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  • 作者:He Degui//Yao Guimei//Xu Rong//Wu Xueyan|責編:張冰潔//王玉靜|譯者:楊曉峰//曾阿姍
  • 出版社:中國社科
  • ISBN:9787520368643
  • 出版日期:2020/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:262
人民幣:RMB 88 元      售價:


He Degui//Yao Guimei//Xu Rong//Wu Xueyan|責編:張冰潔//王玉靜|譯者:楊曉峰//曾阿姍

A New Look of Qinling-Bashan Mountainous Regions
  1.1  Bidding Farewell to Poverty:Theory and Practice of Poverty Governance
  1.2  Povertv Reduction and Ecological Conservation in Qinling—Bashan Mountainous Regions
  1.3  Latest Achievements and Highlights of Poverty Alleviation in Qinling—Bashan Mountainous Regions
Chapter l
History of Poverty Reduction and Development of Qinling-Bashan Mountainous Regions
  1.1  The Qinling—Bashan Mountainous Regions with a Long History
  1.2  Development of the Qinling—Bashan Mountainous Regions from the Founding of New China to the Adoption of Reform and Opening—up(1949—1978)
  1.3  Poverty Reduction and Development of Qinling—Bashan Mountainous Regions from the Third P1enary Session of the 11"Central Committee to the 18" CPC National Congress of 1978 to 2012)
  1.4  Endeavor to Get Rid of Poverty and Build a Moderately Prosperous Society in Qinling—Bashan Mountainous Regions since the 18th CPC National Congress
Chapter 2
Poverty Alleviation by Supporting the Industry in Contiguous Areas with Acute Difficulties
  2.1  Anti—poverty Effect and Enlightenment from the "Qinling Herbal Medicine Storeho、use"
  2.2  Walnuts as a Major Anti—poverty IndustrinShangluo City
  2.3  "Little Edible Fungus,Big Industry":Zhashui Path to Poverty Alleviation
  2.4  Povery Alleviation via E—commerce in Shanvang County
  2.5  Exploration of a Comprehensive Approach to Povertv Alleviation via Industrial Development in Chenggu County
  2.6  Practice in Combating Industry&Capital Predicament in Hanyin County
Chapter 3
Relocation from Inhospitable Areas:Cracking Down on the Problem of Living and Employment
  3.1  Shangluo Model of"Precise Relocation,Accurate Measures and Refined Management"for Addressing the Roots of Povertv
  3.2  "Double Demonstration" Cornmunitv in Zhen,an County
  3.3  "Community Factories"for Relocated People in Ankang City
  3.4  Traditional Industries Revitalization and F1exible Employment of Poor Population in Nanzheng County
Chapter 4
Endogenous ImpetUS for Poverty Alleviation through Ambition&Intellectual Enrichment
  4.1  Activation of Endogenous Impetus for Povenv Alleviation in Shiquan County
  4.2  "Love Shops"to Generate Village Cohesiveness in Danfeng County
  4.3  Tailoring Poverty Alleviation to Three Categories of Households in Zhen'an County
  4.4  Mutual Aid and Cooperation to Boost Poverty Alleviation in Liuba County
Chapter 5
Sustainable Development of Poverty-stricken Mountainous
Regions through Ecological Construction
  5.1  Ecology Construction and Development Driven by Poverty Alleviation in Mountainous Regions of Shangluo City
  5.2  Win—win Interaction Between Eco-environment Protection and Poverty Alleviion in Yinghu Town of Hanbin District
  5.3  Turning Ecological Strength into Invaluable Assets through Implementing"Ecological Plus"Anti—poverty Initiatives in Ningshan County
  5.4  Consolidation of Anti—poverty Achievements by Ecological Economy in Xichuan County
Chapter 6
Designated.area Poverty Alleviation:A Campaign to Lift Designated Targets out of Poverty
  6.1  Development of Rural Collective Economy--the Road to Dramatic Change in Meizhuang Village,Wuguan Town.Danfeng County
  6.2  Supporting Leading Enterprises to Achieve Targeted Poverty Alleviation
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