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  • 作者:編者:仲穎//王慧|責編:蔡華兵
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301327289
  • 出版日期:2022/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:180
人民幣:RMB 39 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Logistics Management
  Case Study  Walmart Wins with Logistics
  Text A  What ls Logistics
  Text B  Develop Systems Visibillty to Material Ship ment
  Reading Material A  P.G. Logistics
  Reading Material B  GM Develops Vector as Its Fourth Party Logistics Provider
  Reading Material C  Cold Chain Introduction
Chapter 2  Supply Chain Management
  Case Study  Beer Game and Bullwhip Effect
  Text A  Introduction to Supply Chain Management
  Text B  Top 8 Biggest Supply Chains
  Reading Material  Blockchain Used to Track Cashmere Supply Chain
Chapter 3  Transport Management
  Case Study  The Snakes and Ladders Game
  Text A  History of Transport
  Text B  Transportation Elements
  Text C  Transportation Mode
  Reading Material  Improved Safety and Performance at Lower Cost
Chapter 4  Inventory Management
  Case Study  Why Does an Inventory Error Affect Two Periods
  Text A  Introduction of Inventory
  Text B  Principles of Inventory
  Reading Material A  JIT Inventory Management
  Reading Material B  New Trend of Inventory Management
Chapter 5  Warehouse Management
  Case Study  Public Bonded Warehouse
  Text A  Types of Warehousing
  Text B  Warehouse Equipment
  Reading Material A  Web Firms Go on Warehouse Building Boom
  Reading Material B  VMI Technical Implementation Plan
Chapter 6  Packaging Management
  Case Study  IKEA Changed the Packaging of Tea Candle
  Text A  The Importance of Packaging in Logistics
  Text B  Packaging Helps to Optimize Logistics Units
  Reading Material  Green Packaging Management of Logistics Enterprises
Chapter 7  Distribution Management
  Case Study  Distribution Management: Control and Collaboration from Supplier to Customer
  Text A  Concept of Distribution Management
  Text B  Public and Private Warehouses
  Text C  Physical Distribution
  Reading Material  Logistics Distribution + Consumption Upgrading and Mode Innovation
Chapter 8  Green Logistics
  Case Study  Good for the Environment, Good for Business
  Text A  Green Logistics
  Text B  Reverse Logistics
  Reading Material  A  Blueprint for Green Logistics
Chapter 9  Integrated Logistics
  Case Study  Supply Chain Integration Becomes a Reality
  Text A  Integrated Logistics
  Text B  The Integrated Model of FedEx Corporation

  Reading Material A  Integration Meets Resistance
  Reading Material B  Major Food Safety Risks in China's Supply Chain
Chapter 10  Logistics Documents
  Case Study  FedEx Trade Networks for Cargo Insurance
  Text A  Electronic Delivery of Docu ments
  Text B  Letter of Credit
  Text C  Bill of Lading
  Reading Material  Logistics Documents in Practice
Chapter 11  International Logistics
  Case Study A  Reliable Partner of P& G on International Logistics
  Text A  Concepts of International Logistics
  Text B  The Factors That Influence International Logistics
  Reading Material  Leading Companies Operating in the International Logistics Industry
Chapter 12  Logistics Business Correspondence
  Case Study  Specimen Letter about Claim for Improper Packing
  Text A  Introduction to Logistics Business Correspondence
  Text B  Establishing Business Relations
  Reading Material  Response to Complaints and Claims

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