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  • 作者:編者:劉治國//李遠輝//吳一敏|責編:張春花
  • 出版社:重慶大學
  • ISBN:9787568930253
  • 出版日期:2022/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:216
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Brief Introduction to International Trade
  1.1  Introduction to International Trade
  1.2  Why Does International Trade Occur?
  1.3  Comparison Between International Trade and Domestic Trade
  1.4  International Trade Protectionism
  1.5  Classification of International Trade
  Reading Material
Chapter 2  International Trade Terms
  2.1  Three Sets of Rules
  2.2  Basics of Incoterms 2010
  2.3  Comparison among Trade Terms
  2.4  Differences between Incoterms 2010 and 2020
  2.5  Application Issues
  Reading Material
Chapter 3  Subject Matters of Commodity
  3.1  Name of Commodity
  3.2  Quality of Commodity
  3.3  Quantity of Commodity
  3.4  Packaging of Commodity
  Reading Material
Chapter 4  International Cargo Transportation
  4.1  Modes of Transportation
  4.2  Major Shipping Documents
  4.3  Transportation Clause
  Reading Material
Chapter 5  International Cargo Insurance
  5.1  Basic Principles of Cargo Insurance
  5.2  Risks, Losses and Expense
  5.3  Marine Cargo Insurance Coverage
  5.4  Insurance of other Types of Transportation
  5.5  Procedures on Marine Cargo Insurance
  5.6  Insurance Documents and Clauses in a Contract
  Reading Material
Chapter 6  Export Price
  6.1  Components of Price
  6.2  Pricing Consideration
  6.3  Commission and Discount
  6.4  Conversion of Main Trade Terms
  Reading Material
Chapter 7  International Payment
  7.1  Instruments of Payment
  7.2  Modes of International Payment
  7.3  Combined Use of Different Methods of Payment
  7.4  Payment Clause in the Sales Confirmation

  Reading Material
Chapter 8  Cargo Inspection and O uarantine
   8.1  Summary of Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine
   8.2  Roles of Goods for Inspection and Quarantine
   8.3  Certificates of Inspection and Quarantine
   8.4  Inspection and Quarantine Agencies
   8.5  Application Units
   8.6  Range of Application for Inspection and Quarantine
   8.7  Date of Inspection and Quarantine
   8.8  Place of Inspection and Quarantine
   8.9  Requirements of Goods for Inspection and Quarantine
   8.10  Documents/Certificates Required for Application for Inspection and Quarantine
   8.11  Inspection and Quarantine Clauses in a Sales Contract
   8.12  Examples of Inspection and Quarantine Clause
   Reading Material
Chapter 9  Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration
  9.1  Claims
  9.2  Force Majeure
  9.3  Arbitration
  Reading Material
Chapter 10  International Sales Contracts
  10.1  Introduction to Sales Contracts
  10.2  General Principles of Contract Drafting
  10.3  The Format of a Typical Contract
  10.4  Classification of Contracts
  10.5  Specimens of Contracts
  Reading Material

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