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  • 作者:編者:復旦發展研究院//上海論壇組委會|責編:王斌//白天舒
  • 出版社:中國社科
  • ISBN:9787520391399
  • 出版日期:2021/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:255
人民幣:RMB 88 元      售價:



Chapter One  Development: We Hope for the Best
  1.A Rethink ofthe Globalization
    Current Situation and Prospect of the World Economy
    We Hope for the Best
    The Belt and Road Initative: A New Way of Globalization
    Asia's Role and Responsibility in Addressing Global Challenges
    Education for a Changing Worid: Universities and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
    The Transition ofthe Energy System: A Systemic View
  2.The New Pattern of Regional Development
    Expanding and Deepening the Cooperation in Asia: Opportunities and Challenges
    Current European Economic Situation and Complementary
    Relationship between Asia and Europe in International Cooperation
    Nordic Way: Challenges with More Potentials
    China-Africa Economic Ties: A New Dynamics of Development
    Why Did Latin America Fall Behind East Asia
    Lessons Learned from NAFTA between Canada, USA, and Mexico
    Development ofRailway Transportation iS Essential for
    China-Russia Cooperation
    Railway Construction: Kyrgyzstan's Promising Road to the Future
    Ethiopia: Africa is a Rising Economic Star
Chapter Two  Governance: New Thinking Leads to New Opportunities
  1.Pragmatic Innovation and Effective Governance
    A New Silk Road Leads to New Opporttmities
    The New Development Theory and Exchange
    The New Development Bank: Feature, Mission and Historical Significance
    Perspectives on High-Tech Era: New Patterns of Business, Economy and Educafion
    The Future of Financial Innovation
    Work in the Age of Robots and AI
    Harnessing Corporate Objectives
  2.The New Pattern of the Global Governance
    The Intemational Monetary System after the Global Financial Crisis: Opportunities and Challenges
    Regional Integration and Development: Nordic Lessons Learned
    The EU Integration and the Asia Community of a Shared Future: Two Paths, the Same Values
    TPP Should Involve More Countries including China: from the Experience of NAFTA
    Trump's Policies: A More Realistic Goal to Achieve a Mid-term Arrangement
    Getting Together and Cooperation Globally to Deal with the Climate Change
Chapter Three  Security: China in a World of Change
  1.A World of Change
    The East Policy ofDonald Trump: Adapting to a Changing Region
    China-US Relations: from the Perspective of Geoeconomics
    The Relationship between China and the US
    The Relationship between China and Japan in the Rapidly Changing World
  2.A World of Cooperation
    Challenges Faced by Europe and China in the Economic Development
    The EU and China Should Work Together for a Stronger Europe-Asia
    ASEAN and China: Better Regional Architecture and Better Cooperation
    The Relation between China and Central Asia under the Belt and Road Initiative
  Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap
  3.China towards the Worid
    China's Role in a World of Change

    Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics
    To Construct the Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics

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