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  • 作者:編者:全國中級導遊等級考試教材編寫組|責編:陳衛偉
  • 出版社:旅遊教育
  • ISBN:9787563741441
  • 出版日期:2020/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:331
人民幣:RMB 42 元      售價:



Unit 1 Confucianism and Daoism
  Text A Confucius and the Analects
  Text B Laozi』s Dao
Unit 2 Chinese Religions
  Text A Religion in China
  Text B Buddhism in China: The History of Development
Unit 3 Chinese Architecture
  Text A Ancient Chinese Architecture
  Text B Fujian Tulou
Unit 4 Chinese Music and Dance
  Text A Traditional Chinese Music Brightens DC
  Text B Chinese Ethnic Minority Folk Dance
Unit 5 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
  Text A Chinese Painting
  Text B Chinese Calligraphy, a Window of the Heart
Unit 6 Chinese Food and Table Manners
  Text A Eight Cuisines of China
  Text B Different Table Manners in China and the West
Unit 7 Chinese Festivals
  Text A The Dragon Boat Festival
  Text B The Romance of the Chinese Lantern Festival
Unit 8 Chinese Costume
  Text A Hanfu: Weaving Pride with Fashion
  Text B Mandarin Buttons Embody Traditional Chinese Culture
Unit 9 Ancient Chinese  Technology
  Text A Four Great Inventions of Ancient China
  Text B Chinese Porcelain
Unit 10 Chinese Kungfu
  Text A Martial Arts
  Text B Tai Chi: A Much-Loved Symbol of China
Unit 11 Chinese Ethnic Groups
  Text A Traditions and Customs of Chinese Ethnic Groups
  Text B Zhuang Ethnic Minority
Unit 12 Chinese Geography and Natural Resources
  Text A Chinese Geography—Location and Topography
  Text B Natural Resources in China
Unit 13 Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage
  Text A Chinese Shadow Puppetry
  Text B Magical Face Changes in Sichuan Opera
Unit 14 Chinese World Cultural Heritage (I)
  Text A Classical Gardens of Suzhou
  Text B Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing
Unit 15 Chinese World Cultural Heritage (II)
  Text A Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu
  Text B Ancient City of Ping Yao, Jinzhong
Unit 16 Chinese World Natural Heritage (I)
  Text A Hubei Shennongjia
  Text B Xinjiang Tianshan
Unit 17 Chinese World Natural Heritage (II).
  Text A Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries--Wolong, Mt Siguniang and Jiajin Mountains

  Text B China Danxia
Unit 18 Chinese Economy
  Text A China's Growing Contribution to World Economy
  Text B China's Booming E-Commerce
Unit 19 China's Development
  Text A From Silk Road to the Belt and Road
  Text B Ushering in the Year of the Monkey at 180 mph on China's Bullet Train
Unit 20 Tourists and Tourism
  Text A Culture and Tourist Behavior
  Text B Importance of Customer Service in Hospitality & Tourism
Keys to Exercises

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