幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:譚衛平//劉成斌|責編:劉凱
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787568075824
  • 出版日期:2021/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:276
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



上篇  中文部分
  第一章  緒論
  第二章  二階觀察與中國扶貧政策變遷
  第三章  等值功能主義與精準扶貧政策體系
  第四章  系統理性與精準扶貧實踐方略
  第五章  全面耦合:中國精準扶貧模式分析
  第六章  系統理論與典型國家扶貧比較
  第七章  總結與展望
下篇  英文部分
  Chapter One: Introduction
    I Research Background and Significance
    Ⅱ Literature Review
    Ⅲ Definitions and Theoretical Basis
    Ⅳ Research Method
    V Technology Route
  Chapter Two: Second-order Observation and the Changes of China's
    Poverty Alleviation Policies

    I Overall Mode of Poverty Alleviation: Promoting Poverty
    Alleviation through System Reform (1978-1986)
    II Development Mode Poverty Alleviation: Regional Development
    Stage of Poverty Alleviation (1986-1992)
    Ⅲ Poverty Alleviation in the Economic Mode: Project-based Poverty
    Alleviation Stage of Targeted Feedback from Market Economy (1993-2000)
    Ⅳ Action Mode for Poverty Alleviation: Village-based Participatory
    Poverty Alleviation stage (2001-2012)
    V Social Mode for Poverty Alleviation: Targeted Poverty Alleviation
    Stage (2013-2020)
    V Analysis of the Characteristics of Targeted Poverty Alleviation
  Chapter Three: Equivalent Functionalism and the System of Targeted
    Poverty Alleviation Policy
    I Interactive System
    Ⅱ System for Organizing Forces
    Ⅲ Integrated Poverty Alleviation System
    IV Social Supervision and Assessment System
  Chapter Four: Systematic Rationality and Strategy of Targeted
    Poverty Alleviation Practice
    I Accurate Identification Subsystem: Pursuing Fairness and Justice
    Ⅱ The Subsystem of Targeted Poverty Alleviation: Focusing on
    Coordinated Development
    Ⅲ The Subsystem of Accurate Management: Attaching Importance to
    System Innovation
    IV The Subsystem of Accurate Assessment: Adhering to Systematic
    V Summary
  Chapter Five: Comprehensive Coupling: Analysis of China' s Targeted
    Poverty Alleviation Mode
    I Theoretical Source: Structure and System
    Ⅱ Theoretical Definitions: System and Coupling
    Ⅲ Theoretical Structure: Quadruple Coupling
    Ⅳ Theoretical Significance: Social Integration and Unity
  Chapter Six: The Comparison between System Theory and Poverty
    Alleviation in Typical Countries
    I India's Experience in Poverty Alleviation
    Ⅱ Brazil's Experience in Poverty Alleviation
    Ⅲ Mexico's Experience in Poverty Alleviation
    Ⅳ Comparison of the Experience of Poverty Alleviation in
    Typical Countries
  Chapter Seven: Summary and Prospect
    I The Social Effectiveness of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policies
    Ⅱ The Social Innovation of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Strategies
    Ⅲ Targeted Poverty Alleviation and the Consolidation of Poverty
    Alleviation in the Post-poverty Era
    Ⅳ Poverty Alleviation Proposals for Developing Countries and the
    Future of Poverty Reduction in the World

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