幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:李曉西
  • 出版社:北京師大
  • ISBN:9787303263677
  • 出版日期:2020/10/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:303
人民幣:RMB 268 元      售價:



Chapter 1  An Urgent Call for Building Green Civilization: The Natural Environment Is Rapidly Deteriorating
  1.1  Scientists'Forecasts
  1.2  The Earth Is Facing Various Crises
  1.3  Grim Consequences of Climate Change in Recent Years
  1.4  Analysis for the Causes of Climate Change
  1.5  Urgent Appeals by People of Insight
  1.6  Lessons Learned from the Decline of Ancient Civilizations
Chapter 2  Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: An Appeal of Global Cooperation for Building Green Civilization
  2.1  Summary: Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  2.2  The Content and Implications of The 2030 Agenda
    2.2.1  Political Implications
    2.2.2  The Implications of the Agenda for Humanity's Sustainable Development
  2.3  The 2030 Agenda as a Driving Force for Civilization Evolution
Chapter 3  Five Components of Green Civilization
  3.1  Harmony Between Humanity and Nature
  3.2  Equity and Democracy
  3.3  Sustainability of Development
  3.4  Wise Science and Technology
  3.5  Peace and Inclusiveness
Chapter 4  Introspections on Industrial Civilization
  4.1  The Dark Impact of Industrialization on the Environment and Early Ideas of Environ mental Protection
  4.2  Green Planning and Actions in the Process of Industrialization
  4.3  Five Conflicts in Industrialization and the Appeal for Green Civilization
    4.3.1  Unprecedented Productivity and Increasing Consumption of Natural Resources
    4.3.2  Labor Conflicts Under the Rule of Law
    4.3.3  Monopoly and Competition
    4.3.4  Liberty and Regulation in the Context of Globalization
    4.3.5  Conflicts Between Universal Values and War
Chapter 5  Battles Between Economic Development and Environmental Protection in China's Industrialization Process
  5.1  The Impact of Economic Growth on the Environment Between 1978 and 1992
  5.2  The Impact of Economic Growth on the Environment from 1993 to 2012
    5.2.1  The Environmental Situation Between 1993 and 2001
    5.2.2  2002-2012 as the Toughest Decade for Environmental Protection in China
    5.2.3  Ecological-Environmental Degradation and Pollution Control Difficulties Become More Prominent After 2010
  5.3  Pollution Control and Environmental Protection After 2012
  5.4  Today's China: In the Middle Stage of Industrialization as the Background to Environmental Issues
    5.4.1  China's Industrialization Level in 2004 Is Analogous to the Mid-Stage of the U
    5.4.2  China's Industrialization Index Corresponds to Mid-Stage Industrialization in the Chenery Multi-country Model
  5.5  Environmental Strategies and Measures Introduced in China's Industrialization Process
Chapter 6  Global Conference on Climate Change and Air Pollution
  6.1  New Global Consensus on Climate Change
  6.2  Evolution of Global Consensus on Climate Change
  6.3  Climate Issues Are Closely Related to Resource and Environmental Problems
    6.4.3  Mitigating the Impact of Economic Activity on Climate Change
  6.5  Air Pollution Is as Critical as Climate Change
  6.6  Addressing Air Pollution: Focusing on Human Emissions Systems
    6.6.1  Emission Subject
    6.6.2  Emission Object
  6.7  Emission Path
    6.7.1  Emission Management
    6.7.2  Emission Absorption
  6.8  The South-South Cooperation Plays an Important Role in Addressing Climate Change
  6.9  Case Study: Field Investigation on Air Pollution Prevention and Control in South Korea-The Role of Remote Monitoring of Smoke Emissions
    6.9.1  Clean SYS Monitoring Object-Industrial Chimney
    6.9.2  Clean SYS Management Mechanism
    6.9.3  Clean SYS Technical Support
    6.9.4  Laws and Regulations of Clean SYS
Chapter 7  Soil Contamination and Treatment--A Worldwide Problem
  7.1  Soil Contamination-A Worldwide Problem
  7.2  The Status Quo of Soil Contamination in China
  7.3  China's Effort on Soil Contamination Control
  7.4  Coping with Soil Contamination for the Holy Earth
    7.4.1  Respect the Earth and Protect the Soil
    7.4.2  Glorify the Mother Planet and Repair the Soil
    7.4.3  Prioritize Garbage Treatment Properly
  7.5  Investigation and Reflections on Waste Incineration in New Taipei City,Taiwan
    7.5.1  High-Level Waste Disposal
    7.5.2  Taiwan Government's Policies
    7.5.3  A Few Enlightenments
Chapter 8  Water Pollution and Treatment--Nostalgia for Ancient Water Civilization
  8.1  Water Security:A Global Issue
  8.2  Water Pollution in China
  8.3  The Significance of Water Pollution Control for China
  8.4  Dealing with Water Pollution: Objectives for Building a Water Security System
  8.5  Two Case Studies: Water Control in Singapore and 「Green Congress"in Israel
    8.5.1  Singapore's Experience in Dealing with Its Water Shortage
    8.5.2  Israel's 「Green Congress」: Implications of Project Construction
  8.6  Water Civilization in Ancient China--Thinking on the Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project
Chapter 9  Prospects for Forest and Biodiversity Protection
  9.1  Global Concern for Forests and Biodiversity
  9.2  The Challenges China Faces in Biodiversity Conservation and Forestry Development
    9.2.1  The Status Quo and Challenges for China's Biodiversity Protection
    9.2.2  Challenges in Ecological Protection for Forestry
  9.3  Forest and Biology:Following the Law of Nature and Protecting the Foundation of Human Life
    9.3.1  Expansion of Living Space Without Preemption
    9.3.2  Improving the Living Environ ment Without Pollution
    9.3.3  Saving and Protecting Organisms from Harm
  9.4  Progress in China's Biodiversity Conservation and Forestry Development
Chapter 10  Building a Robust Industrial Foundation for Green Civilization

    10.2.3  Energy Saving and Emissions Reduction for Low-Carbon Economy
  10.3  Fostering Green Energy Industry
    10.3.1  Green Mining of Coal
    10.3.2  Green Mining of Oil
    10.3.3  Green Transformation of Secondary Energy
    10.3.4  Green R&D and Production of New Energy
    10.3.5  Emissions Reduction and Waste Treatment in Energy Production
  10.4  Promoting Eco-environmental Agriculture
    10.4.1  Experimenting with Eco-environmental Agriculture
    10.4.2  Two Cases of Developing Eco-environmental Agriculture in Developed Countries
    10.4.3  Two Cases of Developing Eco-environmental Agriculture in Developing Countries
  10.5  Green Civilization of Cultural Industry
Chapter 11  Measuring the Levels of Green Development in 123 Countries
  11.1  Origin and Evolution of HGDI Measurement
  11.2  Measurement of 2018 HGDI
    11.2.1  HGDI Indicators and Three-Level Indicator System
    11.2.2  Countries Selected for HGDI Measurement
    11.2.3  Approaches to Measuring HGDI
    11.2.4  Results and Interpretation of HGDI Measurement
  11.3  Developing Countries Need the Help of the International Community
  11.4  Comparative Analysis for the Approaches to Measuring the Progress in Sustainable Development
Chapter 12  The Potentialities and Contributions of the Five Major World Religions to Green Civilization
  12.1  Perceptions of Green Civilization in Christianity
  12.2  Norms of Green Civilization in Islam
  12.3  The Philosophy of Green Civilization in Buddhism
  12.4  Human-Nature Harmony Thoughts of Green Civilization in Taoism
  12.5  Ethics of Green Civilization in Confucianism
Chapter 13  Collaborate to Build Green Civilization with Reconciliation of Pluralistic Civilizations
  13.1  Sustainable Development: The Common Values Shared by Pluralistic Civilizations
  13.2  The Future of Eastern and Western Civilizations: From Conflicts to Inclusive Reconciliation
  13.3  Communication and Inclusiveness Between Religious Civilizations
  13.4  Dialogue Between the Chinese and American Civilizations
  13.5  The Olympic Spirit Lightening up the Future of Green Civilization
  13.6  Conclusion

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