的兼職教師,她為工程系的研究生講授項目管理課程。同時。她還為一些組織提供培訓和咨詢服務,並在一些會議上發表演講。在1991年進入學術界之前。她在工業界工作過10年。她曾是一名空軍軍官、系統分析師、項目經理、高級工程師和IT顧問。凱西女士還是PMI(美國項目管理協會)的活躍分子,負責PMI明尼蘇達分會學生會的聯絡工作,擔任明尼蘇達分會分管教育的副主席,以及《ISSIG評論》聯絡和編輯部主管,她還是PMI考題編寫組成員。凱西女士畢業於聖母瑪麗亞大學,獲得數學學士學位;在美國東北大學的高科技MBA項目完成了MBA的學習,最終在明尼蘇達大學的高等教育學院獲得博士學位。

About the Author
Chapter 1 Introduction to Project Management
  What Is a Project?
  Examples of IT Projects
  Project Attributes
  Project Constraints
  What Is Project Management?
  Project Stakeholders
  Project Management Knowledge Areas
  Project Management Tools and Techniques
  Project Success
  Program and Project Portfolio Management
  Project Portfolio Management
  Organizational Project Management
  The Role of the Project Manager
  Project Manager Job Description
  Suggested Skills for Project Managers
  PMI Talent Triangle? and the Importance of Leadership Skills
  Careers for IT Project Managers
  The Project Management Profession
  History of Project Management
  The Project Management Institute
  Project Management Certification
  Ethics in Project Management
  Project Management Software
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz 40Quick Quiz Answers
  Key Terms
Chapter 2 The Project Management and Information Technology Context
  A Systems View of Project Management
  What Is a Systems Approach?
  The Three-Sphere Model for Systems Management
  Understanding Organizations
  The Four Frames of Organizations
  Organizational Structures
  Organizational Culture
  Focusing on Stakeholder Needs
  The Importance of Top Management Commitment
  The Need for Organizational Commitment to Information Technology
  The Need for Organizational Standards
  Project and Product Life Cycles
  Project Life Cycle
  Product Life Cycles
  The Importance of Project Phases and Management Reviews

  The Context of Information Technology Projects
  The Nature of IT Projects
  Characteristics of IT Project Team Members
  Diverse Technologies
  Recent Trends Affecting Information Technology Project Management
  Virtual Teams
  The Manifesto for Agile Software Development
  Agile, the PMBOK? Guide, and a New Certification
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Key Terms
Chapter 3 The Project Management Process Groups
  Project Management Process Groups
  Mapping the Process Groups to the Knowledge Areas
  Developing an IT Project Management Methodology
  Case Study 1: JWD Consulting』s Project Management Intranet Site Project (Predictive Approach)
  Project Pre-Initiation and Initiation
  Pre-Initiation Tasks
  Identifying Project Stakeholders
  Drafting the Project Charter
  Holding a Project Kick-Off Meeting
  Project Planning
  Project Execution
  Project Monitoring and Controlling
  Project Closing
  Case Study 2: JWD Consulting』s Project Management Intranet Site Project (Agile Approach)
  Scrum Roles, Artifacts, and Ceremonies
  Project Pre-Initiation and Initiation
  Monitoring and Controlling
  Templates by Process Group
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Key Terms
Chapter 4 Project Integration Management

  What Is Project Integration Management?
  Strategic Planning and Project Selection
  Strategic Planning
  Identifying Potential Projects
  Aligning IT with Business Strategy
  Methods for Selecting Projects
  Focusing on Broad Organizational Needs
  Categorizing IT Projects
  Performing Financial Analyses
  Net Present Value Analysis
  Return on Investment
  Payback Analysis
  Using a Weighted Scoring Model
  Implementing a Balanced Scorecard
  Developing a Project Charter
  Developing a Project Management Plan
  Project Management Plan Contents
  Using Guidelines to Create Project Management Plans
  Directing and Managing Project Work
  Coordinating Planning and Execution
  Providing Strong Leadership and a Supportive Culture
  Capitalizing on Product, Business, and Application Area Knowledge
  Project Execution Tools and Techniques
  Managing Project Knowledge
  Monitoring and Controlling Project Work
  Performing Integrated Change Control
  Change Control on IT Projects
  Change Control System
  Closing Projects or Phases
  Using Software to Assist in Project Integration Management
  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Running Case
  Key Terms
Chapter 5 Project Scope Management
  What Is Project Scope Management?
  Planning Scope Management
  Collecting Requirements
  Defining Scope
  Creating the Work Breakdown Structure
  Approaches to Developing Work Breakdown Structures
  Using Guidelines
  The Analogy Approach
  The Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches

  Mind Mapping
  The WBS Dictionary
  Advice for Creating a WBS and a WBS Dictionary
  Validating Scope
  Controlling Scope
  Suggestions for Improving User Input
  Suggestions for Reducing Incomplete and  Changing Requirements
  Using Software to Assist in Project Scope Management
  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Running Case
  Key Terms
Chapter 6 Project Schedule Management
  The Importance of Project Schedules
  Planning Schedule Management
  Defining Activities
  Sequencing Activities
  Network Diagrams
  Estimating Activity Durations
  Developing the Schedule
  Gantt Charts
  Adding Milestones to Gantt Charts
  Using Tracking Gantt Charts to Compare Planned and Actual Dates
  Critical Path Method
  Calculating the Critical Path
  Growing Grass Can Be on the Critical Path
  Using Critical Path Analysis to Make Schedule Trade-Offs
  Using the Critical Path to Shorten a Project Schedule
  Importance of Updating Critical Path Data
  Critical Chain Scheduling
  Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
  Agile and Schedule Management
  Controlling the Schedule
  Reality Checks on Scheduling and the Need for Discipline
  Using Software to Assist in Project Schedule Management
  Words of Caution on Using Project Management Software
  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Running Case

  Key Terms
Chapter 7 Project Cost Management
  The Importance of Project Cost Management
  What Is Cost?
  What Is Project Cost Management?
  Basic Principles of Cost Management
  Planning Cost Management
  Estimating Costs
  Types of Cost Estimates
  Cost Estimation Tools and Techniques
  Typical Problems with IT Cost Estimates
  How to Develop a Cost Estimate and Basis of Estimates
  Determining the Budget
  Controlling Costs
  Earned Value Management
  Project Portfolio Management
  Using Project Management Software to Assist in Project Cost Management
  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Running Case
  Key Terms
  Planning Quality Management
  Managing Quality
  Controlling Quality
  Tools and Techniques for Quality Control
  Statistical Sampling
  Six Sigma
  How Is Six Sigma Quality Control Unique?
  Six Sigma and Project Selection and Management
  Six Sigma and Statistics
  Modern Quality Management
  Deming and His 14 Points for Management
  Juran and the Importance of Top Management Commitment to Quality
  Crosby and Striving for Zero Defects
  Ishikawa』s Guide to Quality Control
  Taguchi and Robust Design Methods
  Feigenbaum and Workers』 Responsibility for Quality
  Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
  ISO Standards
  Improving IT Project Quality

  The Cost of Quality
  The Impact of Organizational Influences, and Workplace Factors on Quality
  Expectations and Cultural Differences in Quality
  Maturity Models
  Software Quality Function Deployment Model
  Capability Maturity Model Integration
  Project Management Maturity Models
  Using Software to Assist in Project Quality Management
  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Running Case
  Key Terms
Chapter 9 Project Resource Management
  The Importance of Resource Management
  The Global IT Workforce
  Implications for the Future of IT Human Resource Management
  What Is Project Resource Management?
  Keys to Managing and Leading People
  Motivation Theories
  Maslow』s Hierarchy of Needs
  Herzberg』s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
  McClelland』s Acquired-Needs Theory
  McGregor』s Theory X and Theory Y
  Influence and Power
  Covey and Improving Effectiveness
  Emotional Intelligence
  Developing the Resource Management Plan and Team Charter
  Project Organizational Charts
  Responsibility Assignment Matrices
  Staffing Management Plans and Resource Histograms
  Team Charters
  Estimating Activity Resources
  Acquiring Resources
  Resource Assignment
  Resource Loading
  Resource Leveling
  Developing the Project Team
  Team-Building Activities
  The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  The Social Styles Profile
  DISC Profile
  Reward and Recognition Systems

  Managing the Project Team
  Tools and Techniques for Managing Project Teams
  General Advice on Managing Teams
  Controlling Resources
  Using Software to Assist in Resource Management
  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Running Case
  Key Terms
Chapter 10 Project Communications Management
  The Importance of Project Communications Management
  Keys to Good Communications
  Focusing on Group and Individual Communication Needs
  Formal and Informal Methods for Communicating
  Distributing Important Information in an Effective and Timely Manner
  Setting the Stage for Communicating Bad News
  Determining the Number of Communication Channels
  Planning Communications Management
  Managing Communications
  Using Technology to Enhance Information Creation and Distribution
  Selecting the Appropriate Communication Methods and Media
  Reporting Performance
  Monitoring Communications
  Suggestions for Improving Project Communications
  Developing Better Communication Skills
  Running Effective Meetings
  Using E-Mail, Instant Messaging, Texting, Kanban Boards,  and Collaborative Tools Effectively
  Using Templates for Project Communications
  Using Software to Assist in Project Communications
  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Running Case
  Key Terms
Chapter 11 Project Risk Management
  The Importance of Project Risk Management
  Planning Risk Management
  Common Sources of Risk on IT Projects
  Identifying Risks
  Suggestions for Identifying Risks
  The Risk Register

  The Risk Report
  Performing Qualitative Risk Analysis
  Using Probability/Impact Matrixes to Calculate Risk Factors
  Top Ten Risk Item Tracking
  Performing Quantitative Risk Analysis
  Performing Quantitative Risk Analysis
  Decision Trees and Expected Monetary Value 466Simulation 468Sensitivity Analysis
  Planning Risk Responses
  Implementing Risk Responses
  Monitoring Risks
  Using Software to Assist in Project Risk Management
  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Running Case
  Key Terms
Chapter 12 Project Procurement Management
  The Importance of Project Procurement Management
  Planning Procurement Management
  Types of Contracts
  Tools and Techniques for Planning Procurement Management
  Make-or-Buy Analysis
  Expert Judgment
  Market Research
  Procurement Management Plan
  Statement of Work
  Procurement or Bid Documents
  Examples from a Real RFP
  Source Selection Criteria
  Conducting Procurements
  Controlling Procurements
  Using Software to Assist in Project Procurement Management
  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Running Case
  Key Terms
Chapter 13 Project Stakeholder Management
  The Importance of Project Stakeholder Management
  Identifying Stakeholders
  Planning Stakeholder Engagement
  Managing Stakeholder Engagement

  Monitoring Stakeholder Engagement
  Using Software to Assist in Project Stakeholder Management
  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments
  Chapter Summary
  Discussion Questions
  Quick Quiz
  Quick Quiz Answers
  Running Case
  Key Terms

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