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  • 作者:編者:阮曉文//廣銀芳|責編:唐歡歡
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工程大學
  • ISBN:9787566131201
  • 出版日期:2021/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:166
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Practice 1  Letter of Credit
  1.1 The Aim of Training
  1.2 A Brief Introduction to Letter of Credit
  1.3 Key Points for Examining Letter of Credit
  1.4 Exercises
Practice 2  Invoice
  2.1 The Aim of Training
  2.2 A Brief Introduction to Invoice
  2.3 Key Points for Producing of Commercial Invoices
  2.4 Exercises
Practice 3  Packing Documents
  3.1 The Aim of Training
  3.2 A Brief Introduction to Packing Documents
  3.3 Key Points for Producing Packing Documents
  3.4 Exercises
Practice 4  Shipping Booking Note
  4.1 The Aim of Training
  4.2 A Brief Introduction to Shipping Booking Note
  4.3 Key Points for Producing Shipping Booking Note
  4.4 Exercises
Practice 5  Fill in the Inspection and Quarantine Information for Export Goods
  5.1 The Aim of Training
  5.2 A Brief Introduction to Inspection Certificate
  5.3 Key Points for Producing Inspection Certificate
  5.4 Exercises
Practice 6  Fill in Customs Export Declaration From
  6.1 The Aim of Training
  6.2 A Brief Introduction to Customs Export Declaration Form
  6.3 Key Points for Producing Customs Export Declaration Form
  6.4 Exercises
Practice 7  Insurance Documents
  7.1 The Aim of Training
  7.2 A Brief Introduction to Insurance Policy
  7.3 Key Points for Producing Insurance Policy
  7.4 Exercises
Practice 8  Certificate of Origin
  8.1 The Aim of Training
  8.2 A Brief Introduction to Certificate of Origin
  8.3 Key Points for Producing Certificate of Origin
  8.4 Exercises
Practice 9  Ocean Bill of Lading
  9.1 The Aim of Training
  9.2 A Brief Introduction to Ocean Bill of Lading
  9.3 Key Points for Producing Ocean Bill of Lading
Practice 10  Shipping Advice
  10.1 The Aim of Training
  10.2 A Brief Introduction to Shipping Advice
  10.3 Key Points for Producing Shipping Advice
  10.4 Exercises
Practice 11  Various Certificates

  11.1 The Aim of Practice
  11.2 A Brief Introduction to Certificates
  11.3 Key Points for Producing Certificates
  11.4 Exercises
Practice 12  Draft/Bill of Exchange
  12.1 The Aim of Practice
  12.2 A Brief Introduction to Draft/Bill of Exchange
  12.3 Key Points for Producing Draft/Bill of Exchange
  12.4 Exercises
Practice 13  Application for the Issuance of a Letter of Credit
  13.1 The Aim of Training
  13.2 A Brief Introduction to Application for the Issuance of Letter of Credit
  13.3 Key points of filling out Application for issuance of Letter of Credit
  13.4 Exercises
Practice 14  Examine Import and Export Documents
  14.1 The Aim of Training
  14.2 Key Points for Examining Import and Export Documents
  14.3 Exercises
Practice 15  Comprehensive Documents Production
  15.1 The Aim of Training
  15.2 Comprehensive Exercises

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