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  • 作者:編者:束光輝//王媛媛|責編:曹曉虹
  • 出版社:東華大學
  • ISBN:9787566920560
  • 出版日期:2022/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:159
人民幣:RMB 59.8 元      售價:



Unit 1  International Business國際商務
  1.1  Considerations for Intemational Business
  1.2  Ways That International Business Are Conducted
Unit 2  Marketing Management營銷管理
  2.1  Marketing Concepts
  2.2  Core Marketing Concepts
  2.3  Marketing Environment
  2.4  Marketing Mix
  2.5  Integrated Marketing
  2.6  Profitability
Unit 3  International Business Environment商務環境
  3.1  Economic Environment
  3.2  Sociocultural Environment
  3.3  Political Environment
  3.4  Legal Environment
  3.5  Technological Environment
Unit 4  Promotion促銷
  4.1  The Tasks of Promotion
  4.2  Promotion Strategies
  4.3  Promotional Mix
  4.4  HOW to Make Promotional Decisions
Unit 5  Globalization全球化
  5.1  History of Globalization
  5.2  Drivers of Globalization
  5.3  Global Institutions
  5.4  The Influence of Globalization
Unit 6  Intercultural Communication跨文化交際
  6.1  Culture.Communication and Intercultural Communication
  6.2  Business Negotiation Across Cultures
  6.3  Significance of Intercultural Communication
Unit 7  Financing and Investment融資和投資
  7.1  Ways ofFinancing
  7.2  Venture of Financing
  7.3  Classification of Investment
  7.4  Vlenture Identification of Investment
  7.5  Vlenture of Investment
  7.6  The Differences Between Financing and Investment
Unit 8  Legal System in International Business國際商務法律制度
  8.1  International Commercial Law
  8.2  Intemational Convention
  8.3  International Law
  8.4  TwoMajorLegal Systems
  8.5  Adversary Trial
  8.6  Purpose and Significance of Cross—Examination
  8.7  Application of Inquisitorial System
Unit 9  Global Monetary System國際貨幣體系
  9.1  Introduction to Global Monetary System
  9.2  Historical Development of Modem Global Monetary System
  9.3  Regional Currency Cooperation:European Monetary Union
Unit 10  Corporate Management 企業管理

  10.1  Corporate Management and Manager
  10.2  Roles of Corporate Management
  10.3  Key Resources in Corporate Management
  l0.4  Functions of Corporate Management
Unit 11  Business Ethics商業道德
  11.1  Business Ethics as a Social Contract
  11.2  Corporate Ethics Codes
  11.3  Cause—Related Marketing:Another Way Virtue Can Pay
  11.4  Managing a Socially Responsible Business
  11.5  Trends in Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Unit 12  Human Resources Management人力資源管理
  12.1  Human Resources as Organizational Core Competency
  12.2  The Strategic Human Resources Management Process
  12.3  Human Resources Planning
  12.4  Compensation and Benefits
Unit 13  New Technology and Competitiveness新技術與競爭力
  13.1  Definition ofNew Technology
  13.2  The Function ofNew Technology
  13.3  Impacts ofNew Technology
  13.4  Development ofNew Technology
  13.5  Competitiveness ofCorporates
  13.6  The Relation ofNew Technology to Competitiveness
Unit 14  E-commerce電子商務
  14.1  Technological Drivers of E-commerce
  14.2  Areas of E-commerce
  14.3  Models of E-commerce
  14.4  Other Popularity—gaining Models
  14.5  Distribution Channels of E-commerce
  14.6  Impacts of E—commerce

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