幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:朱華|責編:武麗娟
  • 出版社:北京理工大學
  • ISBN:9787576301441
  • 出版日期:2021/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:195
人民幣:RMB 40 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Preparations for Meeting the Tour Group 準備接團
  Part One Know-how for Tour Guides 導遊實務
  Part Two Welcome Speech  歡迎詞
  Part Three Principles and Methods of Writing and Translation (Ⅰ) 創譯原則和方法(一)
  Part Four Writing and Translation of the Commentaries 導遊詞創譯
  Part Five Simulated Introduction 模擬講解
  Part Six Translation and Interpretation 導遊翻譯
Chapter 2 Meeting Tourists at the Airport 機場迎賓
  Part One Know-how for Tour Guides 導遊實務
  Part Two Principles and Methods of Writing and Translation (Ⅱ) 創譯原則和方法(二)
  Part Three Case Study: Writing and Translation of the Commentaries 導遊詞創譯案例
  Part Four Simulated Introduction 模擬講解
  Part Five Translation and Interpretation 導遊翻譯
Chapter 3 Introduction to the Resorts 景點講解
  Part One Know-how for Tour Guides 導遊實務
  Part Two Writing and Translation of Commentaries in the Resorts (Ⅰ) 景點導遊詞創譯(一)——「點面結合」
  Part Three Case Study: Writing and Translation of the Commentaries 導遊詞創譯案例
  Part Four Simulated Introduction 模擬講解
  Part Five Translation and Interpretation 導遊翻譯
Chapter 4 Itineraries 旅遊線路
  Part One Know-how for Tour Guides 導遊實務
  Part Two Creative Translation of Commentaries on the Resorts (Ⅱ) 景點導遊詞創譯(二)——「以點帶面」
  Part Three Case Study: Writing and Translation of the Commentaries 導遊詞創譯案例
  Part Four Simulated Introduction 模擬講解
  Part Five Translation and Interpretation 導遊翻譯
Chapter 5 On-the-way Introduction 途中講解
  Part One Know-how for Tour Guides 導遊實務
Chapter 6 Sightseeing Tempo 遊覽節奏
Chapter 7 Check in the Hotel 入住酒店
Chapter 8 Dietary Arrangement 餐飲安排
Chapter 9 Shopping 旅遊購物
Chapter 10 Taboos during the Sightseeing 遊覽禁忌
Chapter 11 Lost Property 遺失物品
Chapter 12 Sudden Illness 突發疾病
Chapter 13 Fire Disaster and Traffic Accident 火災車禍
Chapter 14 Tourists Missing and Injured 走失受傷
Chapter 15 Handling Complaints 投訴處理
Chapter 16 Send off the Tour Group 離站送客

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