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  • 作者:閆鳳霞|責編:邵成軍
  • 出版社:中國海洋大學
  • ISBN:9787567029484
  • 出版日期:2021/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:148
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Research Background
    1.1.1  Current Situation of Tourism in the World
    1.1.2  Modem Tourism in China
  1.2  Objectives of the Research
  1.3  Data Collection and Methodology
  1.4  Structure of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
  2.1  Definition, Classification and Functions of Tourism Text
    2.1.1  Definition
    2.1.2  Classification
    2.1.3  Functions of Tourism Text
  2.2  A Review of Tourism Text Translation at Home and Abroad
    2.2.1  Studies on Tourism Text Translation at Home
    2.2.2  Studies on Tourism Text Translation Abroad
  2.3  A Review of Adaptation Theory
  2.4  Problems of Current Tourism Text Translation
    2.4.1  Grammatical Mistakes
    2.4.2  Pragmatic Mistakes
    2.4.3  Cultural Mistakes
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
  3.1  Adaptation Theory
    3.1.1  Making Choices
    3.1.2  Three Key Notions in Adaptation Theory
    3.1.3  Four Angles of Investigation
  3.2  Methodology
    3.2.1  Research Questions
    3.2.2  Research Objects
    3.2.3  Design of the Questionnaire
    3.2.4  Reliability and Validity
  3.3  Results
Chapter 4 Adaptation to the Structure in Tourism Text Translation ~
  4.1  Lexical Level
  4.2  Syntactic Level
    4.2.1  Long Sentences and Short Sentences
    4.2.2  Conversion of the Sentence Order
    4.2.3  Hypotaxis and Parataxis
    4.2.4  Passive Voice and Active Voice
    4.2.5  Phonetic Devices
  4.3  Stylistic Level
    4.3.1  Simile and Metaphor
    4.3.2  Poetry
    4.3.3  Parallelism
    4.3.4  Repetition
    4.3.5  Other Devices
  4.4  Discourse Level
Chapter5 Adaptation to the Physical World in Tourism Text Translation
  5.1  Deixis of Time
  5.2  Deixis of Place
  5.3  Deixis of Person

  5.4  Requirements on the Translator
Chapter 6 Adaptation to the Mental World in Tourism Text Translation
  6.1  The Aesthetic View of the Target Tourists
  6.2  The Different Thinking Patterns
    6.2.1  Linear and Spiral
    6.2.2  Dialectical Synthesis and Analytic Thinking
Chapter 7 Adaptation to the Social World in Tourism Text Translation
  7.1  The Sociocultural Background
  7.2  The Social Norms
    7.2.1  Religion
    7.2.2  Geography
    7.2.3  Histories and Politics
  7.3  Adaptation to the Readers' Feedback
Chapter 8 Translation Strategies for Tourism Text Translation
  8.1  Transliteration
  8.2  Addition
  8.3  Deletion
  8.4  Analogy
  8.5  Adaptation
Chapter 9 Conclusion
  9.1  The Research Rationale
  9.2  Implications of the Thesis
  9.3  Limitations of the Thesis
Appendix 1  Abbreviations
Appendix 2  Questionnaire
Appendix 3  近十年王國旅遊文本翻譯述評
Appendix 4  旅遊廣告詞及語篇語境翻譯的語用學闡釋:關聯-順應視角
Appendix 5  旅遊城市景點翻譯的順應論詮釋
Appendix 6  翻譯的順應性研究

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