幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:王文傑//閔雪|責編:崔偉
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302529217
  • 出版日期:2020/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:171
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Part I  Basis of Financial Valuation
  Chapter 1  Introduction to Financial Management
    1.1  Financial Management and Financial Manager
    1.1.1  Financial Management
    1.1.2  Financial Manager
    1.2  Objectives and Functions of Financial Management
    1.2.1  Objectives of Financial Management
    1.2.2  Functions of Financial Management
    1.3  Financial Market and Market Efficiency
    1.3.1  Financial Market
    1.3.2  Market Efficiency
    1.3.3  Degrees of Market Efficiency
    1.4  Agency Relationships
    1.4.1  Agency Problems
    1.4.2  Agency Costs
    1.4.3  Practical Solutions to the Agency Problems
    Questions and Problems
  Chapter 2  Introduction to Financial Statements
    2.1  Financial Statements and Annual Reports
    2.1.1  OverviewofFinancial Statements
    2.1.2  Corporate Annual Reports
    2.2  Analysis of Financial Statements
    2.2.1  The Need for Ratios
    2.2.2  Types of Accounting Ratios
    2.2.3  Users of Ratios
    2.2.4  Categories of Ratio
    Questions and Problems
  Chapter 3  Time Value of Money
    3.1  Value Creation and Corporate Investment
    3.2  Simple and Compound Interest
    3.2.1  Simple Interest
    3.2.2  Compound Interest
    3.3  Future Value and Present Value
    3.3.1  Future Value
    3.3.2  Present Value
    3.3.3  Determining the Rate of Interest
    3.3.4  Annuity
    Questions and Problems
Part II  Capital Budgeting
  Chapter 4  Risk and Return
    4.1  Understanding Return
    4.1.1  Return
    4.1.2  Measuring Return
    4.2  Understanding Risk
    4.2.1  Risk
    4.2.2  Measuring Risk
    4.3  Portfolio Theory
    4.3.1  Basic Assumptions
    4.3.2  Portfolio Return and Risk
    4.3.3  Minimum-Variance and Efficient Frontiers

    4.3.4  The Selection of an Optimal Portfolio
    4.3.5  Systematic Risk and Unsystematic Risk
    4.4  Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
    Questions and Problems
  Chapter 5  Categories of Capital Budgeting Projects
    5.1  Capital Budgeting
    5.2  Project Appraisal
    5.2.1  Categories of Capital Budgeting Projects
    5.2.2  Are Profit Calculations Useful for Estimating Project Viability
    5.2.3  Guidelines for Estimating Project Cash Flows
    5.3  Project Appraisal Rules
    5.3.1  Net Present Value (NPV)
    5.3.2  Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
    5.3.3  Payback Period and Discounted Payback Period
    5.3.4  Accounting Rate of Return
    5.4  The Investment Process
    Questions and Problems
  Chapter 6  Cost of Capital
    6.1  Introduction to the Cost of Capital
    6.1.1  Source of Finance
    6.1.2  What is the Cost of Capital
    6.1.3  General Model to Estimate the Cost of Capital
    6.2  Cost of Debt
    6.3  Cost of Equity
    6.3.1  Cost of Preferred Stock
    6.3.2  Cost of Common Equity
    6.4  Weighted Average Cost of Capital
    6.4.1  What is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital
    6.4.2  Factors Affecting the Weighted Average Cost of Capital
    Questions and Problems
Part III  Financing Decision
  Chapter 7  CapitalStructure
    7.1  Leverage Analysis
    7.1.1  Operating Leverage
    7.1.2  Financial Leverage
    7.1.3  Total Leverage
    7.1.4  Financial Risk and Financial Leverage
    7.2  Capital Structure and Cost of Capital
    7.3  Capital Structure Theory
    7.4  Factors that Influence a Firm's Capital Structure Decision
    7.5  Features of an Optimal Capital Structure
    7.6  Value of a Firm and Cost of Capital
    Questions and Problems
  Chapter 8  Dividend Policy
    8.1  Dividend Payments
    8.1.1  Dividend
    8.1.2  Cash Dividend, Stock Dividend and Stock Split
    8.1.3  Dividends Payment
    8.2  Overview of Dividend Policy
    8.2.1  Factors Affecting Dividend Policy

    8.2.2  Residual Policy
    8.2.3  Constant Dividend Payout Ratio
    8.2.4  Stable Dividend Policy
    8.3  Share Repurchase
    Questions and Problems
Part IV  Valuation
  Chapter 9  Introduction to Asset Valuation
    9.1  Asset Valuation
    9.1.1  Definition of Asset Valuation
    9.1.2  Characteristics of Asset Valuation
    9.2  Assumptions of Asset Valuation
    9.2.1  Open Market Concepts
    9.2.2  Continue to Use Concepts
    9.2.3  Liquidation Concepts
    9.3  Types of Value
    9.3.1  Market Value
    9.3.2  Replacement Cost
    9.3.3  Present Value
    9.3.4  Liquidation Value
    9.4  Procedures of Asset Valuation
    9.5  Approaches of Asset Valuation
    9.5.1  Market Approach
    9.5.2  Income Approach
    9.5.3  Cost Approach
    Questions and Problems
  Chapter 10  Equity & Corporate Valuation
    10.1  Equity Valuation
    10.1.1  Dividends Discount Model
    10.1.2  Free Cash Flow to Equity Discount Model
    10.2  Corporate Valuation
    10.2.1  Free Cash Flow to the Firm Discount Model
    10.2.2  Price-Earnings Ratio
    Questions and Problems
Appendix I  Future Value of $1 at Compound Interest
Appendix II  Present Value of $1 at Compound Interest
Appendix III  Present Value of an Annuity of $1 at Compound Interest
Appendix IV  Future Value of an Annuity of $1 at Compound Interest

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