幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:吳朋|責編:曹雯京
  • 出版社:上海交大
  • ISBN:9787313239242
  • 出版日期:2021/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:214
人民幣:RMB 88 元      售價:


    吳朋,女,上海對外經貿大學教授,畢業於香港中文大學,獲得博士學位。主要研究方向:外語教師專業發展,商務英語教學與研究。近年來在System,Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Educational Studies,《外語界》等國內外期刊發表中英文論文十余篇,聚焦外語教師專業發展和商務英語教師知識體系研究。主持上海市教育科學項目《現代信息技術支撐的高校教師知識體系構建研究》,主持國家一流本科建設子項目《信息時代商務英語教師的知識構架》,參與教育部人文社科、上海市浦江人才計劃和其他省部級科研項目多項。

Chapter One Introduction
  1.1  Statement of problem
  1.2  Theoretical background
  1.3  The contextual background
  1.4  Research questions
  1.5  Significance of the research
  1.6  Overview of the book
Chapter Two Literature Review
  2.1  Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
    2.1.1  PCK research:concepts and models
    2.1.2  Discussion of PCK research
    2.1.3  Examining PCK for BE teaching
  2.2  Teacher collaboration
    2.2.1  Teacher collaboration in the school context
    2.2.2  Individual difference in teacher collaboration
    2.2.3  Teacher collaboration among Chinese BE teachers
  2.3  PCK development through teacher collaboration
    2.3.1  Multiple-factors of PCK development
    2.3.2  Rationale for PCK development through teacher
    2.3.3  Empirical studies on PCK development through teacher
    2.3.4  The research gap
  2.4  Chapter summary
Chapter Three Research Methodology
  3.1  Conceptual framework for the research
    3.1.1  Re-statement of research questions
    3.1.2  Conceptual framework
    3.1.3  Working definition
  3.2  Justification for qualitative multiple-case study
    3.2.1  The research questions
    3.2.2  Epistemology about PCK
    3.2.3  Multiple-case design
  3.3  Research design
    3.3.1  Unit of analysis
    3.3.2  Case selection
    3.3.3  Data collection
    3.3.4  Data analysis
  3.4  Research trustworthiness and research ethics
  3.5  Chapter summary
Chapter Four The Development of the Five PCK Components through
  Teacher Collaboration
  4.1  Collaborative activities among Chinese BE teachers
  4.2  Knowledge of purposes of BE teaching
    4.2.1  Teacher A
    4.2.2  Teacher B
    4.2.3  Teacher C
    4.2.4  Teacher D
    4.2.5  Cross-case analysis
  4.3  Knowledge of students' understanding of BE

    4.3.1  Teacher A
    4.3.2  Teacher B
    4.3.3  Teacher C
    4.3.4  Teacher D
    4.3.5  Cross-case analysis
  4.4  Knowledge of instructional strategies for BE teaching
    4.4.1  Teacher A
    4.4.2  Teacher B
    4.4.3  Teacher C
    4.4.4  Teacher D
    4.4.5  Cross-case analysis
  4.5  Knowledge of BE curriculum
    4.5.1  Teacher A
    4.5.2  Teacher B
    4.5.3  Teacher C
    4.5.4  Teacher D
    4.5.5  Cross-case analysis
  4.6  Knowledge of BE assessment
    4.6.1  Teacher A
    4.6.2  Teacher B
    4.6.3  Teacher C
    4.6.4  Teacher D
    4.6.5  Cross-case analysis
  4.7  Chapter summary
Chapter Five Individual Differences on PCK Development through
  Teacher Collaboration
  5.1  Participation levels in teacher collaboration and PCK develop ment
    5.1.1  The identification of participation level
    5.1.2  PCK development of active participants
    5.1.3  PCK development of a peripheral participant
    5.1.4  Section summary
  5.2  The trajectories of PCK development through teacher collaboration
  The role of teaching experience
    5.2.1  Rocket-up:BE teachers with less than 5-year experience
    5.2.2  Slow pace of development:BE teachers with 5- 10 year experience
    5.2.3  Staying at plateau: a BE teacher with more than 10-year experience
    5.2.4  Section summary
  5.3  Chapter summary
Chapter Six Discussion
  6.1  PCK components and teaching practice
    6.1.1  The two essential PCK components for classroom teaching
    6.1.2  Knowledge of assessment in teaching quality control
    6.1.3  The importance of knowledge of purposes of teaching
    6.1.4  Section summary
  6.2  Individual impetus and social impetus for PCK development
    6.2.1  The interaction between individual impetus and social impetus
    6.2.2  Individual impetus for PCK develooment
    6.2.3  Social impetus for PCK development
    6.2.4  Section summary
  6.3  Chapter summary

Chapter Seven Conclusion
  7.1  Research findings
  7.2  Significance of the research
  7.3  Limitation
  7.4  Direction of further research

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